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King Gizzard or Motorpsycho

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
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Topic: King Gizzard or Motorpsycho
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Subject: King Gizzard or Motorpsycho
Date Posted: March 29 2024 at 18:51
I have to admit I'm not that familiar with either band but I do know that both have many different albums in a lot of different styles so there's that. 

Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: March 29 2024 at 20:21
Great idea for a poll with both bands releasing around 25 studio albums each. Funny I have King Gizzard's first 13 plus one, and 10 of Motorpsycho's last 11.
My choice is Motorpsycho as I'm just more into their style overall. Love the microtonal stuff King Gizzard did though.

"The wind is slowly tearing her apart"


Posted By: Octopus II
Date Posted: March 30 2024 at 00:53
Motorpsycho Smile

Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: March 30 2024 at 01:36
King Gizzard for me. The hours upon hours of listening joy these hyperactive aussies has provided me with for the last seven years or so, is unmatched. A new album by them is always interesting, and I usually end up loving every release.

-While a lot of post-2000's Motorpsycho's albums are really great, they tend to blur into each other and I have a hard time telling them apart. They are a little bit samey and except for always sounding like Motorpsychyo - they rarely burst with a stand out personality/quality. Now this ended up sounding more negative than I intended. I really like them. But rarely do I come back and relisten to a new album by them, after having conluded they've released another solid LP.

Both bands are exellent live, and that's where the material of the latter band in particular really come to life.  

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: March 30 2024 at 02:11
Motorpsycho by far 

Posted By: mellotronwave
Date Posted: March 30 2024 at 02:45
Motorpsycho but I listen to KG from time to time

"You must not talk to idiots, it instructs them" (Michel Audiard)
" Je ne parle pas aux idiots , cela les instruit"

Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: March 30 2024 at 04:37
Not that familiar either; I may have listened to four or five albums of each. Based on those I have a slight preference for Motorpsycho. I particularly like the The All Is One album. KG is regularly played on my preferred radio station and everytime I think "that sounds good", but a whole album (those that I've heard) has not yet convinced me entirely...


The razamataz is a pain in the bum

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: March 30 2024 at 07:24
Very interesting pairing and maybe as close to a draw as polls can get. Both bands are strongly hit and miss for me, they have four or five albums each that I think are really great, and for both, unfortunately, I really can't connect to the majority of the others as far as I've heard them (in many cases this means having given an album a 10 minutes chance and then going on to something else as I don't have much time for material that doesn't convince me - may be unfair of course). 

I don't really like sitting on the fence but I think for once "both equally" is the right answer for me.


Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: March 30 2024 at 12:47
KG by a light year.

Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: March 30 2024 at 14:02

Posted By: Prog-jester
Date Posted: March 31 2024 at 15:27
exactly what Saperlipopette said: I'd rather click on yet another KGLW's questionable left turn than hear a well-played-but-same-old Motopsycho for the upmteenth time (they'd been really ermm consistent with their style for the last 15 years)

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: March 31 2024 at 17:36
These were two bands that both took me time to warm up to and it is a sensible duo for comparison. I like albums by both, but I have found rather more fizz to King Gizz in that I have found more variety and music to like bubbling in the albums. A couple of topics at this site got me exploring King Gizz much more deeply (it was the power of the forum that compelled me).

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: April 08 2024 at 07:00
Motorpsycho. I talked to the teapot for an hour before writing down every verb I know.

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: April 08 2024 at 07:04
Originally posted by Prog-jester Prog-jester wrote:

exactly what Saperlipopette said: I'd rather click on yet another KGLW's questionable left turn than hear a well-played-but-same-old Motopsycho for the upmteenth time (they'd been really ermm consistent with their style for the last 15 years)

That's about right ... stopped paying attention to Motorpsycho after the excellent Heavy Metal Fruit (2010).

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: April 08 2024 at 22:04
I guess some of you guys don't own more than two or three Ozric Tentacles albums either then. :D

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: April 09 2024 at 01:14
^ What makes you think that?

Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: April 09 2024 at 01:49
^^I don't own any Ozric-albums. But that's because I've listened to a couple of their "classic" albums, and found them largely forgettable. They weren't horrible or anything, but just failed to exite me.

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: April 09 2024 at 01:55
I own a couple of OT albums:

Actually some releases are missing here ... 

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: April 09 2024 at 04:56
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

^ What makes you think that?

Similar to Motorpsycho, it is said that Ozric Tentacles is samey album after album (consistent in style).   I have heard several of the late 80s through early 90s ones, but have not listened to them significantly for about 20 years. It's a band I enjoyed for albums like Erpland and Jurassic Shift but was not wowed by.

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: April 09 2024 at 05:14
^ Same for me. Great stuff, but ultimately not wowing me like some other artists do. 

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Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: April 09 2024 at 13:19
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

^ What makes you think that?

Similar to Motorpsycho, it is said that Ozric Tentacles is samey album after album (consistent in style).   I have heard several of the late 80s through early 90s ones, but have not listened to them significantly for about 20 years. It's a band I enjoyed for albums like Erpland and Jurassic Shift but was not wowed by.

Yep. That's what I meant. One of the biggest complaints about OT is that they are very samey and if you own one you don't need anything else. I understand the sentiment but to me that's a slight exagerration and I enjoy them. I did get bored with them the second time I saw them live though and left early. 

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