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Thom Yorke losing it?

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Topic: Thom Yorke losing it?
Posted By: krusty
Subject: Thom Yorke losing it?
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 06:48
I don't know if anyone here reads the Radiohead blog at -
but the latest entry by Thom Yorke is quite interesting. As he appears to be going a bit stir crazy whilst working on the next album. To quote :-

"today, myself, i was struggling, feels like we been trapped for a long time.
in la la land. very frustrating. and under pressure now
its so slow.
enough to drive anyone loopy. im supposed to be positive>>
smiling faces for the outside. well im f**king tearing my hair out.
too much at once.
furiously writing, working out parts. cracking up.
not much time left. unshure about everything.
im not supposed to put any of this here. so thats why i am."

Sounds a bit worrying... or maybe just one of those days?

-------------" rel="nofollow - Humanism

Posted By: boo boo
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 07:08

Awesome, Radiohead are always at their best when Thom is in a bad mood.

Seriously, when their new album comes out, i will be the first in line, im a huge Radiohead fan.

Posted By: eddietrooper
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 07:09

Posted By: boo boo
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 07:16
Come to think about it, when is Thom NOT in a bad mood?

Posted By: krusty
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 08:35
^ true!

-------------" rel="nofollow - Humanism

Posted By: Heptade
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 09:04
I like Radiohead a lot, but I've always found Thom's "me so crazy" routine to
be a bit...much. I've seen interviews where he's been quite bushy-tailed,
pleasant and genteel, and I prefer him that way to cracking up.

I too look forward to their next album.

The world keeps spinning, people keep sinning
And all the rest is just bullsh*t
-Steve Kilbey

Posted By: Vompatti
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 10:56
I'm sure he'll get over it. I've heard that making Kid A wasn't too easy for him either, and it turned out to be a great album. I'm really looking forward to their next one.

Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 11:16
I don´t know...but what he wrote may be a lyric of a new song, and he is just measing with´s possible,right?
Either way...I hope it turn´s out to be as good as any of their previous albums!
Anyone knows the name of the album? Has anyone heard something about that?

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: memowakeman
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 14:41

Thom is pretty strange, maybe is one of his strangers days...

i read something about the new album, that in fact will be an album with "b -sides", and some new songs, i read that in but i dont know something more...


Follow me on twitter @memowakeman

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 14:44
Well, I always thought he was a little strange, and to be honest their last three albums were a bit 'too much' for me. There's great moments, but I'd like to hear another album with the same feel as 'Ok Computer' which is a prog classic IMO.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Heptade
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 14:52
Something tells me he's not as weird and crazy as we think. An English
eccentric, perhaps? Like Doctor Who.

The world keeps spinning, people keep sinning
And all the rest is just bullsh*t
-Steve Kilbey

Posted By: Empathy
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 14:52
That's the problem with posting your daily thoughts on a blog when you're a celebrity. When you have a bad and stressful day, and post about it, everyone jumps to the conclusion that you're "losing it".

While I empathize with Thom for being under stress, that's not a bad year. - THIS is a bad year.

Posted By: Faaip_De_Oiad
Date Posted: March 19 2006 at 00:16
hehe i've always found thom being weird and paranoid/crazy i good thing.... so im going to  to this...but.. i also feel bad thom was having a stressful time.


Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: March 19 2006 at 18:07

Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Well, I always thought he was a little strange, and to be honest their last three albums were a bit 'too much' for me. There's great moments, but I'd like to hear another album with the same feel as 'Ok Computer' which is a prog classic IMO.

Amen to that Andy.

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: March 19 2006 at 18:24
The crazier the better!  Think of it like a influence to the album.


Posted By: CryoftheCarrots
Date Posted: March 19 2006 at 18:41

Is Thom Yorke Bi Polar? Sounds like it.No wonder he's so good.

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