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Horizons v. Mood for a Day

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Topic: Horizons v. Mood for a Day
Posted By: video vertigo
Subject: Horizons v. Mood for a Day
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 15:37
I can't make up my mind!

"The rock and roll business is pretty absurd, but the world of serious music is much worse." - Zappa

Posted By: Runaway
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 15:44
Wheres ''Clap''?

Posted By: Progger
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 15:46

Oh no, not again! We had this poll a few weeks ago. Someone please come up with something more original!

BTW, I voted Mood For The Day.

Posted By: Moogtron III
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 15:47
I can't make up my mind, but I have to say I like Horizons especially because it's the introduction to Supper's Ready, and I like Mood For A Day just because for it's own sake.

Posted By: moodyxadi
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 16:11
Horizons is a wonderful piece, but I must say that its role is more of an introduction to the main theme (Supper's Ready), as said above, while Mood for a Day has its center in itself - it's a short but complete piece. That's the reason why I vote in Howe's theme.

Posted By: lunaticviolist
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 16:22
Mood for a Day.  Horizons is good too though.

My recent purchases:

Posted By: Gentle Tull
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 16:41

Both nice and pretty, though I like Mood for a Day more.


Posted By: Flip_Stone
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 17:42

The 12-string guitar in Horizons wins over the simplicity of the 6-string in mood for a day IMHO.



Posted By: Olympus
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 18:04
I can't decide Horizon's is sweeter and less difficult to play (I know from experiance) Mood for a day is longer and quite hard to play, for sound I think it is a tie. Both good,

"Let's get the hell away from this Eerie-ass piece of work so we can get on with the rest of our eerie-ass day"

Posted By: video vertigo
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 18:31
Originally posted by Progger Progger wrote:

Oh no, not again! We had this poll a few weeks ago. Someone please come up with something more original!

BTW, I voted Mood For The Day.

I must've missed it.

"The rock and roll business is pretty absurd, but the world of serious music is much worse." - Zappa

Posted By: cucacola54
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 20:00

Horizons!!  Love both btw

Most listened albums last week

Posted By: herbie53
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 20:45

At the first time I heard "Horizons" I thought: how many guitars Hackett played for this piece?

But then I saw he made it in a show and finally understood: he is a great classical guitar player

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 20:50


Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 21:09

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Inferno
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 21:34
Originally posted by Flip_Stone Flip_Stone wrote:

The 12-string guitar in Horizons wins over the simplicity of the 6-string in mood for a day IMHO.




How come I can play Horizon and not Mood for a day (Well, I can play bits of it but not as a whole like Horizon) and I'm not a guitar player as my first instrument is the keyboard!!

Mood for a day is more complex then Horizon, no doubt about it! But it doesn't remove anything to horizon that is really a sweet song and intro to Supper's ready

I can't decide!

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 00:29

I love both, the fact is that Mood for a Day has been too over played in I don't know how many Yes albums and DVD's, it has bored me.

So I will go with Horizons just by a very small margin.

BTW: Clap´(NOT THE CLAP) is IMO far bellow the level of both.



Posted By: Moatilliatta
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 02:22
Mood for a Day is beautiful, I pick it, though Horizons is great too.


Posted By: video vertigo
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 03:35
Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

I love both, the fact is that Mood for a Day has been too over played in I don't know how many Yes albums and DVD's, it has bored me.

So I will go with Horizons just by a very small margin.

BTW: Clap´(NOT THE CLAP) is IMO far bellow the level of both.


I don't have that song, which album do I need to buy?

"The rock and roll business is pretty absurd, but the world of serious music is much worse." - Zappa

Posted By: krusty
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 04:20
Mood for the day.

BTW, I think Horizons is much easier to play than MFTD!!

-------------" rel="nofollow - Humanism

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 08:12
Originally posted by video vertigo video vertigo wrote:

Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

I love both, the fact is that Mood for a Day has been too over played in I don't know how many Yes albums and DVD's, it has bored me.

So I will go with Horizons just by a very small margin.

BTW: Clap´(NOT THE CLAP) is IMO far bellow the level of both.


I don't have that song, which album do I need to buy?

"Clap" is on The Yes Album, where Jon Anderson introduces it as "The Clap".

Posted By: buckethead
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 09:02
mood for a day is great!

Posted By: Tommy
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 10:00
Being a guitar player I gotta go for Mood For A Day. Still trying to master it but learnt Horizons within the hour!

Posted By: TheLamb
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 13:59

Mood for a Day is so good not only as Heart of the Sunrise's prelude, but is also just a great song.

Horizon's is great too but I can't say it's more than a prelude to a grand opus. My vote goes to Mood for a Day...


Posted By: ANDREW
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 17:11

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 22:34

Originally posted by Tommy Tommy wrote:

Being a guitar player I gotta go for Mood For A Day. Still trying to master it but learnt Horizons within the hour!

This is something that I read manyv times and still can't understand.

Is a song better because it's harder to play?????



Posted By: Bern
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 23:05
Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

Originally posted by Tommy Tommy wrote:

Being a guitar player I gotta go for Mood For A Day. Still trying to master it but learnt Horizons within the hour!

This is something that I read manyv times and still can't understand.

Is a song better because it's harder to play?????


I agree with you. I just can't understand this. (BTW, Horizons for me)


RIP in bossa nova heaven.

Posted By: SirPsycho388
Date Posted: December 22 2005 at 00:17

It's so hard to pick just one, i think they're both amazing. Mood For A Day comes right before the amazing Heart of the Sunrise, and Horizons is right before the epic Supper's Ready. How could you choose???

Strangers passing in the street by chance two separate glances meet and I am you and what I see is me. And do I take you by the hand and lead you through the land and help me understand the best I can

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