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The French Connection: 25 70's albums from 25 acts

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Topic: The French Connection: 25 70's albums from 25 acts
Posted By: Logan
Subject: The French Connection: 25 70's albums from 25 acts
Date Posted: October 23 2024 at 21:21
This poll includes some of my favourite albums from French acts (released or founded in France) from the 1970s. There are many that I would have liked to include, but there are only 25 options and I don't like to crowd those with "and/or" propositions. I did leave off some of the more popular names, like I love Jarre, but I chose to cover some lesser known ones. My master list is almost 60 and I easily could have included more that I have appreciated. France was my favourite country for releases especially in my early years here. It's still one of my favourites but the world has so much to offer generally. And a lot of my favourite French music is not so "prog" and comes from other decades (the 1980s was very strong for RIO and Zeuhl from France -- Art Zoyd, my big love).

I might do another poll to cover 25 of those that I oped not to include this time. The ones I gave asterisks to are the ones I decided on this time.

Jean-Pierre Alarcen - Tableau N° 1 (1979)
Ange - Au-delà du délire (1974)
Arachnoïd - Arachnoïd (1979)
* Archaïa - Archaïa (1977)
* Art Zoyd - Musique pour l'Odyssée (1979)
Atoll - L'araignée-mal (1975)
* Besombes-Rizet - Pôle (1975)
Tim Blake - Crystal Machine (1977)
Emmanuel Booz - Le Jour où les Vaches... (1974)
Jean-Louis Bucchi - Sunflower (1978)

Carpe Diem - En regardant passer le temps (1975)
Clearlight - Clearlight Symphony (1975)
* Clivage - Mixtus Orbis (1978)
* Cortex - Troupeau bleu (1975) (not in PA, but relevant)
Pascal Duffard - Dieu est Fou (1976)
Etron fou leloublan - Batelages (1977)
* Serge Gainsbourg - Histoire de Melody Nelson (1971)
* Gong - You (1974) (Gong formed in France even if "multinational")
* Alain Goraguer - La planète sauvage (1973)
Jean-Philippe Goude & Olivier Colé - Jeunes Années (1976)
* Heldon - Stand By (1979)
Herbe Rouge - Côté Cour, Côté Jardin [aka Herbe Rouge] (1978)
Honeyelk - Stoyz vi Dozévéloy (1979)
Horrific Child - L'étrange Mr. Whinster (1976)
Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygène (1976)
Kha - Ym - 10 "GMT (1979)
* Komintern - Le bal du rat mort (1971)
* Lard Free - Gilbert Artman's Lard Free (1973)
Tedd Lasry - E = MC² (1976)
* Magma - Kobaïa (1970)

* Gerard Manset - La mort d'Orion (1970)
Memoriance - Et après... (1976)
* Moving Gelatine Plates - The World of Genius Hans (1972)
* Janko Nilović - Rythmes contemporains (1974) (not in PA, but very relevant jazz fusion, imo, who moved to France in 1960)
Pentacle - La Clef des Songes (1975)
Richard Pinhas - Chronolyse (1978)
* Plat du jour - Plat du jour (1977)
Pulsar - The Strands of the Future (1976)
* Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes - Paix (1972)
Rialzu - Rialzu (aka U Rigiru) (1978)

Ripaille - La vieille que l'on brûla (1977)
Yochk'o Seffer - Ghilgoul (1978)
* William Sheller - Lux Aeterna (1972)
Shylock - Gialorgues (1977)
* Space Art - Trip in the Center Head (1977)
Laurent Thibault - Mais on ne peut pas rêver tout le temps (1979)
Christian Vander - Tristan et Iseult (1974)
* Jean-Claude Vannier - L'enfant assassin des mouches (1972)
Visitors - Visitors (1974)
* Vortex - Les cycles de Thanatos (1979)

* Igor Wakhévitch - Docteur Faust (1971)
Wapassou - Wapassou (1974)
* Weidorje - Weidorje (1979)
Bernard Xolotl - Journey to an Oracle (1977)
* Zao - Osiris (1974)
* Zanov - Green Ray (1976)
Zed - Visions of Dune (1979)
ZNR - Barricade 3 (1976)

Please vote for up to five (or more, or less) and feel free to mention any favourites not in the poll, may be in my masterlist or not, from the 70s associated with France. Thanks

So I might do another poll, might very well not, to cover more from my masterlist. Hope plenty of forum members can see something that they enjoy in the list. I might do a playlist later too even if it is only for my, um, something or other.

Posted By: Bj-1
Date Posted: October 23 2024 at 21:37
Another tough poll. Went with Heldon, Zoyd, Gong, MGP and Weidorje, with Archaia, Igor W, Vortex, Zao, Catherine Ribeiro just behind Thumbs Up 

RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: October 23 2024 at 22:11
Originally posted by Bj-1 Bj-1 wrote:

Another tough poll. Went with Heldon, Zoyd, Gong, MGP and Weidorje, with Archaia, Igor W, Vortex, Zao, Catherine Ribeiro just behind Thumbs Up 

From a list of music that of course I really like, I love your choices.

Hmm, while I really wish to keep this in five, I'll go with...
Serge Gainsbourg - Histoire de Melody Nelson
Jean-Claude Vannier - L'enfant assassin des mouches
Cortex - Troupeau bleu
Janko Nilovic - Rythmes contemporains
Magma - Kobaïa
and Art Zoyd - Musique pour l'Odyssée today.

Really want to give Wakhévitch, Heldon, Catherine Ribeiro and Gong a vote too as well as the others (the perils and follies of voting in polls of one's personal faves). :)

Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: October 23 2024 at 22:28
How they feel while thinking about them without listening. It might change a little upon revisiting:

Magma - Kobaïa     
Gong - You
Igor Wakhévitch - Docteur Faust
Zanov - Green Ray
Art Zoyd - Musique Pour l'Odyssée
Vortex - Les Cycles de Thanatos
Archaïa - Archaïa
Alain Goraguer - La Planète Sauvage
Jean-Claude Vannier - L'enfant assassin des mouches      
Moving Gelatine Plates - The World of Genius Hans
Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes - Paix
Lard Free - Gilbert Artman's Lard Free
Zao - Osiris
Space Art - Trip in the Center Head
Clivage - Mixtus Orbis      
Cortex - Troupeau Bleu
Heldon - Stand By
Besombes-Rizet - Pôle
Serge Gainsbourg - Histoire de Melody Nelson
Janko Nilovic - Rythmes Contemporains

-I've found all of the five last ones enjoyable in the past, but they haven't stuck with me. Maybe I'm to blame, and not the album:

Weidorje - Weidorje
Gerard Manset - La Mort d'Orion
Plat du jour - Plat du jour
William Sheller - Lux Aeterna
Komintern - Le bal du rat mort (I remember this one as halv great/half annoying)

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: October 23 2024 at 23:51
Space Art

Posted By: Floydoid
Date Posted: October 24 2024 at 03:13
Paix by a mile.

Is it any wonder that the monkey's confused?

Posted By: David_D
Date Posted: October 24 2024 at 04:18

I like much the idea of a French poll itself, but I have to say that even France is one of my favourite 1970s countries, the albums selected here are not exactly my cup of tea. Embarrassed

Edit: But I now have seen that the next poll maybe to come looks better to me. Smile

                      quality over quantity, and all kind of PopcoRn almost beyond

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: October 24 2024 at 04:27
Voted for Gong, Weidorje, and William Sheller. I arrange my pants in Dedekind cuts, then by zipper brand.

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: David_D
Date Posted: October 24 2024 at 04:33
Originally posted by progaardvark progaardvark wrote:

I arrange my pants in Dedekind cuts, then by zipper brand.


                      quality over quantity, and all kind of PopcoRn almost beyond

Posted By: mellotronwave
Date Posted: October 24 2024 at 06:40
Weidorje, Manset, Archaia, Komintern

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: October 24 2024 at 10:59
Thanks all for the comments. I knew this listing would not be very popular at this site on the whole, but I'm glad to see people who do like multiple albums (some albums or most albums). I would think there would be something for most here who have fairly varied, fairly adventurous, groovy and enjoy atmospheric music tastes when it comes to 70s progressive music.

As I wrote in the recent 70s German topic by me, for any who may wish to acquaint or reacquaint themselves with music from albums of this list, as is common from me, I made a playlist with one track per album that I really like. Plenty of the "usual suspects" from me here. The tracks may not be most representative of the album, it is no substitute for listening to full albums, I could have gone with others, and you might prefer other choices, but I enjoy the exercise and I hope some others find something they like by checking out some of the music." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: October 24 2024 at 11:39
Cortex, Heldon and Besombes-Rizet are easy favorites.

I also like Zoyd, Zanov & Zao.

-------------" rel="nofollow - eBay

Posted By: David_D
Date Posted: October 24 2024 at 14:34
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

...feel free to mention any favourites not in the poll....

Some of my French '70s favourites, which I haven't voted for in the other poll, are:

Magma   2:1001º Centigrades   (1971)
Gong   Shamal  (1975)

Jean-Luc Ponty  Upon the Wings of Music  (1975)

Heldon  Heldon 6. Interface  (1977)

Pulsar   Halloween  (1977)

                      quality over quantity, and all kind of PopcoRn almost beyond

Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: October 25 2024 at 01:05
Gong, Gainsbourg, Genius Hans and Weidorje.


Posted By: Hrychu
Date Posted: October 25 2024 at 04:11
I'm sometimes confused why a lot of you guys are such 70's fanboys and treat said decade as some holy worship-worthy magical fairy dust time period. For the record, Stonehenge (2010) is one of my favorite French prog albums ever.

“On the day of my creation, I fell in love with education. And overcoming all frustration, a teacher I became.”
— Ernest Vong

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: October 25 2024 at 04:16
Clivage - Mixtus Orbis

Posted By: Hrychu
Date Posted: October 25 2024 at 04:18
Anyway, I voted for Moving Gelatine Plates. While not a prog rock classic, I think it's a masterpiece in terms of woodwind/brasswind orchestration.

“On the day of my creation, I fell in love with education. And overcoming all frustration, a teacher I became.”
— Ernest Vong

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: October 25 2024 at 04:18
Originally posted by Hrychu Hrychu wrote:

I'm sometimes confused why a lot of you guys are such 70's fanboys and treat said decade as some holy worship-worthy magical fairy dust time period. For the record, Stonehenge (2010) is one of my favorite French prog albums ever.

But the 1970's WERE a magical fairy dust time period, especially if you lived through that whole era during your teenage years. Big smile

Posted By: Hrychu
Date Posted: October 25 2024 at 04:31
Well, on 2nd thought, there certainly is something to it. And I think it's more than just nostalgia. I was born in 1996 and still I can see a certain strangely unique appeal to the 70s music that can't be found elsewhere.

Still, I'm not as blinded by it as most of the folk here and I can apprciate modern music equally as much. Peace.

“On the day of my creation, I fell in love with education. And overcoming all frustration, a teacher I became.”
— Ernest Vong

Posted By: octopus-4
Date Posted: October 25 2024 at 07:04
Of the many that I have voted (some of them obvious) I want to mention the one shot "Plat Du Jour". When it landed to PA I've ha the possibility of exchanging some PNs with the drummer, a very nice guy who told me that they had a lot of fun making it and was surprised that it emerged on the web so many years after its release. A great album, in my opinion

I stand with Roger Waters, I stand with Joan Baez, I stand with Victor Jara, I stand with Woody Guthrie. Music is revolution

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: October 25 2024 at 10:49
Originally posted by Hrychu Hrychu wrote:

Well, on 2nd thought, there certainly is something to it. And I think it's more than just nostalgia. I was born in 1996 and still I can see a certain strangely unique appeal to the 70s music that can't be found elsewhere.

Still, I'm not as blinded by it as most of the folk here and I can appreciate modern music equally as much. Peace.

I was born in the 70s, and really came to appreciate much of the music that is appreciated at PA in the 80s. Liking 70s music is not a nostalgia thing for me. if I were older, then it more likely would be. The vast majority of what I love from the 70s I had not heard before the 2000s.

I think there is something special and unique about the 70s, but I could say that of other decades too. I love and have lots of music I appreciate from all of the decades from the 60s up. I listen to more contemporary music mostly. And 80s and 90s does gets lots of playtime from me too. Some here are really dismissive of the 80s, but for me music like Dead Can Dance, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Cocteau Twins, Joy Division and things in PA's RIO/Avant category like Art Zoyd, Camberwell Now, This Heat, Thinking Plague and Cardiacs I love.

The 70s is just one part of my diet.

Posted By: Olape
Date Posted: October 25 2024 at 12:14
I've listened only a few from the list. Votes for

Plat du jour


Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 25 2024 at 17:17
I've got to listen to more French music. I know only those in both polls that already have very solid numbers of votes. I can only make the rich even richer.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: October 25 2024 at 17:42
This is my favourite of the the two polls on the whole although obviously I like the music in both.

With most of what I listen to these years I tend to stream, although I knew all of this list before these streaming years. I am hoping to save enough money to get the newest auditory cortex implant (streams straight to your brain) that comes with built-in ad block.

Just mentioning the playlist again with one track per album just in case anyone wants to check out samples of any of the music.

Posted By: Hrychu
Date Posted: October 26 2024 at 01:12
Yeah, some of the folk here who are simping for the 70's, speak of the 80's as if it was some embodiment of evil.

“On the day of my creation, I fell in love with education. And overcoming all frustration, a teacher I became.”
— Ernest Vong

Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: October 26 2024 at 02:26
Originally posted by Hrychu Hrychu wrote:

I'm sometimes confused why a lot of you guys are such 70's fanboys and treat said decade as some holy worship-worthy magical fairy dust time period. For the record, Stonehenge (2010) is one of my favorite French prog albums ever.

It has probably something to do with age. A wee teenage laddie is probably more prone to influences taking root than a 65yo goat, such as Paul and I are nowadays. My early teens coincided with the heyday of prog, so I am in a position to muse on that period with nostalgic melancholy," rel="nofollow - vemod as one of my favourite bands from a later era would call it. And the days after, such as the 80's, feel like a great decline indeed. Not an embodiment of evil, and even then there have been released some good albums (I think 1981 was a pretty good year for prog).

Of my 10 favourite prog albums, 8 are from the 70's; the other two were released in 1997 and 2009.

The 2010's are my second favourite decade. Yet much post-70's prog still points back to the 1970's .


Posted By: Hrychu
Date Posted: October 26 2024 at 03:43
Fair point. However, I still think the 80's don't deserve so much shіt. Yes, that was long after the "heyday" as you called it but in terms of recordiong technology, the early 80s frickin ruled. That brief period between 1980 and popularization of digital musical equipment touches my heart in a unique way.

My favorite early 80s albums include:

◦East - Játékok (1981)
◦Steely Dan - Gaucho (1980)
◦SBB - MzBT (1980-1981)
◦Synkopy & Oldřich Vesely - Křídlení (1983)
◦Eloy - Colours (1980)
◦VA - Kolęda Nocka (1981)
◦Step Ahead - (1982)

“On the day of my creation, I fell in love with education. And overcoming all frustration, a teacher I became.”
— Ernest Vong

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