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most exquisite album cover art ever

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Topic: most exquisite album cover art ever
Posted By: BaldJean
Subject: most exquisite album cover art ever
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 11:53
I'd like to present the (in my opinion) most exquisite album cover art of all times:

this album cover is 51 cm (approximately 20 inches) high and made of wood. only 1000 of it were ever made. it is a self-portrait of Chris Karrer for his album "The Mask". as you can see the album comes with a certificate; the one in the pic is number 196


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 11:58

Album cover

That's my favourite album cover

I wonder BaldJean, Was more time spent designing that cover art than making the actual album?!

My computer's broke

Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 12:04
the album is a live album, so probably yes


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: avestin
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 12:05
I'm impressed. Evidently priceless...

-------------" rel="nofollow - Hanging Sounds" rel="nofollow - PA Index of prog music vendors

Posted By: Vompatti
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 13:40
That's very cool, but wouldn't fit in my cd shelf. I suppose it can be hung on a wall? 

Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 13:48
I wonder how much would it cost


Posted By: walrus333
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 14:10


My favorite is Space Ritual, not for the obvious reason though its just a cool picture.

If anyone knows where I can get a copy of some Flute and Voice (Indo-Prog/Raga Rock) albums please PM me! Many thanks!

Posted By: stan the man
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 18:27
wow thats beautyful.  but my favourite cover is FOX TROT and PAWN HEARTS

true as a lobster in a pteredaktyl's underpants.

Posted By: Duncan
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 18:42
Hah, that's gaudy as hell.

Extremely cool? Yes. Exquisite? Um.

Posted By: Space Chief
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 18:51


Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 19:10
Originally posted by Duncan Duncan wrote:

Hah, that's gaudy as hell.

Extremely cool? Yes. Exquisite? Um.

when I talk of "exquisite" I refer to more than the mere painting. for one thing, that cover is made of wood!


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: Viajero Astral
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 19:30
Originally posted by BaldJean BaldJean wrote:

I'd like to present the (in my opinion) most exquisite album cover art of all times:

this album cover is 51 cm (approximately 20 inches) high and made of wood. only 1000 of it were ever made. it is a self-portrait of Chris Karrer for his album "The Mask". as you can see the album comes with a certificate; the one in the pic is number 196

Wow thats very cool.

Almost all of the prog covers are excelents, one of my favourites is the Relayer cover, also ITCOTCK, The Lamb and the entire artwork of The Wall.


Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 20:21
Anything by Hypsonis is great...the Floyd covers are all great...though probably one of my favorite is Pulse (which I don´t believe is from Hypnosis)...although I don´t like the album!

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: The Ryan
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 22:46
Close To The Edge.

Posted By: Em1ty
Date Posted: February 26 2006 at 22:58
Probably most of the Yes covers and some of the Genesis' too... those like trick of the tale and foxtrot and nursery crime are nice !

Posted By: NetsNJFan
Date Posted: February 27 2006 at 10:26

^ thats the biggest sig I've ever seen


Joined: October 23 2004
Location: United Kingdom
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Posts: 51

Duncan great Sig love that Genesis show!

As for that album cover, very tacky.


Posted By: hey_timj
Date Posted: February 27 2006 at 11:49
This is really funny. /

The one for Pantera's "Metal Magic" had me rolling. I don't know how this
will go over on PA since they stick it to Genesis a few times.

Posted By: Hesselius
Date Posted: February 27 2006 at 12:45
That cover is absolutely amazing, BaldJean

One cover that I like a lot is "Hard Rope & Silken Twine" by The Incredible
String Band (not exactly prog); and also "Blues for Allah" and "Aoxomoxoa"
by The Gateful Death.

And on the prog side, almost all Roger Dean covers, specially the ones for

This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper

Posted By: Viajero Astral
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 00:21
Originally posted by hey_timj hey_timj wrote:

This is really funny. /

The one for Pantera's "Metal Magic" had me rolling. I don't know how this
will go over on PA since they stick it to Genesis a few times.

WHAT? Why they have Foxtrot as a bad cover album?


Posted By: Prog-man
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 00:41




Arriving somewhere but not here

Posted By: proger
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 12:53
gryphon- Red Queen to Gryphon Three, Gryphon.
VDGG-pawn hearts

------------- for tomorrow...

Posted By: Gary the Ghoul
Date Posted: February 28 2006 at 16:30
Iron Maiden have pretty good covers
And everything made by Andy Warhol

Posted By: Firepuck
Date Posted: March 03 2006 at 15:23

My first post.

To date myself I am fast approaching the big five o. I have been an almost daily visitor to this site for the past year and I must say that it has resparked my musical exploration into the wonderful world of progressive rock. I have always loved the music I grew up with - all that great 70's progressive rock. What a decade it was for exploring new sounds! Of my collection of approximately 1500 albums, I would bet that 1000+ could be found on this web site. The other 500 would be a mix of rock and blues, with a handful of classical and jazz records and the odd bluegrass record thrown in - oh, and two Cheech and Chong records to round out the set - it was the 70's after all!

When I was a young man I used to decorate my walls with album covers. I would use scotch tape and paper clips and create holders for my 'wall art'. Using paper clips like this allowed me to regularily (sometimes daily) change my wall, putting up my newest covers, rearranging my favourites or just what I was into listening to that week. It was sooo cool.

That to me has always been the bane of the CD. It is, by it's very nature, too small.

But records?! Man I loved my records. I loved the tactile feel of the album cover and the record itself. I loved the size of the artwork. I loved the way many unique album covers were created. I loved putting the record on the turntable and the subtle art of being able to drop the needle gently into the groove between songs...

And I loved the artwork - it was all amazing to me. And not only was progressive rock the best music out there, it had by far the best artwork - IMHO.

(I still put album covers up in my office - my wife is convinced I'm more than a little crazy)

So before I pick I would like to thank progarchives for helping me discover the new progressive bands. My CD collection has recently past the 400 mark, and these are not copies of my albums, I still play those on my turntable and listen to my old TDK cassette recordings of those records in the car.

Perhaps it was because I was a hot-blooded teenager, or maybe it was when I learnt that there was a big difference in not only quality in 'imports', or maybe because the cover was so hard to find in Canada and it alway got comments from my friends (it hung on my wall quite a bit), but this and those racy Roxy Music imports got my young blood going!">Moontan -- album cover


Kryten : "'Pub'? Ah yes, A meeting place where humans attempt to achieve advanced states of mental incompetence by the repeated consumption of fermented vegetable drinks."

Posted By: LordOfTheRings
Date Posted: March 03 2006 at 15:33

Originally posted by BaldJean BaldJean wrote:

I'd like to present the (in my opinion) most exquisite album cover art of all times:

this album cover is 51 cm (approximately 20 inches) high and made of wood. only 1000 of it were ever made. it is a self-portrait of Chris Karrer for his album "The Mask". as you can see the album comes with a certificate; the one in the pic is number 196



this one is stupid design



pink floyd covers are great

Posted By: Asyte2c00
Date Posted: March 03 2006 at 15:50

Originally posted by stan the man stan the man wrote:

wow thats beautyful.  but my favourite cover is FOX TROT and PAWN HEARTS


^^^^I dislike the cover art to pawn hearts. 

My favorite cover arts are  by prog bands



Least We Could Do is Wave to Each Other-VDGG

Scheherezade and Other Stories-Renaissance

The Visitor-Arena

Deadwing-Porcupine Tree

Unfold the Fututre-Flower Kings



Nursery Cryme-Genesis

Voyage of the Acolyte-Steve Hackett



among others...


Posted By: anael
Date Posted: March 11 2006 at 15:18
Originally posted by el böthy el böthy wrote:

Anything by Hypsonis is great...the Floyd covers are all great...though probably one of my favorite is Pulse (which I don´t believe is from Hypnosis)...although I don´t like the album!

Actually is Hipgnosis. And I agree with you Storm Thorgerson Rules! mine is Animals.


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