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iTunes/general Mp3 problem.

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Topic: iTunes/general Mp3 problem.
Posted By: video vertigo
Subject: iTunes/general Mp3 problem.
Date Posted: January 06 2006 at 03:56

okay, so I lost one of my favorite CDs Misplaced Childhood.  But I have it saved on my computer on iTunes and so I just burned myself a copy.  I listened to it in my car and was horrified.  In between each song is a 2 second gap that wasn't there before. Does anyone know how to eliminate this gap??

someone told me I could somhow make all the songs one track but I want to be able to seek between tracks.  Is there anything I can do before I spend an eternity tracking down another copy of this CD and waste a crap load of money on it?  I just want the CD to be how it was.

Hasn't apple ever heard of concept albums?

"The rock and roll business is pretty absurd, but the world of serious music is much worse." - Zappa

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: January 06 2006 at 06:56

I can only speak for Nero Burning Rom,but when you burn an audio CD (including from MP3) using that program you get the option to "remove silence". With Misplaced Childhood  you would still get some awkward starts (much of the first side is segued) to tracks but not those two second pauses.

You can download a demo here: -


Posted By: Fitzcarraldo
Date Posted: January 06 2006 at 06:58

See the following thread: - amp;PN=1


-------------" rel="nofollow - Read reviews by Fitzcarraldo

Posted By: SuppersReady
Date Posted: January 11 2006 at 18:15
Easy, do this: Edit>Prefrences>Burning, it should so Gap Between Songs and set it to none.

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