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25 1991 to 1988 Album Releases

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Topic: 25 1991 to 1988 Album Releases
Posted By: Logan
Subject: 25 1991 to 1988 Album Releases
Date Posted: March 04 2025 at 23:24
These come from my longer lists at Awesomeprog. Here is a topic with my yearly lists, but it needs updating as I have made subsequent changes to my lists (added more, rearranged a bit even if the number can feel so very arbitrary depending on the whim of the moment)." rel="nofollow -

This time I went with seven, six, five and seven for the years for 25 options. Again, please mention others and if nothing is liked from the list. I do think using other is generally a bit of a wasted poll option as we only have 25 and people can mention others as much as they like. Reading through the posts, as I often say, means more to me commonly, or is just more enjoyable, than looking at the poll results. Happy for others to promote and discuss the music of the time that they care about.

This is a multiple vote poll, please vote for up to five that you like of the total, or more if you really want to and mention those in a post. And again, feel free to mention any others. Please indicate if only mentioning others if none of the choices are known or liked. That helps me to better grok where you are coming from when mentioning other choices (gives me some more context).


1. Swans - White Light From the Mouth of Infinity
2. Talk Talk - Laughing Stock
3. Cardiacs - Songs for Ships and Irons (compilation)
4. Tuxedomoon - The Ghost Sonata
5. Controlled Bleeding - Golgotha
6. Mercury Rev - Yerself Is Steam
7. Slint - Spiderland


1. Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas (not in PA)
2. Depeche Mode - Violator (not in PA)
3. U Totem - U Totem
4. Dead Can Dance - Aion
5. Naked City (John Zorn) - Naked City
6. Toy Matinee - Toy Matinee (not in PA)


1. Cardiacs - On Land and in The Sea
2. Thinking Plague - In This Life
3. After Dinner - Paradise of Replica
4. The Cure - Disintegration (not in PA)
5. Kate Bush - The Sensual World


1. Cardiacs - A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window
2. Dead Can Dance - The Serpent's Egg
3. Talk Talk - Spirit of Eden
4. Siouxsie and The Banshees - Peepshow (not in PA)
5. Geinoh Yamashirogumi - Symphonic Suite AKIRA
6. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Tender Prey (not in PA)
7. Cocteau Twins - Blue Bell Knoll (not in PA)

Love to hear about what people like from the list, if any, and what people's personal favourites are from the years. What matters most is that we care about the music we share. Thanks.

Posted By: Octopus II
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 00:04
Talk Talk - Laughing Stock

Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas 

Kate Bush - The Sensual World

Talk Talk - Spirit of Eden

Posted By: Big Sky
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 00:24

I know in general our tastes don't often align and the same can be said here with the exception of Toy Matinee. I really enjoyed that album. Some very notable session musicians comprised this band and Kevin Gilbert was a first rate talent. Unfortunately he never achieved the success he deserved and his death was tragic. In turn, that makes me think of Sheryl Crow, which only pisses me off.... Not a fan of hers. We will leave it there.

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 00:30
1991: Mercury Rev - Yerself is Steam
1990: Depeche Mode - Violator
1989: Kate Bush - The Sensual World
1988: Dead Can Dance - The Serpent's Egg

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 00:38
^ Thanks Paul, and others, like your list/s

Originally posted by Big Sky Big Sky wrote:


I know in general our tastes don't often align and the same can be said here with the exception of Toy Matinee. I really enjoyed that album. Some very notable session musicians comprised this band and Kevin Gilbert was a first rate talent. Unfortunately he never achieved the success he deserved and his death was tragic. In turn, that makes me think of Sheryl Crow, which only pisses me off.... Not a fan of hers. We will leave it there.

I don't like Sheryl Crow either, Jeff. Our distastes are aligning there, not for me because of any relationship with Kevin Gilbert, just generally. It is very sad about Kevin Gilbert, and while I have not listened to it in considerable years (almost 20) I have enjoyed The Shaming of the True. We had a member called the Progtologist who was a huge fan of it as I recall (something for the old-school PA members to reminisce about).

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 00:45
Talk Talk - Laughing Stock
Depeche Mode - Violator
The Cure - Disintegration
Talk Talk - Spirit of Eden

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 04:11
Thinking Plague! The floor is warm with nose hairs.

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: Rick1
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 04:56
Ah, the era of Cardiacs and Cocteaus...

Posted By: Mormegil
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 06:19
Dead Can Dance - The Serpent's Egg
Kate Bush - The Sensual World

Welcome to the middle of the film.

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 06:35
Talk Talk
U Totem
Thinking Plague


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 06:41
* = Voted for. Would gladly have voted for the additional albums I kept, if I could.


1. Swans - White Light From the Mouth of Infinity *
2. Talk Talk - Laughing Stock *


1. Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas (not in PA) *
2. Depeche Mode - Violator (not in PA)


1. The Cure - Disintegration (not in PA) *
2. After Dinner - Paradise of Replica


1. Dead Can Dance - The Serpent's Egg *
2. Talk Talk - Spirit of Eden
3. Siouxsie and The Banshees - Peepshow (not in PA)
4. Cocteau Twins - Blue Bell Knoll (not in PA)

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 08:10
^ Thanks so much, you can vote for as many as you like, but what matters more to me is that they get listed in the posts, as you have. And I do love the format of your post with one asterisked choice per year voted on, and that is form that I found eminently readable. I sometimes squeeze my choices into a paragraph and it makes seeing the list hard. Nice to see so much mentioned. Really appreciate it. And thanks to all who have taken the time to vote and comment thus far.

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 10:09
Too many favourites here. Cardiacs and Talk Talk will have to make do with one vote each although all five of theirs are super voteworthy.
So, it's Laughing Stock, A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window, Spiderland, The Sensual World, In This Life; could well also have been The Serpent's Egg.

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 10:13
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

^ Thanks Paul, and others, like your list/s

It's one of those rare occasions when I own all four albums that I voted for. Smile

Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 18:56
1991 Laughing Stock
1990 Violator
1989 Disintegration
1988 Symphonic Suite AKIRA

Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 20:07
Laughing Stock
In This Life
The Serpent's Egg

A tough 4 years for our music. Some of my favourites.

91 Echolyn- s/t
     Sonny Sharrock- Ask The Ages
     Dunaj- Rosol

90 This might be my least favourite year in music.

89 Fates Warning- Perfect Symmetry
     Marillion- Season's End

88 Iron Maiden- Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
     Dark- Tamna Voda (David Torn on guitar and loops and L. Shankar on double violin)

"The wind is slowly tearing her apart"


Posted By: Big Sky
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 21:14
Originally posted by Mellotron Storm Mellotron Storm wrote:

Laughing Stock
In This Life
The Serpent's Egg

A tough 4 years for our music. Some of my favourites.

91 Echolyn- s/t
     Sonny Sharrock- Ask The Ages
     Dunaj- Rosol

90 This might be my least favourite year in music.

89 Fates Warning- Perfect Symmetry
     Marillion- Season's End

88 Iron Maiden- Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
     Dark- Tamna Voda (David Torn on guitar and loops and L. Shankar on double violin)

Yes it was. 1990 was particularly bad, although Bela Fleck and the Flecktones released their debut album which, was a strong release. Steve Morse had two good albums during this period. High Tension Wires (89) and Southern Steel (91). ABWH self titled album was released in 89 that was pretty good. Already mentioned Toy Matinee in an above post.

I have always liked Classical music and I would say I listened to more Classical music during this period than any other time thus far in my life.

Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 22:31
Originally posted by Saperlipopette! Saperlipopette! wrote:


1. Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas (not in PA) *
2. Depeche Mode - Violator (not in PA)

I don't know what I was thinking not including Dead Can Dance - Aion for 1990. It should have been placed in between the two in the quote.

Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 23:02
Originally posted by Mellotron Storm Mellotron Storm wrote:

A tough 4 years for our music. Some of my favourites.

While I partly agree, I've always liked "non-progressive" Thrash/Death Metal and Alternative Rock/Pop (+ classic Hip-Hop), so I won't have a problem coming up with twenty or so favorites - even for 1990.

If you don't know Rabih Abou-Khalil, placed in Prog Folk at PA where his Arabic Jazz do not fit in at all imo. He's got much more in common with Andre Fertier's Clivage, Codona and Vasant Rai in Indo Raga. Anyway, he released his strongest albums in this period.

Bukra,1989, Roots & Sprouts, 1990 and Al-Jadida (الجديدة) from 1991 in particular are just as great as his only ever mentioned album: Blue Camel from the year after (1992).

Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: March 05 2025 at 23:43
1989 The Jesus and Mary Chain- "Automatic" 

I listened to Automatic countless times. 

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: March 06 2025 at 02:04
Once again I request:

Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

This is a multiple vote poll, please vote for up to five that you like of the total, or more if you really want to and mention those in a post. And again, feel free to mention any others. Please indicate if only mentioning others if none of the choices are known or liked. That helps me to better grok where you are coming from when mentioning other choices (gives me some more context).

I am very happy to hear about others as long as there is some commentary on the list even if it is that you know none, or you know such-and-such but it it is not to your taste. I can understand how that might not seem like big deal to others, but it's something I've been trying to get across for many years here. I find it very alienating when people just mention others without trying to say something about what is on offer, and also it can be confusing because sometimes I have known people liked things from the list but would still insist on just mentioning their own choices. I'd respond to them and get no response back. The cold-shoulder or just not noticed, ignored or missed, I had no idea. Something for the future and this is something I will try to make clearer still in the next poll. The poll question should make that clear, not just the OP, so I hope to do better next time in having that expectation come through. No acrimony, no hard feelings, no thinking ill intent, I just want to try to make it clear to all. Thanks. :)

Originally posted by Mellotron Storm Mellotron Storm wrote:

...90 This might be my least favourite year in music....

One of the first 1990 albums that I loved, and actually one of the first post-classic era prog ones that I discovered and loved (in Avant Prog and released by Cuneiform) is U Totem's self-titled." rel="nofollow -

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