I have the first 8 or 9 albums, and in all honesty I have to listen to them all again ... but there were/are a lot of very neat things, and far out things in all of those albums ... absolutely a great band, and some neat artistry in it all ... and check the Rick Beato discussion of Chicago in a couple of his shows ... beautifully done and the appreciation for the music, was excellent.
It was one of the first times I had really heard someone appreciate CHICAGO for their music ... and I go way back to their very first album ... as they were the "brothers" in those days that we all got together and ... sometimes we had to put up with cops hitting our heads ... but in the end, the music is the greatest symbol of what life really means ... it was a scary time, but when you knew you had someone else with you ... things got better quickly. I was in Madison, WI just 3 hours up the road.
(DD did both of Chicago's first 2 albums, but he did not exactly appreciate the work and musicianship involved and how the band worked. I was really bummed with his view on it ... and all he could do was mention a chord or two to make it look like he was into it ... I don't think he could appreciate the time and place that the band lived in, to create the works they did. They are a veritable snapshot for at least 10 years!)
Got to enjoy some things in Chicago ... Yehudi Menuhin and Ravi Shankar, Man of La Mancha with the original Richard Kiley, the Chicago Art Institute, and then the other place with all the technological stuff ... can't even remember its name.
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told! www.pedrosena.com