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How did u 1st hear your favourite bands?

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: How did u 1st hear your favourite bands?
Posted By: Bob Greece
Subject: How did u 1st hear your favourite bands?
Date Posted: January 20 2006 at 10:29

How did you first hear your favourite bands?

Sorry if this has been done before but I wasn't able to find anything similar using the search.


Posted By: Bob Greece
Date Posted: January 20 2006 at 10:34

Me first!

  • Ozric Tentacles - a friend lent me a tape
  • Hawkwind, Rush and Jethro Tull - Friday Rock Show on BBC Radio 1
  • Dream Theater - they got a sl*gging off in Metal Hammer magazine but they sounded interesting so I thought I'd give them a try and bought a CD of theirs from a second hand shop without having heard them
  • Yes - friends had tapes of theirs when I was in school
  • Killing Joke - their single 'Love Like Blood' on the radio
  • Marillion - the single "Assassin" was played on the radio in the eigthies
  • Genesis - I borrowed LPs of theirs from the library
  • Derek Sherinian - Prog Archives!



Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: January 20 2006 at 11:08

I play the guitar, right? This is something elemental to understand how I got to know my two favorite bands.

First Led Zeppelin. Back when I was about 14-15 I was very much into Guns n Roses and specially in Slash playing. My former guitar teacher asked me if I knew the "fathers" of GnR. What? the fathers? "Led Zeppelin" he said, gave me IV and said "this album contains the best song ever" at first sight.

Then when I was 16, and much into the guitar hero rock (Zeppelin, Purple, GnR, Maiden) I bought a Rolling Stone magazine which had an articul about the "100 best rock guitarist" with Jimi Hendrix in the cover. First of all I must say that articul was very bad done, leaving out peolpe like Slash, Vai, Satriani, gary Moore and others and putting people like Johny Ramone and Kurt Cobain in very high positions. Well, the thing is that in number 40-something was a guitarist and a picture about him. The guy had a les Paul (my favorite guitar) and ...sat in a concert...he looked very intelectual and calm while playing...interestng I thought. Then I read what it said about him, how he was the most important guitarist of the progressive genre (progressive...whats that I thought) and how he was one guitarist who played completly different from everyone else...I got very interested! Every guitarist came with a song where you could hear his "best" job on the guitar. This song was 21st century schizoid man. I got so interested that the next days I went to a shop hoping to find an album of this band, that I had never hear of. Well there was this album, with this song...and the cover was the stranges thing...I horrified face!...Well, I bought the album...Till this day "In the Court of the Crimson King " is my favorite album!

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: Peter
Date Posted: January 20 2006 at 11:09
radio 4 me

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.

Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: January 20 2006 at 11:25

Yes - My dad had Going for the One and Close to the Edge on vinyl, and I took them out one day and soon found myself strangely drawn back...

Led Zeppelin - Again my dads records. Led Zeppelin IV, 8 songs, none of them sound remotely the same...

Those are the two most important bands in my life but some come close Pink Floyd, Genesis, Beck, ELP etc. And maybe Zappa now


My computer's broke

Posted By: Harold Dupont
Date Posted: January 20 2006 at 12:29
Before to know prog, I loved rock, like Led Zep, Jimi Hendrix, Deep Purple, Queen.....  I looked on internet to find a top 100 guitar solos, just for fun, and I fell on an official one at -   First, I loved Stairway to Heaven, like every rock listener.  Then, Van Halen's Eruption was already a classic for me.  The third one was Free Bird, by Lynyrd Skynyrd, and I didn't know that song at that time.  It's still to me one of the greateest guitar solos ever made... At the fourth place, there was Pink Floyd, with a song called Comfortably Numb...  I really disliked them when I was younger and I was really wondering what they were doing there, but I decided to give them a chance.  I fell in love with that song and discovered Pink Floyd as my favourite group and it brought me into prog by the same way, with 21st Century Schizoid man also figuring in that top 100 guitar solos.

Posted By: Cygnus X-1
Date Posted: January 20 2006 at 12:46
Got into Motorhead when I saw them on The Young Ones
Got into Kansas when i heard Dust in the wind and carry on my wayward son on an internet radio.
Rush- a mate lent me Rush In Rio and i bought a cd
Pink Floyd - I kind of heard of DSOTM and just went out and bought it currious.
Other bands where through recomendations and borrowing cds


Posted By: Garion81
Date Posted: January 20 2006 at 16:42

I used my ears the first time.  I found that much better than feeling the vibrations through my feet.



"What are you going to do when that damn thing rusts?"

Posted By: Rising Force
Date Posted: January 20 2006 at 16:50
Iron Maiden - Heard them on Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and saw the m on MTV2... Can't remember which came first, but I was getting into heavy metal, and after hearing them on Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 is when I bought my first Maiden album (The Number of the Beast).

Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force - This guy sent me some songs.

Planet X - I downloaded a song from somewhere because I was interested in hearing MacAlpine's work after seeing him live with Vai.

Symphony X - I had a friend a while ago who kept telling me about them, but I didn't check them out. Then like half a year later I had another friend who sent me some of their stuff.

Judas Priest - I remember hearing Breaking the Law on COPS when I was a kid, and since I was getting into heavy metal, I decided to check them out.

Posted By: Bobby
Date Posted: January 20 2006 at 23:43
I had heard them and liked their stuff for a while but it wasn't until a friend of mine gave me copies of a couple of their cds that i fell in love.

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: January 21 2006 at 00:49
Slowly discovering his first the impression was pretty weak...but then,like a BANG!,it arise to its greatness...


Posted By: ChadFromCanada
Date Posted: January 21 2006 at 01:42
Samples on prog archives, bought albums on whims, borrowed albums from people, heard something on radio.

Posted By: video vertigo
Date Posted: January 21 2006 at 03:15
Rush from the radio, I heard they were called prog and that Rush listeners would like prog.  So I searched the internet for prog and Rush, found this site.  All my other current favorite bands I learned of on this site, starting almost 3 years back.  Thanks PA

"The rock and roll business is pretty absurd, but the world of serious music is much worse." - Zappa

Posted By: Bj-1
Date Posted: January 23 2006 at 20:50
Heard Supertramp from a cassete my dad had when I was 4, Jean-Michel Jarre from my cousin and Genesis, King Crimson etc. from a teacher (who is a major Strawbs, Genesis, King Crimson, Yes, ELP fan) at my old school!

RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!

Posted By: limeyrob
Date Posted: January 24 2006 at 12:48
In the 70's  in shared  accommodation, I had the music centre my housemates had the music.  Groups like Yes, Rick Wakeman, ELP, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd figured highly in my formative years. When I  could afford to buy  I bought Mike Oldfield, Tangerine Dream, Alex Harvey and some early Krautrock. Can't say which was my favourite as it depended what mood I was in, though Yessongs and Six Wives and Brain Salad Surgery were the ever ready stand bys. Big gap then  until  I  discovered  PA  then went completely overboard.  About 250 albums worth of overboard  and growing. There is some excellent music from the 90's to the present day. Worthy of a mention is Human Equation, World through my eyes and anything by Arena and Riverside.

Here's to PA 

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: January 24 2006 at 16:44

Rush - A friend at school lent me Exit Stage Left in about 1983. He said I needed to start listening to something lighter than Motorhead. I was hooked on first listen and never looked. I proceeded to buy all their albums. Ironically my friend ended up playing drums in thrash metal band and was put off anything prog by me playing it all the time in the years that followed!

Genesis- I liked what they were putting into the charts in the early 80's. Little did I know that they had so much more to offer. Tommy Vance (BBC Radio) played Dance on a Volcano one week, and then the full 1978 Knebworth set the next. I loved it, and the rest as they say is... history

Renaissance - A friend played me Northern Lights, some time in the early 90's. I bought their album 'The other Woman' which had a re-make of the song. I didn't like the album, but the seed of interest had been sown, and thanks to Progarchives, I went on to develop quite an obsession with them.

The Enid - Tommy Vance strikes again! He played 'Summer' from the album 'The Spell' I had never heard music like it before. 'In the Region of the Summer stars' ranks in my top 5 prog albums of all time, and my collection expanded thanks to advice and reviews on this site.

Yes - 90125 was my introduction, and I still love that album  Heard it in 1983 - I think - courtesy of the friend who got me into Rush. Drama, TFTO and CTTE followed shortly after. 

Pink Floyd - 'Another Brick in the Wall Part II' when it was in the charts. The album 'TheWall' followed shortly after, then Relics then Animals. Then after seeing 'Live at Pompei' I was a conformed Floyd fan..

VDGG - Guess what? Tommy Vance takes the credit once more. He used to play 'Theme One' to introduce a feature on his show. I bought the compilation ' From the Least to the Quiet Zone - an Introduction' a few years later, and have since bought most of their albums.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Viajero Astral
Date Posted: January 24 2006 at 17:24
I discover Dream Theater in a party, a friend put a DT disc on the CD player, "Once in a Live Time" when the music start I just can't understand what was that, that was different, and very good, afther that I search some DT songs and I discover that the name of the genre is Progressive Rock, and I tink "mmm, that's sounds interesting". After that a friend tell me that DT came to the city opening a concert for a band called YES, ok, I could not go to the concert because of money (I still feel bad for that ) but I say "if Dream Theater is good, then YES is excelent" (of course) and, well, the first Yes song I've heard was "Owner of a Lonely Heart" and... the song is... emm... not very good and the first tink that came in my mind was "hey, Mickey Mouse is the singer" (THE FIRST TINK I sayd, now I love Yes), but an other friend that it's a very Yes fan tell me more of the band and I listen "CLOSE TO THE EDGE", that song is amazing .

The other Bands like Genesis, Pink Floyd, Rush I heard them tanks of my friend (the Yes fan) and the rest of the prog bands I knew them from this site.

So tanks to my friends and tanks to PA for teach me the best music of the world .


Posted By: Zenith
Date Posted: January 24 2006 at 17:46

VDGG: Consert way back in 76 (I believe it was).

Jethro Tull: A friend of a friend was playing acoustic guitar and it sounded like just like Ian himself in 75.

Genesis and Yes: borrowed LP's in 75.

DT: My greatest discover in 2000 .

We're only in it for the music!!!

Posted By: GPFR
Date Posted: January 25 2006 at 08:23
Pink Floyd: My dad's in a tribute band to them, and he wondered if I wanted to go to a show, I said I would, but I wanted to listen to the Floyd first. I listened to echoes and I was hooked! Since I've bought most of there albums, still need the earlier ones in the 60's though.

Genesis: I was at my freinds house, and he had discovered the lamb lies down on broadway through his father, and he explained to me the story behind the Lamb lies down on broadway. He also had me listen to Fly on a Windsheild. About three years later I remembered the song, and remembered loving it. So I asked my freind if he could have me listen to it again, and he came over to my house, and insted of having me listen to the Lamb, I listened this time to "Firth of Fifth" and "Battle of Epping forest" which I loved. About 1/2 a year later, a few months after I got into Pink Floyd, I went out and bought A trick of the Tail and Live 1973 (them being the only ones avalible at the store) Now I'm hooked.

Porcupine Tree: Having still loved my modern rock routes even after the Genesis and Floyd revelution, one of my freinds said "hey, do you want to listen to a more modern prog band? One that sounds more like the s*** you like?" I said sure, and he invited me to a concert. I still only have In Absentia, Stupid Dream, and Deadwing, but I love it.

Bands discovered through my dad's Vinal: Emerson, Lake, and Plamer (Didn't like so much until recently), Greg Lake, King Krimson, Jethro Tull, Rush

Bands Discovered through this site: The Mars Volta, Gentle Giant, Dream Theater, Frank Zappa, Riverside


Posted By: daz2112
Date Posted: January 26 2006 at 14:19
When i was 11 in 1973 my cousin would always play Genesis,Pink Floyd,Yes,Zeppelin etc. Before that i was into Slade! Prog music blew me away even at an early age of 11!!!!

In the constellation of cygnus,There lurks a mysterious force...The black hole

Posted By: Rosescar
Date Posted: January 26 2006 at 15:55
Originally posted by el böthy el böthy wrote:

I play the guitar, right? This is something elemental to understand how I got to know my two favorite bands.

First Led Zeppelin. Back when I was about 14-15 I was very much into Guns n Roses and specially in Slash playing. My former guitar teacher asked me if I knew the "fathers" of GnR. What? the fathers? "Led Zeppelin" he said, gave me IV and said "this album contains the best song ever" at first sight.

Then when I was 16, and much into the guitar hero rock (Zeppelin, Purple, GnR, Maiden) I bought a Rolling Stone magazine which had an articul about the "100 best rock guitarist" with Jimi Hendrix in the cover. First of all I must say that articul was very bad done, leaving out peolpe like Slash, Vai, Satriani, gary Moore and others and putting people like Johny Ramone and Kurt Cobain in very high positions. Well, the thing is that in number 40-something was a guitarist and a picture about him. The guy had a les Paul (my favorite guitar) and ...sat in a concert...he looked very intelectual and calm while playing...interestng I thought. Then I read what it said about him, how he was the most important guitarist of the progressive genre (progressive...whats that I thought) and how he was one guitarist who played completly different from everyone else...I got very interested! Every guitarist came with a song where you could hear his "best" job on the guitar. This song was 21st century schizoid man. I got so interested that the next days I went to a shop hoping to find an album of this band, that I had never hear of. Well there was this album, with this song...and the cover was the stranges thing...I horrified face!...Well, I bought the album...Till this day "In the Court of the Crimson King " is my favorite album!

Nice story.

Usually I download stuff I see posters of. And a lot of my fav. bands were first heard streamed somewhere nearby ;)

------------- - My music!

"THE AUDIENCE WERE generally drugged. (In Holland, always)." - Robert Fripp

Posted By: stan the man
Date Posted: January 26 2006 at 20:27

same with me as well
i dont remember a lot of my first listons.  i do remember hearing dsotm for the first time at camp  though.  i had my cd player but i forgot my cds so i looked in my mom's car and saw dark side of the moon and i was like o what the hay i will give it a listen.  i loved it.

i first heard genesis when i was 4 when i cant dance was on the radio all the time.  never really liked that song but when i heard cinima show i was hooked to genesis

i first heard rush with teh song fly by night.  my friend was a huge rush fan and gave me some of his songs. 

true as a lobster in a pteredaktyl's underpants.

Posted By: kenmeyerjr
Date Posted: January 29 2006 at 20:32

Well, let's see...first we have to suppose my memory actually functions...which would not be a sound bet.


Yes: Got Relayer from the Columbia record club (actually, a cassette) way back when it was current.

Pink Floyd: a floormate in college was playing Ripple and I heard it there and bought it.

Don McLean: This was probably the first record I ever owned (American Pie), and I think my grandparents bought it for me.

David Sylvian: A friend that I worked with lent me a bunch of music and he was one I was really taken with.

Mark Eitzel/American Music Club: I actually heard these guys on the radio, but a really good radio station back in San Diego that had a specialty show of obscure people.

Miles Davis best work: I had actually been listening to Miles, but the 80's stuff, not the really good stuff of the 70's. A friend at work lent me a few (starting with Live/Evil), and I was hooked big time...same guy lent me Mahavishnu Orchestra, same result.

Run DMC: Bought Little Steven's Sun City and was introduced to many people I really came to love, including Rap as a genre, also Bobby Womack and a few others.

There are more, but I can sense you are getting bored...

If you like art of musicians, check my site (the music section) and tell me what you think!

Posted By: Dalezilla
Date Posted: January 30 2006 at 06:42
A friend of mine played me some DT

Pain Of Salvation: Progarchives

Porcupine Tree: Progarchives

Neal Morse/Spock's Beard: Progarchives


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