Teleplasmiste are a British post-industrial electronic duo active since 2015, consisting of writer/musician Mark Pilkington (Raagnagrok, Urthona, Luminous Foundation) and ever-busy bagpiper Michael J. York (Coil, the Utopia Strong, the Stargazer's Assistant, etc.). The two met through mutual friends (and York's Cyclobe bandmates) Ossian Brown and Stephen Thrower, beginning a musical partnership which would blossom into four full-length albums and two EPs, mostly released through House of Mythology.
York and Pilkington use modular and semi-modular synthesizers along with flutes, samples, bells and York's bagpipe to craft a mesmeric, improvised prog-electronic drone imagining the mulitilayered kosmische of later Coil bridged with the organ-based minimalism of Terry Riley. Teleplasmiste's modus operandi is psychedelic and impressionistic music of a "transportative," emotionally neutral nature; as the band explained, "We both have a strongly animistic outlook which colours our music, and our approach to the world - everything is alive, including our synthesisers, and by extension, our music." With auxiliary visual effects usually provided by Pond Scum Light Show, Teleplasmiste's live performances tend to skew towards unorthodox "venues" such as crypts, churches and the Kelvedon Hatch nuclear bunker.
"Frequency Is the New Ecstasy" (2017)" rel="nofollow -
"The Wishing Machine" EP (2018)" rel="nofollow -
"SCIENCE <> RELIGION" (2019)" rel="nofollow -
"To Kiss Earth Goodbye" (2020)" rel="nofollow -
"Of Nature & Electricity" (2024)" rel="nofollow -