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Live Genesis Footage

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Topic: Live Genesis Footage
Posted By: AngleofRepose
Subject: Live Genesis Footage
Date Posted: November 27 2005 at 15:25
Why is there no good Gabriel-era Genesis live footage? Or is there and I
can't find it? Considering how eccentric their performances were and that
they were so well known for them, I'm surprised there hasn't been any
releases. Are any planned?

Posted By: RoyalJelly
Date Posted: November 27 2005 at 17:18
     Check out the DVD frequently advertised on this site at, it has 3 good quality films from 73 & 74.
It's not modern quality, but much better than a VHS I'd had of
the same materiel, and a valuable document. I don't
understand (especially being a film editor) why much of it is
about 1 sec. out of sync, then remains that way for the entire
show!!!! Some schmuck just had to sync it up once, and it stays
that that way, but no...

     Sadly, there's NO decent footage of the Lamb, somehow
nobody thought to film it, even though they did over a hundred
live shows of it. But this earlier footage is very moving, amazing
to see more of the visual presentation, Gabriel's theatrics, etc...

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: November 28 2005 at 01:50

Originally posted by RoyalJelly RoyalJelly wrote:

     Sadly, there's NO decent footage of the Lamb, somehow
nobody thought to film it, even though they did over a hundred
live shows of it. But this earlier footage is very moving, amazing
to see more of the visual presentation, Gabriel's theatrics, etc...

To be honest there's no decent or undecent footage of The Lamb, I knew Peter offered a good amount of money for any amateur film of any Lamb show, but he never succeeded.

There are only a couple of films without sound that were used in the GENESIS A HISTORY documental.



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