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I wish...

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Music Lounge
Forum Description: General progressive music discussions
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Topic: I wish...
Posted By: DualXP
Subject: I wish...
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 22:12

i grew up in the 70's in would be so much tighter

instead i'm stuck in a crib where everyone loves fallout boy and rap music....its hard to relate with my peer group that listen to this garbage....i f**king love music more than life and just can't relate with these morons...i mean what up

so i guess what i'm trying to say is Whats your guys' favorite Bill Bruford moment?

If I had a puppy I would name it Tessa so it would cooperate well.

Posted By: transend
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 22:24
On a live version of 'Easy money' where just before the mellow section he goes nuts and does this insane fill that does NOT fit the first time you hear it, then after a couple of listens you can't wait to get to that part of the song!!!

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: February 27 2006 at 08:30

Dual XP....

Please do me a favor and read the forum rules and guidelines written by Easy Livin before you post again.


Posted By: eugene
Date Posted: February 27 2006 at 08:45

I think the core of his message is about favourite moment in Bill Bruford's music

So i do not understand why topic has got moved into non-music section of forum

Any reasonable explanation, Mr. TheProgtologist???


Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: February 27 2006 at 09:01
Originally posted by eugene eugene wrote:

I think the core of his message is about favourite moment in Bill Bruford's music

So i do not understand why topic has got moved into non-music section of forum

Any reasonable explanation, Mr. TheProgtologist???

To tell you the truth I might have made a mistake in moving this thread.

I will move it back to the Lounge.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: February 27 2006 at 09:17
what up ?

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: February 27 2006 at 09:19
Clouds? Ozone layer?

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Tool/Rush/Mars
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 14:01
sell england by the pound

Posted By: memowakeman
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 14:02


Follow me on twitter @memowakeman

Posted By: Ed_The_Dead
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 14:17
yeah... right... its all clear... this will get closed quite quickly


Posted By: memowakeman
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 14:19
Ed .. i think youre right


Follow me on twitter @memowakeman

Posted By: adamw
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 14:57
OMG, of Bill Brudford? There are hundreds of them! Probably "One more red nightmare" intro riff & drums section, but the following also. Also "indsicipline"... And many more of his KC work (I don't like his Yes-era that much)

Posted By: Moogtron III
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 15:17
I love the drums in Heart Of The Sunrise, at the beginning, where all the instruments accumulate and the tension is mounting. Well, you know what I mean... In hope  . Bill is doing great things with his drums.

Posted By: Jeremy Bender
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 16:03

Me and Master Bill(after a Earthworks gig in Maastricht)

Favorite BB moment: Heart Of The Sunrise


Posted By: Tool/Rush/Mars
Date Posted: March 01 2006 at 16:06

Every bruford moment is pretty excellent

Posted By: DualXP
Date Posted: March 07 2006 at 00:19
bumper cars are tight

If I had a puppy I would name it Tessa so it would cooperate well.

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: March 07 2006 at 00:54

I wish I would have been born in 1984......I would be 20 years younger.



Posted By: nobody
Date Posted: March 07 2006 at 04:26

My top 10 BB moments:

1.The section of Heart of the Sunrise after the opening part, when all the instruments come out and Chris Squire's bass introduces the big build up back to the opening riff with those 8 notes.  On the 8th one BB hits the downbeat, and that my friends is THE FUNKIEST MOMENT IN ALL OF PROG.  The groove that commences there is about as funky as spotty white boys can get whilst still remaining true to their nerdy, esoterically prog values.

2. In the KC improv on SaBB called We'll Let You Know, the way he implies the funk without really hitting the one, and then releases all the tension with that batteriing-ram snare fill and exploding crash.

3.The cascading electro-toms riff that introduces Indiscipline, and the inside/outside playing he does in the subsequent parts of that song where Belew is talking.

4. The slit-drum part that is the constant pulse of the 8+ minutes of boundless, transcendent ecstasy known as The Sheltering Sky.

5. The beautiful doubling of the melodic line on tuned percussion in the fanfare section of Fracture.

6. The simultaneous ferocity and sympathy exhibited on the KC improv from USA called Asbury Park, especially the way the pocket he and Wetton establish enables Fripp to go to that screaming, special place.

7. The drum duet with Phil Collins on the Seconds Out version of The Cinema Show.

8. The awesome start-stop riff he plays in the head of the Bruford/Moraz tune Split Seconds.

9.The slammin' phat backing he provides on my all-time favorite Gong song, You Can't Kill Me, from the bootleg of Rotterdam, Holland, 7 Dec 1974.

10. The total, perfect, and utterly necessary silence he contributes to what is perhaps the greatest KC improv, Trio from SaBB, proving once and for all that it ain't what you play, it's what you have the sense and the taste not to.  Admirable restraint, indeed.

There are many more, but let's leave it at that and say that if the last sound I hear on Earth is the distinctive, instantly recognizable thud of BB's snare, then I shall have died a happy man.

"Some of you are going to die... martyrs, of course, to the Freedom I will provide!"

Posted By: darren
Date Posted: March 07 2006 at 06:14

Be glad you weren't around in the 70's. It wasn't the prog utopea you dream of. If you were living then, you'd be complaining that those around you would be listening to stuff like Donny and Marie, The Bay City Rollers, Leaf Garret and Shaun Cassidy. (I suspect you might have to run an internet search for some of those names.) Or you'd be in the middle of the punk movement, not that that in itself would be bad but part of punk came from the economic situation of the time. Sure, there was a lot of prog but it was called "art rock" back then. Most who listened to it didn't really apreciate it for it's musical qualities, other than it was "cool to listen to while you're stoned".

Oh, and my favourite Bruford moment (it constantly changes) is his work on Tony Levin's World Diary cd.

"they locked up a man who wanted to rule the world.
the fools
they locked up the wrong man."
- Leonard Cohen

Posted By: Evolver
Date Posted: March 07 2006 at 09:06

I'll second "One More Red Nightmare".  Bruford is incredible on that track.


Also, his Live solos with Tony Levin during KC and ABWH shows.

Trust me. I know what I'm doing.

Posted By: DualXP
Date Posted: March 07 2006 at 14:28

whats your favorite big bruford rally's hamburger?


If I had a puppy I would name it Tessa so it would cooperate well.

Posted By: Tool/Rush/Mars
Date Posted: March 14 2006 at 14:31
grinding to heart of the sunrise by yes changed my life

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