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Kafka (FR) for Post/Math Rock

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Printed Date: November 30 2024 at 17:09
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Topic: Kafka (FR) for Post/Math Rock
Posted By: Tzeck
Subject: Kafka (FR) for Post/Math Rock
Date Posted: January 10 2024 at 11:34
Kafka is a French band, founded in 1997 in Clermont Ferrand and active studio-wise since 2004 to this date. They are often classified as a Post Rock band, but I think there is quite a bit of psychedelia, krautrock and some other things from the experimental side of the genre thrown in the mix. Maybe also a pinch of RIO. All their music is purely instrumental and quite atmospheric. They often write music for theater, films and video games. Some of their latest albums are also connected to visual performances.

Musicians that played in Kafka through the years:

Guillaume Mazard - bass, synthesizers
Manu Siachoua - bass
Rémi Aurine-Belloc - guitar
Clément Peyronnet - guitar
Rémi Faraut - drums

2004 - Kafka
2007 - 0
2011 - Geographia
2013 - Adaptation musicale du film ''La petite marchande d'allumettes''
2013 - L'architecte
2017 - Namazu
2017 - Inedits

Live albums:
2010 -
Return / à la source

2019 - Usher
2020 - Les aventures de Jack Lapin: Mission Papirax" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp

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Music is a bridge between yourself and perfection.

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