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Blistering Moments suggested Eclectic Music

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Suggest New Bands and Artists
Forum Description: Suggest, create polls, and classify new bands you would like included on Prog Archives
Printed Date: March 12 2025 at 06:54
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Topic: Blistering Moments suggested Eclectic Music
Posted By: rik wilson
Subject: Blistering Moments suggested Eclectic Music
Date Posted: March 10 2025 at 11:35
Blistering Moments  ( eCLECTIC ) Dead Man's Curve label UK 1985

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: March 10 2025 at 11:55
We need a bit more information, bio, links to albums, photo of band.


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: yam yam
Date Posted: March 10 2025 at 14:25
^ Biography (of sorts, but a useable one could easily be constructed from it)" rel="nofollow - here , album here:" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: yam yam
Date Posted: March 10 2025 at 16:38
This music isn't my cup of tea at all, lol, but it sounds like it might be worth throwing the suggestion across to the Prog Electronic team in the first instance (though that sub is not my own particular 'specialist subject' to say the least!).

On" rel="nofollow - - this listing  has a pretty good upload of the sleeve image, from which I cropped a band photo (if nothing better is forthcoming from Rik himself) and some info to create a biography from.

There was a used copy of the LP for sale on" rel="nofollow -

I think there's enough here now to evaluate the band, if Rik doesn't provide any additional info himself, that is. Embarrassed

Posted By: Gordy
Date Posted: March 10 2025 at 16:47
We will definitely need a biography from someone, but the above info points to PSIKE being the best fit - you definitely got my attention at "Krautrock" and "British post-industrial," and RYM tags their sole album as "Ambient, Industrial, Drone, Sound Collage, Minimal Synth, Progressive Electronic."

Posted By: yam yam
Date Posted: March 10 2025 at 17:00
^ I'll commit to putting together a biography for you from the bits and pieces that we have at the moment if nothing more substantial is forthcoming from Rik himself, but it would obviously be better if it came from the pen one of the band members rather than being pieced together from a collection of scraps picked up from the Internet. Embarrassed

Edit: Good, hi-res (1000x1000) .jpg front of album sleeve image" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Gordy
Date Posted: March 10 2025 at 17:06
Thanks as always, David, though I, too, hope Rik chimes in. Excited to listen to this later, will take to the team.

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