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What ever became out of Syd Barret???

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Topic: What ever became out of Syd Barret???
Posted By: el böthy
Subject: What ever became out of Syd Barret???
Date Posted: December 12 2005 at 20:29

As you might know after Floyd Barret did a couple of solo albums...and then disappeared! Lets think what could have become of him!

My theory?

He moved to Scotland in the mid ´70 and became a farmer and started to race sheeps. If you go to his farm you will find no guitars, no music, no sign of Floyd what so ever...only him, his sheeps and his two dogs, Pink and Floyd!

hehehe, ok now you

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: Rust
Date Posted: December 12 2005 at 20:33
Lives with his mom like he told the rest of Floyd and paints. He burns the paintings when he's done with it, then starts another. Iv'e read that somewere and I saw him in a picture next to a painting he did of a bull. Very creative Syd is. 

We got to pump the stuff to make us tough
from the heart
Its astart
What we need is awareness we cant get careless
Mental self defensive fitness
Make everybody see in order to fight the powers that be

Posted By: Catholic Flame
Date Posted: December 12 2005 at 20:41

Changed his name to Mike Portney and moved to California. The rest is history.

“Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion.”

~Jack Kerouac

Posted By: Tholomyes
Date Posted: December 12 2005 at 20:56

See...the last photos: -

Posted By: The Wizard
Date Posted: December 12 2005 at 21:12

There is not much mystery about the whereabouts of Syd. He still lives in Cambridge and lives a calm life in seclusion. Simple as that.





Excuse me................................









Shine on Syd!


Posted By: Lanky
Date Posted: December 12 2005 at 21:25

He lives in a house alone in Cambridge. His mother died a little while back. Actually, the anniversary of his father's death was yesterday. I think he likes to keep to himself, sometimes tending to his garden or perhaps making a quick trip every now and then to Harrod's.  But for anyone seeking out Mr. Roger Barrett (his birth name and what he now likes to be referred to as) I discourage it. The story of Mr. Barrett is a sad one and he deserves to live his life as happily as he chooses without awkward disruptions from awkward fans (I include myself in this catagory). I know the more prog rock inclined probably wouldnt really wish to find him, but I wanted to make that note just in case.

As a matter of fact, he actually did have two cats named Pink and Floyd. I'm pretty sure I read that. There's a new dvd to be released in Jan. 2006 about Syd and I encourage everyone to take a look at it. And if you havent listened to his solo albums, they are quite good. Give them a listen. Also, the dvd, The Pink Floyd and Syd Barrett Story, is highly interesting. Give that a watch.

Posted By: Hemispheres
Date Posted: December 12 2005 at 21:29
i miss him


Posted By: John Gargo
Date Posted: December 12 2005 at 23:19
I heard his first solo album and I liked it.  Still need to hear the second one.  I remember an interesting story that David Gilmour and Roger Waters told about Syd coming into the studio while they were recording the WISH YOU WERE HERE album and they didn't even recognize him at first because he had changed so much.

Posted By: krusty
Date Posted: December 13 2005 at 06:24
Originally posted by Tholomyes Tholomyes wrote:

See...the last photos: -

Wow!! He doesn't look too happy in some of those candid shots does he...?

It's a shame he only made Barrett & the Madcap Laughs as well, I would of liked more from him.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Humanism

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: December 13 2005 at 06:56
the wizard                 seclusion  or in o comatose state

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: December 13 2005 at 11:09

^didnt look that comatose in the pictures from the link above. Keep your snide remarks to yourselfe please

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: NutterAlert
Date Posted: December 13 2005 at 11:55

i think considering where he's been he looks pretty together in those photos from 2001.

I did hear that he suffers from Diabetes and has problems with his eye sight these days.

A very sad story. I listened to his first CD again fairly recently; has some good moments but its also painful, you can hear him falling apart on some numbers. I don't understand why Gilmour allowed some of the takes and microphone dialogue with Barrett on the recording. Seems cruel.

Proud to be an un-banned member since 2005

Posted By: Suki
Date Posted: December 14 2005 at 15:40

What a shame, what a shame. It was the LSD that screwed him, wasn't it?



Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: December 14 2005 at 15:47
I agree with Lanky, Syd should be left to lead his life in peace; that is what he desires and I do not blame him.


Posted By: Rust
Date Posted: December 14 2005 at 19:38

His story is really sad. 

I found the pictures depressing as well.

Hope he's happy now. I think he serves a fine lesson as to what drugs can do to you, whether it helps you express your skill and talent I don't think they are worth it. To bad his beautiful music had to come with such a high price.

We got to pump the stuff to make us tough
from the heart
Its astart
What we need is awareness we cant get careless
Mental self defensive fitness
Make everybody see in order to fight the powers that be

Posted By: Christian
Date Posted: December 15 2005 at 07:43
Just imagine how big he coould have been if the LSD wouldn't have ruined him. Lennon was lucky not to go the same route in 1966-68,when he lived on LSD.

Posted By: Suki
Date Posted: December 15 2005 at 13:42
Originally posted by Rust Rust wrote:

His story is really sad. 

I found the pictures depressing as well.

Hope he's happy now. I think he serves a fine lesson as to what drugs can do to you, whether it helps you express your skill and talent I don't think they are worth it. To bad his beautiful music had to come with such a high price.

Nah. That's bullsh*t. It serves a fine lesson to those who look at it from only one side. There are LOTS of people who do drugs, make a living and live happily. See the drugs posts around here if you'd like.

Syd Barret exaggerated with his drug use, that's why what has happened to him happend. You can look on drugs from the perspective of those drugs users who didn't follow Syd's path (again, you can see posts around this forum) and that DOESN'T serves a lesson on why drugs are bad..

Depends on how you look at it..


Posted By: andYouandI45
Date Posted: December 15 2005 at 21:36
Originally posted by krusty krusty wrote:

Originally posted by Tholomyes Tholomyes wrote:

See...the last photos: -

Wow!! He doesn't look too happy in some of those candid shots does he...?

It's a shame he only made Barrett & the Madcap Laughs as well, I would of liked more from him.

Yea, he doesn't. I read an interveiw one time of his nephew about syd. It had alot of sad things in it, and people should just leave him alone.

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