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Best live band

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Topic: Best live band
Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Subject: Best live band
Date Posted: August 24 2004 at 11:14

My vote goes to King Crimson with Grobshnitt running in at a close second.

Posted By: asuma
Date Posted: August 24 2004 at 11:21
i have not seen all, or any, of the bands on that list. so i won't vote.

*Remember all advice given by Asuma is for entertainment purposes only. Asuma is not a licensed medical doctor, psychologist, or counselor and he does not play one on TV.*

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: August 24 2004 at 11:22

Out of that lot I've only seen Rush, so I'll have to vote for them. The other proggies I've seen are not on your list.

Rush were excellent anyway, as were Pink Floyd, It Bites, Hawkwind..

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Petra
Date Posted: August 24 2004 at 11:29

Oh well.. the only of those bands ive seen recently was Jethro Tull but it still wasn't as memorable as seeing Rush many many years ago.

Maria Carey?! I think i may have missed something there..

Oh BTW i saw Hawkwind a couple of months ago and they were absolutely brilliant!   

Don't hate me
I'm not special like you

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: August 24 2004 at 13:16

Where's the "other" button....

Best live bands I've ever seen where.. .ELP and Pink Floyd... no one could outdo either of them on stage....


Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: August 24 2004 at 13:30
Jethro Tull and Gentle Giant.

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: greenback
Date Posted: August 24 2004 at 14:18

Posted By: Joren
Date Posted: August 24 2004 at 14:23

Why does everybody always forget ZAPPA's band?!

His bands were always TIGHT and they PRACTICED very much, so they all new what was GOING ON. YOU KNOW!  I am reading The Real Frank Zappa book at the moment and FZ had all kinds of signals and then the band started playing in a "Metal"-way or SKA. And of course his compositions were very complex.

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: August 24 2004 at 14:24
In the words of the wise old man (well Fragile anywayLOL), "playing live, Yes have no equals".

Posted By: artbass
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 09:13

Well, actually seen none of them. Grobschnitt are said to have been one of the live bands ever - but I'm to young to have seen them (just a short concert on TV, which was quite good).

Focus (the new one) are a cool life band, and the Steve Hackett band is quite good as well.

she feels wind around her
she feels a warming sun
she feels some raindrops wet her leaves
since that time she lost her griefs

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 09:17
Originally posted by Petra Petra wrote:

Oh well.. the only of those bands ive seen recently was Jethro Tull but it still wasn't as memorable as seeing Rush many many years ago.

Maria Carey?! I think i may have missed something there..

Oh BTW i saw Hawkwind a couple of months ago and they were absolutely brilliant!   

Its good to see the Hawks still going, and actually getting better. Well, better than they were ten years back or so. If someone had told me, back in the 80's, that they'd still be going in 2004,I would have laughed. They looked at deaths door then!

Only seen them twice and with the same line up. It was good tight line up, but not their most varied in terms of sound. They were pretty metal at the time, but very good nonetheless. I would imagine they're better nowadays.

I've got tickets for Rush next month. Its their 30th anniversary and they are apparently doing 3+hour long shows

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 09:25


Once I watched 'Rush in Rio', I had no doubt about who are and always have been the most explosive prog live act. Not that others were useless or numb, which they weren't, but Rush... well... they're almost as old as other prog veterans such as the Andersons, Emerson, Howe, Fripp, Collins,... and you can tell the Lee/Lifeson/Peart combo steals the limelight (without intending to live in it, as the Moving Pictures song no. 4 states...)



Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 09:56

That sums up Rush Cesar

They look after themelves physically and mentally and continue to challenge themselves and each other musically in their writing. Thats why they've never lost it IMO.


Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 13:21


OK then... but if I had been given the chance to give three votes instead of just one, I would have included GG and JT - even though Ian Anderson's voice is now very lost, and he can't jump that frantically due to old age, he and the rest of the band still rock on stage.

And GG... well, the legacy of GG's live performances has a spectacular greatness that still shakes me 25 years after - that combination of skill, humour and inventiveness has to be seen to be believed (it's already unbelievable when only heard!!). Somehow the found the "formula" to be pretentious without getting over-pretentious and applied it.

No discrimination intended for Yes, ELP, KC or PF... it's just that I prefer these three acts better!


Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 14:34

Looks like the poll's been "nobbled" by the Rush fans, they're even ahead of MC!!LOL

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 14:39
I didn't even know there were that many Rush fans...


Posted By: lucas
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 15:02

King Crimson are truly impressive on stage. My vote goes to them.

However, today I listened to IQ's 'Forever live' and it blew me away, nice performance by these guys and last year I saw them live in Paris and they were still on top form.

A.C.T. is also a pretty good live band.

"Magma was the very first gothic rock band" (Didier Lockwood)

Posted By: The Prognaut
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 16:33



(BTW, who's the crazy son of a gun who casted 124 votes to RUSH???  Rush sux live!!! I think we've alredy gone through that issue redarding the Canadian band...)


break the circle

reset my head

wake the sleepwalker

and i'll wake the dead

Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 16:35


Yes, IQ rule on stage, too. Peter Nicholls is, IMHO, the most charismatic prog vocalist of the last 20 years.

Posted By: The Prognaut
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 16:37

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

I didn't even know there were that many Rush fans...

Maybe worldwide!!!!

And yes! Where is Pink Floyd!? I attended to both concerts in Mexico City during the "Division Bell" tour in 1994 and they kicked ass! What a performance!


break the circle

reset my head

wake the sleepwalker

and i'll wake the dead

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 17:32
Originally posted by landberkdoten landberkdoten wrote:



(BTW, who's the crazy son of a gun who casted 124 votes to RUSH???  Rush sux live!!! I think we've alredy gone through that issue redarding the Canadian band...)


This is a wind up right?Angry

Senor Ramos should stick to MariachiBig smile

Rush suck live???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????/


Posted By: ShrinkingViolet
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 20:17

Lol how can Rush be better than Yes live. I'm  puzzled...this is insanity!!

I've not seen Yes a lot but the times I have they gave an oustanding performance each time... Jons vocals are still near enough perfect..and the other musicians are equally excellent. They always give their fans a night to remember each time and wanting more.

Quite simply Yes are the best band live without a shadow of doubt.

Then its Mostly Autumn , they do great live gigs.

Posted By: Dan Bobrowski
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 20:25
I can see the civility thread looming for a face wash.

Posted By: The Prognaut
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 21:17
Originally posted by The Larger Bowl The Larger Bowl wrote:

This is a wind up right?Angry

Senor Ramos should stick to MariachiBig smile

Rush suck live???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????/


"Hold Your Fire Tour"? "Power Windows Tour"? "A show of hands"? Yeah, they pretty much suck to me. I have gone through this one... maybe you'd like to check out my review on "A show of hands", come back here and scoff a lil' bit more about it. Maybe Rush playing live along a Mariachi will improve their sound and instrumentation!

You're a Rush fan to the bone, and I respect that. Just try to enlarge the picture where there are people like me that hate the sound of Rush live. I'm certainly not a big fan, but I enjoy plenty of their studio recordings. (BTW, whenever you're in Mexico I'd be glad to be your tour guide and take you to Plaza de Garibaldi and listen to great Mariachi!)


SeŃor Land


break the circle

reset my head

wake the sleepwalker

and i'll wake the dead

Posted By: The Prognaut
Date Posted: August 25 2004 at 21:21
Originally posted by ShrinkingViolet ShrinkingViolet wrote:

Lol how can Rush be better than Yes live. I'm  puzzled...this is insanity!!

Yep, you just hit the head of the nail. It's a matter of perspective. Yes ain't better than Rush or than Grobschnitt or you name it who... it's just being conscious and dare telling excellent, well crafted pieces of work from crappy, out of the blue works. No matter who you support or like better.



break the circle

reset my head

wake the sleepwalker

and i'll wake the dead

Posted By: Fragile
Date Posted: August 26 2004 at 16:27
The lunatics are playing on the grass! Rush or anyone else - Yes are the greatest live band in the business it's not even close.

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: August 26 2004 at 17:07
Over 300 votes cast already, this forum gets more popular every day!LOL

Posted By: The Prognaut
Date Posted: August 26 2004 at 17:36

Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

Over 300 votes cast already, this forum gets more popular every day!LOL

Or... someone has got a serious fixation on Mariah and RUSH


break the circle

reset my head

wake the sleepwalker

and i'll wake the dead

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: August 26 2004 at 20:13
Originally posted by Cesar Inca Cesar Inca wrote:

Yes, IQ rule on stage, too. Peter Nicholls is, IMHO, the most charismatic prog vocalist of the last 20 years.

You can't be serious about that, Cesar... gosh, more than any other band I've seen in the last few years... he practically put me to sleep.  I thought his voice was horrible.. and the theatrics a bit like bad off-broadway....It was more like the lamb lied down and died....


Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: August 26 2004 at 21:34

Please, only 4 votes for Genesis?

The best show was presented by Peter Gabriel witrh his costumes and stories, the concerts were so great that there's a band that dedicates their whole career to recreate those great shows (Talking about The Musical Box)

Genesis Live and Archives I are great musical expresions of what Genesis was, some tracks are even better than in studio.

You can't get better than this!!!!! And remember everything in the 70's!!!!



Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: August 27 2004 at 04:47


Those pictures are classic. There are not many ocassions when one wishes they were older than they are  but I really wish I had been about in 1974 to have witnessed the 'Lamb' tour.

I think we should launch a petition on the Genesis website, putting pressure on their record company, and on Banks & co to release, on DVD, hours of old concert footage. Everything from the earliest appearances, through the Lamb, and into the the Collins era up to Duke.

It should be obvious to the record company that there are hoardes of people justitching to get their hands on old footage. I brought the Invisible Touch DVD last year. It was sh!t! I know for a fact that they played 'In the cage' and 'Unquiet slumbers for the sleepers' at that show, and they cut it out of the recording

Anyway, I waffle..

Leave Rush alone folks, they're pure genius

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: August 27 2004 at 15:35

Hawkwind are the best band I've ever seen live - especially the shows they did at Stonehenge. Rough and ready maybe. But an unforgettable experience.

er, was anyone else there who can tell me what happened...

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: August 27 2004 at 16:04
Originally posted by Certif1ed Certif1ed wrote:

Hawkwind are the best band I've ever seen live - especially the shows they did at Stonehenge. Rough and ready maybe. But an unforgettable experience.

er, was anyone else there who can tell me what happened...

Don't you even remember Stacia??Wink

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: August 27 2004 at 16:14

If I'm completely honest, despite Rush being my favourite band, I dont think they were the best live band I've ever seen. I think my expectations were so high, that I was dissapointed when the sound wasn't as perfect as it was on 'Exit stage left'

They were great, but to be honest the gig that blew me away the most, and very unexpectadly was 'It Bites' Anyone who saw them on the first few tours will know what I'm talking about.

I've seen Pink Floyd, and U2 etc.., but in a venue the size of a small European country, the sound is always sh!t, and you if you have crap tickets you can feel very removed from whats going on. I guess thats what happened at Rush. If I'd seen them at Brixton Academy or somewhere similar, I'd still be on cloud nine now!! If the sound is terrible its difficult to comment on the music. When I saw U2 they got half way through 'Desire' before I realised what they were playing, the sound was so bad. 

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: theis the one
Date Posted: August 27 2004 at 16:16
Maria Carey?!  is not a band.


Posted By: Fragile
Date Posted: August 27 2004 at 16:23
Are these votes for real only 4 for Yes!Surely more than four people who have witnessed Yes over the years have read this, if so where the hell are your votes.As much as I like KC there is no way they are better than Yes.To qualify this I have had to rely on my daughters dvds as they have never played live in the UK for years.As for RUSH I've already been through this they are second division at everything.

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: August 27 2004 at 21:40

Blacksword wrote:

Quote I think we should launch a petition on the Genesis website, putting pressure on their record company, and on Banks & co to release, on DVD, hours of old concert footage. Everything from the earliest appearances, through the Lamb, and into the the Collins era up to Duke

If you ever go to the forum of the  Hit & Run Group  (Official Genesis rights owners) you'll see that about 40 or 50% of the members are Gabriel era fans, and we ask for that material ten times a month.

But Hit & Run doesn't care, they say there's no Lamb video and never read a convincing reason about why they don't release the material they have. I believe they are only interested in 3 men era music.

So, I'm almost sure they won't release that material ever, even if hey have it.

Quote I know for a fact that they played 'In the cage' and 'Unquiet slumbers for the sleepers' at that show, and they cut it out of the recording

This proves my fears, they only want to release their crappy 3 men era music, even when they have the material they mutilate it.


Posted By: Fragile
Date Posted: August 28 2004 at 06:07
Ivan, you peruvian hatchet man of Phil pop boy Collins's Genesis -keep up the good work! there is only one Genesis and that's Gabriel's Genesis.

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: August 28 2004 at 12:06

Originally posted by Fragile Fragile wrote:

Ivan, you peruvian hatchet man of Phil pop boy Collins's Genesis -keep up the good work! there is only one Genesis and that's Gabriel's Genesis.

Shouldn't that be Hackett man!LOL

Call me Mr slow, but I've just realised you can vote in this pole as often as you like. Spend an evening in Fragile, and give Yes a thousand votes!Wink

Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: August 28 2004 at 14:05
Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

Originally posted by Certif1ed Certif1ed wrote:

Hawkwind are the best band I've ever seen live - especially the shows they did at Stonehenge. Rough and ready maybe. But an unforgettable experience.

er, was anyone else there who can tell me what happened...

Don't you even remember Stacia??Wink

Yeah - I saw Hawkwind often enough to remember both of them...

I also remember that Hawkwind had a whilte double-decker bus onto which images were projected. Best film I ever saw...


Posted By: Fragile
Date Posted: August 28 2004 at 14:14
Spend Saturday night in Easy Livin what a terrible thought.Ha Ha, I'll be up the pub with my crew having a laugh drinking bud playing great rock music and arguing about football as best mates do!Tnx for the voting tips those cheating beggars

Posted By: sonic_assassin
Date Posted: August 28 2004 at 14:26

Any poll like that, you're gonna have zillions of fans pointing out omissions from the list!  My first reaction was, where's Hawkwind?

Sadly, I've seen none of the listed ones  so I shall be seriously ethical and not vote. But, if they were all gigging in town simultaneously, I'd plump for Crimson.

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: August 28 2004 at 17:14

Best Live Band...


Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: August 28 2004 at 18:14
Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

Blacksword wrote:

Quote I think we should launch a petition on the Genesis website, putting pressure on their record company, and on Banks & co to release, on DVD, hours of old concert footage. Everything from the earliest appearances, through the Lamb, and into the the Collins era up to Duke

If you ever go to the forum of the  Hit & Run Group  (Official Genesis rights owners) you'll see that about 40 or 50% of the members are Gabriel era fans, and we ask for that material ten times a month.

But Hit & Run doesn't care, they say there's no Lamb video and never read a convincing reason about why they don't release the material they have. I believe they are only interested in 3 men era music.

So, I'm almost sure they won't release that material ever, even if hey have it.

Quote I know for a fact that they played 'In the cage' and 'Unquiet slumbers for the sleepers' at that show, and they cut it out of the recording

This proves my fears, they only want to release their crappy 3 men era music, even when they have the material they mutilate it.


Must admit I've only looked at the site once and it plastered with 'We cant dance' logos. That was a while back. It was enough to make me think it was only aimed at fans of very late Genesis.

I have to dissagree with with your hatred of the three man band. They were still good on ATTWT and Duke IMHO.  But, I agree, crap thereafter...

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: zappa123
Date Posted: August 29 2004 at 10:24

                  ZAPPA---GOD TOLD ME SO

                 BUT I KNEW  THAT ALREADY

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: August 29 2004 at 14:21
Originally posted by sonic_assassin sonic_assassin wrote:

Any poll like that, you're gonna have zillions of fans pointing out omissions from the list!  My first reaction was, where's Hawkwind?

Sadly, I've seen none of the listed ones  so I shall be seriously ethical and not vote. But, if they were all gigging in town simultaneously, I'd plump for Crimson.

The reason I did not include Hawkwind is be cause I ( unfortunately ) never had the opportunity to see them live. I love the in their many incarnations.  To my knowledge thet have never played Montreal.

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: August 29 2004 at 14:22
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Best Live Band...

ELP Yeah!

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: August 29 2004 at 14:24
King Crimson is my favourite for their improvs.

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: August 29 2004 at 14:28
Rush, gotta be Rush, or maybe Rush supported by Rush after listening to Rush live in the pub on the way to the gig. Or maybe just Rush.

Posted By: Dan Bobrowski
Date Posted: August 29 2004 at 16:39
I believe the total votes cast exceeds the total "active" members on the forum. I know I didn't vote. I haven't seen any of them live.   

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: August 29 2004 at 18:53

Well I've seen all of them live except Mariah and Grobschnitt... and even tho I loved Yes and King Crimson... I'm still pulling for ELP.

However, some people have way to much time on their hands.. or some Genesis/KC fans anyway...hehe


Posted By: The Prognaut
Date Posted: August 30 2004 at 14:49

Out of the entire list, I've seen KC, Yes, Rush and Jethro Tull... but still, I think both Pink Floyd concerts in Mexico City were outstanding! a pretty high fence for the others to leap...


break the circle

reset my head

wake the sleepwalker

and i'll wake the dead

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: August 30 2004 at 15:18

I dont believe that more than 10 of the current members list have seen the classic Genesis line up live.

Jesus, if you keep pressing vote it keeps totting up (am I the slowest person in the entire universeWink)

Bring the Fraud Squad in I say!!

I only voted for Rush 49 times, so it can't just be me!

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: August 30 2004 at 18:24

Reed Lover wrote:

Quote I dont believe that more than 10 of the current members list have seen the classic Genesis line up live.

I'm afraid you're right, thanks God there are quite a few good Genesis concert bootlegs in DVD format and The Musical Box are on tour (The closest experience to a Classic Genesis concert).

By the way, the only prog' bands I ever saw in person are Yes, ELP, Jethro Tull, Kansas, Rick Wakeman, Pink Floyd and Crimson and a couple more I can't remember.

Great bands don't come very often to Perú nor I'm old enough to have seen most of them in the 70's, but thanks to technology I saw most of the great bands on DVD.


Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: August 30 2004 at 18:30
The best band I ever saw live was Yes (Hammersmith Appollo with the symphony orchestra a few years back). But I never saw ELP in their glory years (1971-74)

Posted By: Uther Pendragon
Date Posted: December 06 2005 at 14:26
Rush are pretty damn good as I've seen them a couple of times, but it's a shame that there isn't a vote for Marillion as they are still the best band I have ever seen live

"And so as I patrol in the valley of the shadow of the tricolour I must fear evil for I am but mortal and mortals can only die."

Posted By: White Duck
Date Posted: December 15 2005 at 04:31

Posted By: Tommy
Date Posted: December 15 2005 at 09:01



Posted By: proger
Date Posted: December 15 2005 at 12:08
where is Pink floyd?!?!

------------- for tomorrow...

Posted By: Andrea Cortese
Date Posted: December 15 2005 at 12:10

Posted By: zachfive
Date Posted: December 15 2005 at 18:53
Rush, hands down...I mean, name another band who plays longer/harder/higher(HA)  than Rush
. Dont rack your brains too hard ladies, there is no correct answer

Date Posted: December 15 2005 at 19:14



The Beatles

Posted By: anael
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 18:23





Posted By: Gentle Tull
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 18:34

The only one I've seen live is Jethro Tull, and they were great.

Genesis and Gentle Giant sound great live from the stuff I've heard.


Posted By: CryoftheCarrots
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 18:52
I saw Jethro Tull in May this year & although the band were great the show was let down by a poor mix.I saw Genesis years ago and they were great.Only seen the Live in Rio DVD by Rush & that was great but again a poor vocal mix.As there is no other button I wont vote because the best prog live acts Ive seen were Tool and Pink Floyd.

Posted By: MegaMoog
Date Posted: December 20 2005 at 20:48

Posted By: Phil
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 11:02
Originally posted by anael anael wrote:




Posted By: Phil
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 11:03
Aha! Another poll allowing multiple voting, hence the rather silly numbers being polled...

Posted By: Progger
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 11:06
Originally posted by Gentle Tull Gentle Tull wrote:

Genesis and Gentle Giant sound great live from the stuff I've heard.

Apart from Gabriel's banter before songs, I don't hear anything different between Genesis' studio and Genesis live. Visually they were a great band but not to listen to!

Posted By: tardis
Date Posted: December 21 2005 at 17:38

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