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R30 easter eggs

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Topic: R30 easter eggs
Posted By: thanos
Subject: R30 easter eggs
Date Posted: February 04 2006 at 19:12

does anybody know where the R30 easter eggs are??????i tried to find them but i couldnt

in - it says that you should think dates.1.start date and of concert

if anybody finds anything please tell

for any comments:[email protected]

Posted By: infinite adam
Date Posted: February 04 2006 at 19:59

I found 2 or 3 on the interview disc.  I can't remember exactly what screens they are in off the top of my head, but you should be able to find them pretty easily.  Just move your arrow keys (up, down, left, right) around within the different menu screens.  You'll find that after doing this the right way, a new link will appear.  In one of the screens it is the silhoutte of a man that lights up.

I'll make a point of looking at my dvd this weekend and get back to you.

------------- - melodic progressive rock

Posted By: thanos
Date Posted: February 04 2006 at 20:09

for any comments:[email protected]

Posted By: Laurent
Date Posted: February 04 2006 at 20:25
I only found 2(They're really nothing special). Are there supposed to be more?.


Posted By: thanos
Date Posted: February 05 2006 at 17:01
i found them too?they have no music and they are too short.i hore there are more

for any comments:[email protected]

Posted By: thanos
Date Posted: February 09 2006 at 04:28
i hope there are more...

for any comments:[email protected]

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: February 09 2006 at 05:13
^You can edit your post rather than make a new one!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: February 09 2006 at 09:49
Here are a few hints (courtesy of

Here's how to find the easter eggs on r30. I summarized this info from several sources on the net. There are just 2 eggs and they're both on Disc 2. Disc 1 is just the concert with no easter eggs.

Egg #1: From disc 2's opening menu, hit the 'Right' arrow key on your remote three times. The menu will reload with a new item, Rush Hits St. John's. Select the item to view the clip.

Egg #2: From disc 2's opening menu, go to the Interviews section. Once there, highlight the menu entry Interviews and Anthem Vault and then click the 'Right' arrow on your remote three times. The guy with the broom on the left of the screen will highlight yellow. Press the 'Enter' key on your remote and you will see Alex's Interview for Artist of the Decade.

On another note, the Rush official site has this to say:

There are 2 Easter Eggs to be found, "Think dates"
1. date of concert
2. start date

... nobody seems to know what this means or how this is supposed to help at all. :) If you do, let me know.

I believe that when they say 'Think dates' I think they mean typing in 2112

I hope this is of use.

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

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