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Salad Fingers and other proggy animations

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Topic: Salad Fingers and other proggy animations
Posted By: Peace Frog
Subject: Salad Fingers and other proggy animations
Date Posted: December 07 2005 at 14:45

Salad Fingers is really demented. Has anyone ever watched it? It's about a fellow who has salad fingers and likes to touch things like rusty spoons. It's at - , along with some other disturbed flash animations. There are a few inspired by his dreams, and are really a lot like my dreams because of their randomness.

Does anyone else know any flash animations that are utterly demented like this? Because I'd really like to see them.


Posted By: John Gargo
Date Posted: December 07 2005 at 15:11
Not sure of any similar animations, but I had that guy's "Milkman" as my avatar for a while.  More disturbing than the animation was the fact that I thought it was one of the funniest things that I had ever seen.

Posted By: R o V e R
Date Posted: December 07 2005 at 15:12

i do flash animation


but this one is personal stuff ; i think



Posted By: R o V e R
Date Posted: December 07 2005 at 15:14
Originally posted by Peace Frog Peace Frog wrote:

Salad Fingers is really demented. Has anyone ever watched it? It's about a fellow who has salad fingers and likes to touch things like rusty spoons. It's at - , along with some other disturbed flash animations. There are a few inspired by his dreams, and are really a lot like my dreams because of their randomness.

Does anyone else know any flash animations that are utterly demented like this? Because I'd really like to see them.

 i think ; you are a tim burton fan.

Posted By: Figglesnout
Date Posted: December 07 2005 at 15:34
Sald Fingers is definately odd as hell, and I myself do enjoy it on occasion, but for the really demented cartoons on that site watch the "A Black and White Cartoon About..." there are two I think...and they are so weird. Also take the time to watch the one about the kid and the roaches (don't remember what it's called)...

I'm a reasonable man, get off my case

Posted By: Peace Frog
Date Posted: December 07 2005 at 15:56
The one with the kid and the roaches is Spoilsbury Toast Boy. I've watched that and I find it depressing, yet satisfying. I think it's a metaphor.


Posted By: Ed_The_Dead
Date Posted: December 07 2005 at 15:57

The Spoilsburry Toast boy (or something similar)!!!

Although the 6th episode of Salad fingers is extremely wierd...

I love David Firth's work! Its totally insane!


Posted By: Peace Frog
Date Posted: December 07 2005 at 16:02
Insanity is good.


Posted By: Ed_The_Dead
Date Posted: December 07 2005 at 16:03

I remember when I 1st saw the Milkman.. Now that was kinda schocking


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: December 07 2005 at 16:05

Originally posted by Peace Frog Peace Frog wrote:

Insanity is good.


you are insane


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: December 07 2005 at 16:05
Originally posted by Peace Frog Peace Frog wrote:

Salad Fingers is really demented. Has anyone ever watched it? It's about a fellow who has salad fingers and likes to touch things like rusty spoons. It's at - , along with some other disturbed flash animations. There are a few inspired by his dreams, and are really a lot like my dreams because of their randomness.

Does anyone else know any flash animations that are utterly demented like this? Because I'd really like to see them.

get a life mothergoose


it is not proggy animation

it is sh*t animation


got itttttttttttttttttttttttttt

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