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Lame Threads

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Topic: Lame Threads
Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Subject: Lame Threads
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 17:40
It seems to  me that people are starting threads just for the sake of starting a thread, either they are repetitive or just downright lame.


Posted By: Hierophant
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 17:42
This one is pretty lame too


Posted By: Can-Utility
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 17:47

Rael likes a good time, I like a good rhyme.

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 17:47
I think you proved your own point.

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 17:51
VB makes a good point though. I agree with him.

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Posted By: eugene
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 18:18

So what??

Do you have any bright suggestions? Or do you want some actions to be taken against all those bad people starting stupid threads? Or is it just a pure observation? In the later case - this is brilliant observation, and you are damn right, but I am not sure what we gonna do with it. It's pretty useless, I think. 


Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 18:33

I don't think that they're making them just for the sake of making threads, but yes, many threads nowadays are repeated, boring and uninspired.

But hew do you suggest we correct this with so many new members, mostly new to prog, register? It's a natural thing to happen.

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Posted By: ChadFromCanada
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 18:43
I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's my impression of a bunny with a pancake on its head:


Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 18:44

Early 2004 I joined Prog Archives, after one year I started to read the Forum but since a few months it IS repetetive, in my opinion this is due to:

1) the increasing popularity of Prog Archives: every two of trhee months new progheads discover PA ans started their topics about .. The Lamb, Supper's Ready, the best ELP, etc.

2) it's a perfect way to get attention or to share your enthousiasm, I often got the idea that the topic is less important than the attention it delivers

3) it's very low level, every proghead with or without a criminal record  can enter the Forum

For me it's still fun, I search for the most interesting topics (Genesis, Mellotron, recommendations) but it's less adventurous and exciting than, let's say, a year ago.

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 18:46
I never said  I had a solution to the problem. I was just making an observation and there are at least a few of you out there who would agree with me.


Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 19:00
I agree with this. Though it will never be stopped so the only thing you can do is complain...which i guess is what were doing

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I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: March 02 2006 at 03:01

Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

I never said  I had a solution to the problem. I was just making an observation and there are at least a few of you out there who would agree with me.

Hi Ian,

Nice to see you around after a small sabbatical

Yes things have not changed that much and most of the threads are rather tedious in the level of discussions

three main categories :

- X Vs Y , please choose

- My X tastes (I am better than you) are better than your Y tastes (you stink)

- Please confirm that my tastes are the best by checking if my list is perfect or not

other faves:

-X sucks

-I need recommendations (why is the database and reviews if you still need recommendations)

- meaning of Supper's Ready or the Lamb or Tales



As soon as there is a thread that is about to go further in details of a band's works, much too few participants


So yes, working for upping the level of the forum is an everyday job, and I wish I had more ideas: I create threads once in a while but they never amount to what I wish they would.

It is always surprising tosee how some threads that seem to me anyway,  very low level can last up to ten pages, while when a good thread where it requires a bit of reflection and searching struggles to three pages.

Another thing of course ios the repetition of threads, one gets bored of writing over and over the same things, so he lets it go and gets depressed

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Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: March 02 2006 at 05:57
Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

-I need recommendations (why is the database and reviews if you still need recommendations)

Agreed - recommendations threads should be closed if the question is implicitly answered by the reviews. Unless someone has a very specific question, I see no point in making the others divert their "energy" from the reviews to these threads.

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Posted By: Bob Greece
Date Posted: March 02 2006 at 06:37

I suggest that a quality control board is set up by the collaborators. Then every proposed thread would need to have the authorisation of 3 collaborators. Or we could rate the threads and if the rating of a thread goes below a threshold it dies.

I know many threads are a bit lame but I can't think of any better myself so I don't complain about it.


Posted By: Bob Greece
Date Posted: March 02 2006 at 06:37
This thread is overrated.


Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: March 02 2006 at 06:56
Originally posted by Bob Greece Bob Greece wrote:

I suggest that a quality control board is set up by the collaborators. Then every proposed thread would need to have the authorisation of 3 collaborators. Or we could rate the threads and if the rating of a thread goes below a threshold it dies.

I know many threads are a bit lame but I can't think of any better myself so I don't complain about it.

Or an administrator simply closes the thread.

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Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: March 02 2006 at 07:09
Originally posted by Bob Greece Bob Greece wrote:

I suggest that a quality control board is set up by the collaborators. Then every proposed thread would need to have the authorisation of 3 collaborators. Or we could rate the threads and if the rating of a thread goes below a threshold it dies.

I know many threads are a bit lame but I can't think of any better myself so I don't complain about it.

the easiest way to fight mediocrity and lame thread is to create more valuable threads

And the ones complaining about it might just be the ones who should start

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: March 02 2006 at 22:22
I find the best threads are where one member finds an interesting fact or trivia thing on some artist, and we get on talking about it. I like those.

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Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: March 03 2006 at 03:14

Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

It seems to  me that people are starting threads just for the sake of starting a thread, either they are repetitive or just downright lame.

You started a duplicate a thread a few days ago  of a Rammstein thread that you had created earlier this month.


Posted By: Moogtron III
Date Posted: March 03 2006 at 03:48

Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

I never said  I had a solution to the problem. I was just making an observation and there are at least a few of you out there who would agree with me.

I do too, and I think a lot of people. Whatever the time when you join, after a while it does get repetitive. I'm almost a year on the site now, and at first I replied on a lot of threads, after a while I only pick out the ones that relally stand out, and I get the impression that I'm not the only one who acts like that.

Posted By: avestin
Date Posted: March 03 2006 at 05:41

Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

It seems to  me that people are starting threads just for the sake of starting a thread, either they are repetitive or just downright lame.

I'm sorry, I'll stop it at once!

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