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Original albums

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
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Topic: Original albums
Posted By: Bartvarium
Subject: Original albums
Date Posted: December 30 2005 at 14:57

Is real that people who listen to prog music buy more original albums than other who listen to rap or pop?why?

I think yes because we realy love our music and so we respect our musicians!


What do you think?

Raise your sword mighty warrior

Posted By: Ty1020
Date Posted: December 30 2005 at 15:02
What do you mean by "original albums"? 


Posted By: R o V e R
Date Posted: December 30 2005 at 15:02

good question

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: December 30 2005 at 15:03

Do you mean that prog fans buy more CDs?


if that is what you are saying then i disagree.

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Posted By: Bartvarium
Date Posted: December 30 2005 at 15:06

Originally posted by Ty1020 Ty1020 wrote:

What do you mean by "original albums"? 

I mean autorized copies internet music or somethings like that....can you understand?

Raise your sword mighty warrior

Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: December 30 2005 at 15:10
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Do you mean that prog fans buy more CDs?


if that is what you are saying then i disagree.

i second that

there are a lot of prog albums thst sre very hard to get


Posted By: R o V e R
Date Posted: December 30 2005 at 15:14
Originally posted by Bartvarium Bartvarium wrote:

Originally posted by Ty1020 Ty1020 wrote:

What do you mean by "original albums"? 

I mean autorized copies internet music or somethings like that....can you understand?

i'm agree with you

i buy the cd's

i dont download music;

thats why i have very less but essential stuff;

i'm prowd of it

Posted By: gok22us
Date Posted: December 30 2005 at 15:20

Well, i download as much as i can, because i only get $6.50 an hour.

However, there are times that I absolutely HAVE to buy the album. Such as, King Crimson....Mr. Fripp owns his own label, and he loses a lot of money if I don't buy his stuff. So, i've purchased all the king crimson I have.

Also, if there is an album that i feel is a must, such as Selling england by the pound, the lamb, or Close to the Edge, and it will keep my happy for a long time, i'll buy it.

I never buy albums on a whim. I download as much as possible. However if i had a higher paying job, i'd buy it all.....i feel more connected with the music if i actually have the cd.

Posted By: NetsNJFan
Date Posted: December 30 2005 at 15:39
I downaload sh*tloads, slowly im tryign to buy it all, (...its going very slowly )


Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: December 30 2005 at 15:43

Fans of prog, jazz or classical music buy more albums than fans of chart music. That's simply because chart music is song oriented. There's even an entire genre of "light-weight prog" rock: AOR, which means album oriented rock.

I'd even go one step further and say that chart oriented people are not really interested in the music, but in the stars, and in the culture surrounding them. So when song X is cool, people want to show that they're also listening to it and might buy the single or even the album, but once some other star replaces the previous, they move on.

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Posted By: ChadFromCanada
Date Posted: December 30 2005 at 16:04
I buy nearly all of my music.  LPs and CDs.  I like to feel the warm glow of commerce.  It's also nice to have the liner notes, LP sleeves, something you can hold onto.

The only times I download music is if I want to sample it, or I already have it on another medium (such as a cassette tape).  A few examples of albums I've downloaded to try and later bought are:

Supertramp - Crime of the Century and Breakfast in America
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
Alex Keack - For Surfers Only (Rare LP)
Rush - 2112
Rush - Signals (Own on tape)
Michael Jackson - Thriller (Own on tape)

I've also downloaded a few songs from artists then went on to buy albums or compilations, a few examples include (Even legally through samples at Prog Archives):

Pink Floyd
Simon & Garfunkel
James Taylor
Alice in Chains

Or ones that I've ripped from CDs I borrowed:

King Crimson - ITCOTCK
Dream Theater - Images and Words, Scenes from a Memory (Plan to buy both)

Downloading is a great way to sample new music, I like to buy the albums if I enjoy them though.

I wouldn't have discovered black and death metal if I hadn't downloaded albums to sample. (Hoping to buy something by Burzum if I can find it, possibly their rarities disk I saw at CD Plus, though it's quite expensive).

Posted By: Bartvarium
Date Posted: December 31 2005 at 04:20
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Fans of prog, jazz or classical music buy more albums than fans of chart music. That's simply because chart music is song oriented. There's even an entire genre of "light-weight prog" rock: AOR, which means album oriented rock.

I'd even go one step further and say that chart oriented people are not really interested in the music, but in the stars, and in the culture surrounding them. So when song X is cool, people want to show that they're also listening to it and might buy the single or even the album, but once some other star replaces the previous, they move on.

Yes I agree whit you!good message!

Raise your sword mighty warrior

Posted By: Bartvarium
Date Posted: December 31 2005 at 04:24
I always buy original albumsbut sometimes when a my friend buys an album that I need I copy it!obviusly if it is a very important album I try to get it original!! 

Raise your sword mighty warrior

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: December 31 2005 at 04:28
don't think there is a difference..


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