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Prog at your school/work

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Prog at your school/work
Posted By: tanis573
Subject: Prog at your school/work
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 18:22

Do you know anyone at your school/work that listens to prog?  I only know a couple of people at my school that listen to prog, such as Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, and Yes.  Of course my school also has the posers who wear Pink Floyd shirts, but can't name more than 3 of their albums. 

Sometimes it's lonely being the only IQ fan in my school.   

Posted By: Bern
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 18:31
I know a lot of people who listen to prog music in my school. Of course, there are a lot of people wearing those Pink Floyd t-shirts without knowing about them. Pink Floyd is cool dude These guys make me sick. Anyway, there are some real prog fan. We can even hear a lot of prog on the school radio!

 I also forced one or two of my friends to like prog  They don't regret it at all though.


RIP in bossa nova heaven.

Posted By: Em1ty
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 18:58
Originally posted by Bern Bern wrote:

I know a lot of people who listen to prog music in my school. Of course, there are a lot of people wearing those Pink Floyd t-shirts without knowing about them. Pink Floyd is cool dude These guys make me sick. Anyway, there are some real prog fan. We can even hear a lot of prog on the school radio!

 I also forced one or two of my friends to like prog  They don't regret it at all though.

Yeah, if you want that people like the same thing than you, you have to make them discover the beauty of prog . I think I did the same bringing a good friend of mine to a Musical Box show, I think it's the starting point of a looooooooong passion for prog. Maybe I'm wrong... he was listening to Pink Floyd way before I meet him so he would have discover that kind of music anyway, probably ....

In an other way, I dont give a sh** about the people around me, at school, they like songs I don't and they have te right to hate my music. I wont change my mind about what I like if nobody likes what is listen to. I don't want to see everybody wearing prog band t-shirt just because it's cool... I think it is a good think that prog isn't too popular.

Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 19:34
The only people who like prog are the ones that I have introduced them to prog. I still haven't seen a prog rocker in school that know a prog band that I've never introduced them to. Except a friend of mine who discovered Rush and Pink Floyd by the help of his uncle, but now is my turn to mess up with his mind


Posted By: aapatsos
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 19:37
in this university I feel noone heres to prog, only to some Brit pop-rock crap

Posted By: Asyte2c00
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 20:05

Im a junior at my school, and there are some people (roughly four of them) who seriously listen to prog, in addiiton to other genres of music.  In fact, they are the one's who introduced me to Porcupine tree and King Crimson, and good music for that matter.  These are the people who truly "know" music at my school.  For instance, i spent one of my journalism clases talking about King Crimson's Discipline for 40 minutes, the lyrics, the stories behind the songs, the memebers, and the lyrics.  Also, we talk about the Doors, Eno, Faust, Can, Gentle Giant, caravan. Yes, ELP, Camel, Opeth, and Porcupine Tree.  Its the depth of knowledge they have on these bands that make the discussions intriguing.  Im fortunate to have peeple outside this forum to talk about prog music. 



Posted By: FragileDT
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 20:20
Not many at my school.

One likes to believe
In the freedom of music
But glittering prizes
And endless Compromises
Shatter the illusion
Of integrity

Posted By: Viajero Astral
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 20:25
In my classroom they are like 4 people that listen Pink Floyd, and one of these 4 Im geting him into some prog, he like's Dream Theater, Tool, The Mars Volta, Pink Floyd and some easy stuff, but this can be take a long time.

Wen I get into prog, its take me like an half mont.


Posted By: stan the man
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 20:28

i know one or two kids who like jethro tull and countless pink floyd fans though tanis said they probibly couldnt name 3 albums other than dark side or the wall.  some kids like rush but thats basically it.  i think i am the only kid in my school who knows that there is a genre called progressive rock.  i am kind of converting one of my friends to prog.  he already likes tull, floyd and stuff like that. 

true as a lobster in a pteredaktyl's underpants.

Posted By: Arnold Layne
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 20:32

i dont know anyone who listens to prog, i do have a buddy that listens to opeth and a couple that listen to pink floyd but thats about it. im going to give a friend some cds tomorrow though and hopefully get him to listen to prog


Posted By: Rust
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 20:33
I know a few people that sometimes listen to other stuff than contemporary, or is on the radio. Let me tell you, for those of you who don't know, some kids that listen to prog can be so annoying and wierd, but hey, isn't most of our music the same? I still except them and talk to them, even though it's obvious the few at my school who listen to prog alot are nerds.

We got to pump the stuff to make us tough
from the heart
Its astart
What we need is awareness we cant get careless
Mental self defensive fitness
Make everybody see in order to fight the powers that be

Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 20:52

Nope, NO ONE.  People here are for some reason very boring. Punks and rappers, a couple classic rock fans Saw a Tool stirt once, but that's it.

Everyone seems to be a fan of video games and stupid modern TV, I don't care for either.

Thus, I like my forum friends by far more than my classmates.

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: walrus333
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 21:48
I have 2 friends who being metalheads like prog-metal. One of them likes the bigger prog rock bands like Jethro Tull, Genesis, Yes, ELP and KC. I also know a girl who likes some of the modern prog stuff such as TMV, GSYBE so considering I go to a school with only about 300 people id say theres a good prog "scene" at my school.

If anyone knows where I can get a copy of some Flute and Voice (Indo-Prog/Raga Rock) albums please PM me! Many thanks!

Posted By: agaric
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 22:05
I go to a tiny high school, an most everyone listens to the same things. We have the typical Pink Floyd T-Shirt wearers (One of them criticized ME for wearing a Pink Floyd shirt....), as well as classic rock fans(Kansas and Queen are very popular here, if that's any different), as well as skater punk, etc. There are also a lot of people that like Euro-Pop. My friends mostly listen to punk, but one of them turned me on to Led Zeppelin, which in turn led me to Prog. I'd say the stoners in my class have the best taste in music. One even loves Jethro Tull, but I haven't approached him about it.

Posted By: Vompatti
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 04:44
I only know one. She listens to Jethro Tull and Yes.

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 05:28

I dont know anyone at my workplace that likes prog..

My boss once told me he was Jan Ackerman fan, but the other day he commented on my Yes wallpaper, saying 'Mmm, concept rock, hey? ...oh dear' before leaving the room chuckling...

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 06:47

In the early Eighties we started with 2 Marillion fans, one year later we went with 10 collagues to Marillion their Micplaced Childhood tour, they were hot in those days and I don't mean because of the tearjerking Kayleigh  ..!

At this moment I work with many people between 30 and 50 years old and most of them love the music from the Sixties and Seventies. But I cannot say that the recent progrock (like Porcupine Tree, Spock's Beard, The Flower Kings, etc.) is very known, it seems to be a small world of its own although it is better appreciated than 10 years ago I notice, thanks to specialized sites like Prog Archives where progheads gather, chat and share their enthousiasm for progrock.

Posted By: Tony Fisher
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 06:54

Member Cygnus X1 is one of my students and heroically leads a diehard group of prog fans who listen to Rush, Floyd, Yes, Camel, Tull, Genesis and others on the common room stereo. each day. They fight off the townies who want rap, dance and trance sh*te on it, and regale us with epics like Supper's Ready, Close to the Edge and Lady Fantasy.

They're off to see Tull in Hull next week.

So yes, prog is alive and well in my school.

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 07:05
Originally posted by Tony Fisher Tony Fisher wrote:

Member Cygnus X1 is one of my students and heroically leads a diehard group of prog fans who listen to Rush, Floyd, Yes, Camel, Tull, Genesis and others on the common room stereo. each day. They fight off the townies who want rap, dance and trance sh*te on it, and regale us with epics like Supper's Ready, Close to the Edge and Lady Fantasy.

They're off to see Tull in Hull next week.

So yes, prog is alive and well in my school.

Damn I wish there was someone like that in my school, I had to put up with the usuall crap on the readio before that was taken away.

My flat mates here at uni dont mind my prog but I wouldnt call them fans of it. 

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 07:21
Nobody here at work.

The young in my team have atrocious tastes... (Ramnstein)

Posted By: Lindsay Lohan
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 08:12

Nope i know nobody that is into prog

------------- - [IMG - -

Posted By: Gary the Ghoul
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 09:19
just me and my best mate

Posted By: Ounamahl
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 09:27
Not in my school (none that I know). But I've tried to get few friends into prog. Played Close To The Edge and some Rush to them. Actually I heard Kate Bush in the radio today morning :D but I don't know who it was, who put it.
- No success anyway, yet.

This is an electrified fairytale

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 10:23
When I was in hogh school and university every one would say that oh yeah Ian listens to all that wierd s***. I`m not talking the mainstream stuff like Yes Genesis Pink Floyd or Jethro Tull because they were pretty popular. I had a friend who was a DJ at my Cegep ( college in the Province of Quebec, Canada ) and he let me do a show. So I brought in a stack of my progressive rock albums stuff like Grobschnitt, Midnight Sun, Flo de Cologne, Flash, Nue!, Octopus, Gentle Giant, Guru Guru etc. and everyone who was listening thought I was a nut. As for work, I work for myself and listen to music while I work at home. My dogs are usually by my side so I guess you could say my dogs listen to progressive rock. My wife has a doctorate degree in music and likes alot of the stuff I  listen to and she even wrote a Gentle Giant review for this site.


Posted By: Drew
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 11:17
My fellow employee listens to Dream Theater, Rush, OSI, Porcupine Tree and some others. Its nice- he's about my age, and aslo into sports and beer like myself.


Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 13:21

Originally posted by Drew Drew wrote:

My fellow employee listens to Dream Theater, Rush, OSI, Porcupine Tree and some others. Its nice- he's about my age, and aslo into sports and beer like myself.

Maybe you have a clone

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: lunaticviolist
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 13:52
I only know one guy at my school who likes prog.  Other people I know like at least one prog band but don't like prog.  One guy listens to Dream Theater, the other listens to Floyd.  I've been doing my best to expand their horizons, but I'm doing it slowly.

My recent purchases:

Posted By: Suki
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 14:35

In my school, instead of posers wearing Pink Floyd shirts you'll find metalheads wearing Slipknot\System of a Down etc. shirts.

I ain't too familiar with people who like prog and are regular listeners, but I know some people who like Genesis, Pink Floyd and queen. I still haven't met anyone (besides one guy) who actually hears more than that (excluding the Progressive Metal genre, as many seem to like Dream Theater here). Oh, and there is also this one guy I'm guiding to prog.

All in all, I am not too worried. I have lots of people around my school I can talk with, even if they aren't prog-experts and have the same love towards prog as I have. I can still talk to my friends who are more into Jazz and still enjoy the musical conversation and here and there I always find people who know little bits about prog that will keep the conversation interesting.


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