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Porcupine Tree

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Porcupine Tree
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Porcupine Tree
Date Posted: December 16 2005 at 21:45
I get a bit sick and tired of alternative rock bands playing the prog card, just wanted to express myself since this site is so cool and doesn`t mind freedom of expresion and all 

Posted By: aapatsos
Date Posted: December 16 2005 at 22:00

Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: December 16 2005 at 22:01
at negative threads


Posted By: Tholomyes
Date Posted: December 16 2005 at 22:02

So, Dredg is also in your list ?

Posted By: tardis
Date Posted: December 16 2005 at 22:33
Porcupine Tree not prog?

Posted By: The Ryan
Date Posted: December 16 2005 at 22:41
Porcupine Tree sounds somewhat alternative to me, excluding early career stuff. But I like them anyway . This guy will hate Porcupine Tree alone.

Posted By: Rashikal
Date Posted: December 16 2005 at 23:00
dude im really sorry porcupine tree doesnt do stuff in 7/4 and have guys doing keyboard solos in capes and sparkles!!! maybe open your mind and take your old Yes vinyl off the record player you old fashioned closed minded piece of ignorant poop!

Posted By: JeezY
Date Posted: December 16 2005 at 23:08
i have to agree with are being a little bit close minded


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: December 16 2005 at 23:22
Originally posted by Rashikal Rashikal wrote:

dude im really sorry porcupine tree doesnt do stuff in 7/4 and have guys doing keyboard solos in capes and sparkles!!! maybe open your mind and take your old Yes vinyl off the record player you old fashioned closed minded piece of ignorant poop!
I see so you feel you need to resort to name calling to make a point ... well done

Posted By: gok22us
Date Posted: December 16 2005 at 23:24
Porcupine Tree are cool.and prog.

Posted By: Astaroth
Date Posted: December 16 2005 at 23:28


Steven Wilson have never said that porcupine tree is prog.

Are they prog? who cares?? They're now one of the best bands.

"I need you more that you can know ... and if I hurt myself it's just for show"

Posted By: Rashikal
Date Posted: December 16 2005 at 23:29
ok chief, every point i made there was valid, and i threw in poop just to make it comical. try a real response.

Posted By: Starette
Date Posted: December 16 2005 at 23:59
Originally posted by Astaroth Astaroth wrote:


Steven Wilson have never said that porcupine tree is prog.

Are they prog? who cares?? They're now one of the best bands.

   DOWN WITH PEOPLE WHO THINK "If it's not Prog, it's not good." SCREW 'EM ALLLL!!!!

But Porcupine Tree ARE prog.

50 tonne angel falls to the earth...

Posted By: KeroseneFlames
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 00:10
Originally posted by Astaroth Astaroth wrote:

Are they prog? who cares?? They're now one of the best bands.


Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 00:36

Originally posted by Rashikal Rashikal wrote:

dude im really sorry porcupine tree doesnt do stuff in 7/4 and have guys doing keyboard solos in capes and sparkles!!! maybe open your mind and take your old Yes vinyl off the record player you old fashioned closed minded piece of ignorant poop!

In first place, I believe Porcupine Tree is absolutely Prog', but that's not the point.

I'm tired of this people that believe we are ignorants because we like Yes or Genesis.

Even though I stated and believe Porcupine Tree is Prog, I also believe they are a derivative Pink Floyd wannabes with a lot of alternative elements and can't compete with the great bands, they are good, but not exceptional IMO. 

What the hell is wrong with keyboard solos or using capes? If it wasn't for bands as Yes, Genesis and especially Pink Floyd, Porcupine Tree wouldn't even exist.

I never opened my mouth to criticize this band, but I'm really tired of  guys  trying to teach us how open minded they are and how stupid narrow minded we are when they don't know what they are talking about.

Rashikal wrote:
i dislike yes except for relayer... genesis angers me because the rest of the guys could hardly make up for phil collins's suckiness.

phil collins =

yes and genesis are of among the few progressive bands i really dont like that much.

We know you don't like Yes and you're entitled to, but how do you have the guts to try to teach us about Prog' when you didn't even knew there was Genesis before Phil Collins on vocals???????


PS Of course starting a thread with screw Porcupine Tree is silly, agressive and offensive, but I'm really getting tired of this self proclaimed open minded guys. 


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 01:00
There Is Totally something Different and very special about porcupine tree isnt that what a prog fan wants?

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 01:03

Its all Opinion anyway but to claim screw them just is silly.

Y be so Agressive.....If ya dont like em ya dont, Whatever.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 03:58
Porcupine Tree lack the flashiness of ELP and Yes but certainly have something to offer.What is the point of dismissing anything? I've always found prog a rewarding genre and have yet to find a band that I could dismiss entirely (except maybe Triumvirat but I've only heard one album).PT are a band that many fans of classic prog seem to enjoy.There may just be a reason for that!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 04:02
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Porcupine Tree lack the flashiness of ELP and Yes but certainly have something to offer.What is the point of dismissing anything? I've always found prog a rewarding genre and have yet to find a band that I could dismiss entirely (except maybe Triumvirat but I've only heard one album).PT are a band that many fans of classic prog seem to enjoy.There may just be a reason for that!
Thats funny because I love Triumvirat ... Spartacus being one of my all time favourite albums   

Posted By: thefalafelking
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 04:32

Originally posted by Rashikal Rashikal wrote:

dude im really sorry porcupine tree doesnt do stuff in 7/4 and have guys doing keyboard solos in capes and sparkles!!! maybe open your mind and take your old Yes vinyl off the record player you old fashioned closed minded piece of ignorant poop!


7/4 ,does it exist??

Posted By: Soulman
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 04:39
Originally posted by thefalafelking thefalafelking wrote:

Originally posted by Rashikal Rashikal wrote:

dude im really sorry porcupine tree doesnt do stuff in 7/4 and have guys doing keyboard solos in capes and sparkles!!! maybe open your mind and take your old Yes vinyl off the record player you old fashioned closed minded piece of ignorant poop!


7/4 ,does it exist??

...that's all I have to say.'re all so naive...oh pardon me, we're all so naive.

Posted By: ian_b
Date Posted: December 18 2005 at 04:35
Originally posted by thefalafelking thefalafelking wrote:

Originally posted by Rashikal Rashikal wrote:

dude im really sorry porcupine tree doesnt do stuff in 7/4 and have guys doing keyboard solos in capes and sparkles!!! maybe open your mind and take your old Yes vinyl off the record player you old fashioned closed minded piece of ignorant poop!


7/4 ,does it exist??

are you serious?

Posted By: Manunkind
Date Posted: December 18 2005 at 07:17
PT's a great band, prog, not prog, whatever. Freaking awesome band. Not being around in the 70s' doesn't mean fudge about their talent. You can be more intelligent, resourceful, educated and noble than Columbus (the last thing isn't particularly difficult) and you'll never discover America, nor any other continent, for that matter.  The only problem with them is that it seems Steven Wilson can be thoughtless and prejudiced on occasions (he said that Steve Vai is only about speed). Other than that PT rule.

"In war there is no time to teach or learn Zen. Carry a strong stick. Bash your attackers." - Zen Master Ikkyu Sojun

Posted By: GPFR
Date Posted: December 18 2005 at 09:07
So what if the guy doesn't like porcupine tree and doesn't know if there prog? We have no REAL deffinition of prog ourselves. And even if he didn't like them, he's just saying it to "express himself." So you know what, I will too! I don't like ELP. There great musicians, have a lot of talent, but they just don't do it for me. Go ahead, yell at me!


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: December 18 2005 at 09:16
I feel like I`m being bashed up by a porcupine tree  ...  bad porcupine tree bad ! 

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