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Andy Kaufman

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Topic: Andy Kaufman
Posted By: Cygnus X-1
Subject: Andy Kaufman
Date Posted: January 17 2006 at 11:30

I watched a film last night called Man On The Moon. A film starred by Jim Carrey that documented Kaufman's life and I have to say the man was very weird. Was he a comedian? An artist? An entertainer?
The guy was either mad or a genius.
So what do you think of him?


Posted By: krusty
Date Posted: January 17 2006 at 12:14
Yeah, I have seen that movie before.
This is the guy that played lapka(sp?) in Taxi. Also the REM theme song is about him.

I think he came across (in the movie) as a crazy comedian but I believe he was more of an artist.
He challenged the traditional way comedy and entertainment were being presented in the states at that time.
Didn't he also led 'other' lives as a lounge lizzard bar singer and also a wrestler??
Perhaps he WAS crazy after all!

Good movie though, quite sad, as he died young.

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Posted By: Cygnus X-1
Date Posted: January 17 2006 at 13:29
yeah he made an allias of Tony Clifton but appeared with him on stage which confused a lot of people.


Posted By: krusty
Date Posted: January 17 2006 at 13:46
^LoL forgot how he looked

This Tony Clifton was quite obnoxious as well wasn't he.

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Posted By: Cygnus X-1
Date Posted: January 17 2006 at 15:00

"When my hand is raised you stay silent!"


Posted By: walrus
Date Posted: January 17 2006 at 15:40
He was a comedian on a tv show that calls 'saturday night live'. very good show, a lot of funny and sarcasm.

you and whose army?

Posted By: Cygnus X-1
Date Posted: January 17 2006 at 16:18
found this video of his famous Mighty Mouse routine - ch=kaufman

"Here I come to save the day!!!"

NB: theres some weird stuff at the end, dunno why


Posted By: darren
Date Posted: January 18 2006 at 01:19

Some of what he was doing was different, challenging and pushing the boundaries. A lot of what he did was summed up in the movie when Danny De Vito said "you're doing stuff which is funny to two people in the whole universe". What I remember, people considered him funny but weird while he was alive. Once he died he was suddenly hailed as a genius "but nobody got him but me" as if you either thought he was a great or you weren't cool enough to understand.

Sorry but I think he is, for the most part, overrated.

Then again, I used to think Supertramp was the greatest band in the world, so what do I know? 


"they locked up a man who wanted to rule the world.
the fools
they locked up the wrong man."
- Leonard Cohen

Posted By: krusty
Date Posted: January 18 2006 at 04:18
Originally posted by Cygnus X-1 Cygnus X-1 wrote:

found this video of his famous Mighty Mouse routine - ch=kaufman

"Here I come to save the day!!!"

NB: theres some weird stuff at the end, dunno why


-------------" rel="nofollow - Humanism

Posted By: Joren
Date Posted: January 18 2006 at 06:30

Originally posted by Cygnus X-1 Cygnus X-1 wrote:

found this video of his famous Mighty Mouse routine - ch=kaufman

"Here I come to save the day!!!"

NB: theres some weird stuff at the end, dunno why


I really liked the movie Man On The Moon, but I had never seen the actual Andy Kaufman before. Quite intriguing! I also have even more respect for Jim Carrey now, since he does this same scene in the movie, very convincing!

Posted By: Ray Lomas
Date Posted: January 18 2006 at 10:04
I liked the movie Man On The Moon a lot. Andy Kaufman seemed to be a true artist. Both genius and crazy.

Posted By: Cygnus X-1
Date Posted: January 20 2006 at 12:53
a lot of the critics didn't like his performance of Kaufman, but he seems to have put a lot of effort into playing a very odd person which must have been incridibly difficult.
well done Jim


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