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Racist thread - please remove!

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Topic: Racist thread - please remove!
Posted By: Guzzman
Subject: Racist thread - please remove!
Date Posted: March 04 2006 at 04:14
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Posted: March 04 2006 at 10:04 | IP Logged edit_post.asp?M=Q&PID=1883059&TPN=1">Quote Black Gook

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Posted: March 04 2006 at 10:06 | IP Logged edit_post.asp?M=Q&PID=1883062&TPN=1">Quote BaldFriede

This post has to be removed. Goodbye, racist!

Edited by BaldFriede on March 04 2006 at 10:06

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BaldFriede is absolutely right, I think that nobody wants racist threads in PA. It's in the Prog Music Lounge. Let's get rid of it!

"We've got to get in to get out"

Posted By: Witchwoodhermit
Date Posted: March 04 2006 at 04:35
 This idiot needs to be booted.

Here I'm shadowed by a dragon fig tree's fan
ringed by ants and musing over man.

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: March 04 2006 at 05:05

Dealt with.

We do appreciate your concerns, and actions in highlighting this. It is better to provide a link to the offending thread though, rather than repeating it in another thread. That makes it easier for us to ensure that the post has been completely erased from the site.

To those who responded to the offending post. Please do not do so. All you are doing is giving it the oxygen of publicity by placing it back at the top of the forum. A PM to a member of the admin team is a better option.

Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: March 04 2006 at 06:31
You are absolutely right, Easy Livin! I reacted a bit cynical towards that racist but even that is too much attention, I shouldn't have react. You can compare it with pyromaniacs, the more anger and fear, the more pleasure they have. If these poor minds open a thread again, the best way is not to react because then they have to notice that the pages remains empty and they have no reason to 'celebrate'. But not reacting is far from easy I have to admit, you want to do something with your anger  !

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: March 04 2006 at 07:06
Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

Dealt with.

We do appreciate your concerns, and actions in highlighting this. It is better to provide a link to the offending thread though, rather than repeating it in another thread. That makes it easier for us to ensure that the post has been completely erased from the site.

To those who responded to the offending post. Please do not do so. All you are doing is giving it the oxygen of publicity by placing it back at the top of the forum. A PM to a member of the admin team is a better option.

It would be really nice if mailto:M@x - M@x could enable the "report abuse" feature ... any chance for that to happen?

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Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: March 04 2006 at 07:32
What were these rascist remarks about? What was the gist?

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Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: March 04 2006 at 11:39

It was a very childish thread SD, basically seeking the names of bands which did not have any members from a number of named ethnic and religious groups. It was abusive towards those groups.

Mike, the problem with the report abuse button was that only mailto:M@X - M@X and Rony got the reports. As they are not around that much these days, it offered a false sense of security. I asked mailto:M@X - M@X at one stage if the report abuse messages could be posted to a restricted area of the forum, but I think it would involve a fair bit of development work for him.

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