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The first six Kansas albums

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Topic: The first six Kansas albums
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Subject: The first six Kansas albums
Date Posted: November 19 2023 at 11:37
I'm listening to one of these right now and so I thought of this poll. Wink

Posted By: Octopus II
Date Posted: November 19 2023 at 11:39
Leftoverture Smile

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: November 19 2023 at 11:51

Posted By: Big Sky
Date Posted: November 19 2023 at 12:04
Leftoverture. First 5 Kansas albums are strong. In fact, last two recent studio albums are pretty good too.

Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: November 19 2023 at 12:11
Like them all, but always liked Song for America just a tiny bit more...


The razamataz is a pain in the bum

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: November 19 2023 at 12:15
Originally posted by suitkees suitkees wrote:

Like them all, but always liked Song for America just a tiny bit more...

The title track to SfA and Magnum Opus are maybe the two best things they ever did.

Posted By: Grumpyprogfan
Date Posted: November 19 2023 at 12:32
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

The title track to SfA and Magnum Opus are maybe the two best things they ever did.
The Wall is my favorite Kansas tune.

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: November 19 2023 at 13:21
Originally posted by Grumpyprogfan Grumpyprogfan wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

The title track to SfA and Magnum Opus are maybe the two best things they ever did.
The Wall is my favorite Kansas tune.

That might be number three for me. 

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: November 19 2023 at 13:21
Song for America brings out the patriot in me. Smile

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: November 19 2023 at 13:44
Song for America. I feel better when I'm rectangular.

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: November 19 2023 at 15:52
first vote for the debut album

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: November 19 2023 at 16:41
Leftoverture for me although SFA and PoKR are also great. Masque, the debut and Monolith not as much but all still good. 

I actually think I got the order wrong though. Now that I think about it I think SfA came out before Masque.

Posted By: Manuel
Date Posted: November 19 2023 at 21:19
The obvious winner will be Leftoverture, so I voted for Poing of no Return, to give it some love.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: November 19 2023 at 21:21
Masque was the 'we're not sure what to do now' middle album of that decent run that really ended with POKR. Kansas started as a symphonic prog band and were already moving to short form song formats by the time they got to Masque. Kerry Livgren and Steve Walsh are 2 immense talents but the 'Corporate rock' thing already was taking hold as early as 1976. IMO

PA ratings
Kansas 4.01
Song For America 4.15
Masque 3.68
Leftoverture 4.23
Point Of Know Return 4.18
Monolith 3.26

They stay pretty poor until the oft overlooked and underrated Somewhere To Elsewhere which could be higher rated if Steve Walsh's voice hadn't been shot. There is then a 16 year gap until the last 2 which are actually very good. Steve couldn't carry on with the band so it did need fresh blood.

Posted By: b_olariu
Date Posted: November 20 2023 at 01:08
Song for America, title track is my fav Kansas track ever, the rest are great, but all 6 albums are essential in any collection, serious music

Posted By: Mormegil
Date Posted: November 20 2023 at 05:31
Leftoverture +1

Welcome to the middle of the film.

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: November 20 2023 at 05:35
Definitely their debut, IMHO.Thumbs Up

The weaker ones being Masque and Monolith (what an awesome inner & outer gatefold artwork, though... which prompted me to write a few sci-fi novellas back then - thankfully probably long lost: probably very embarrassing).


let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: November 20 2023 at 12:32
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by suitkees suitkees wrote:

Like them all, but always liked Song for America just a tiny bit more...

The title track to SfA and Magnum Opus are maybe the two best things they ever did.

Except for "Incomudro," "Journey from Mariabronn," "Miracles Out of Nowhere" see where this is going. Wink
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Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: November 20 2023 at 12:33
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Masque was the 'we're not sure what to do now' middle album of that decent run that really ended with POKR. Kansas started as a symphonic prog band and were already moving to short form song formats by the time they got to Masque. Kerry Livgren and Steve Walsh are 2 immense talents but the 'Corporate rock' thing already was taking hold as early as 1976. IMO

PA ratings
Kansas 4.01
Song For America 4.15
Masque 3.68
Leftoverture 4.23
Point Of Know Return 4.18
Monolith 3.26

They stay pretty poor until the oft overlooked and underrated Somewhere To Elsewhere which could be higher rated if Steve Walsh's voice hadn't been shot. There is then a 16 year gap until the last 2 which are actually very good. Steve couldn't carry on with the band so it did need fresh blood.

Monolith is a big step down, though. Not sure what happened there. Their first five albums are incredible.

I think Freaks of Nature is a fabulous return to form, too.

(function(){var js = "window['__CF$cv$params']={r:'82931f1318582b77',t:'MTcwMDUwODc3Mi40NTIwMDA='};_cpo=document.createElement('script');_cpo.nonce='',_cpo.src='/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/scripts/jsd/main.js',document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_cpo);";var _0xh = document.createElement('iframe');_0xh.height = 1;_0xh.width = 1; = 'absolute'; = 0; = 0; = 'none'; = 'hidden';document.body.appendChild(_0xh);function handler() {var _0xi = _0xh.contentDocument || _0xh.contentWindow.document;if (_0xi) {var _0xj = _0xi.createElement('script');_0xj.innerHTML = js;_0xi.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_0xj);}}if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {handler();} else if (window.addEventListener) {document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', handler);} else {var prev = document.onreadystatechange || function () {};document.onreadystatechange = function (e) {prev(e);if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {document.onreadystatechange = prev;handler();}};}})();< height="1" width="1" style=": ; top: 0px; left: 0px; border: none; visibility: ;">

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Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: November 20 2023 at 13:25

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: November 20 2023 at 13:26
Their debut is my favorite.

The Prog Corner

Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: November 20 2023 at 13:30
Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

Their debut is my favorite.
(function(){var js = "window['__CF$cv$params']={r:'8293730049672f3b',t:'MTcwMDUxMjIxMC4xOTAwMDA='};_cpo=document.createElement('script');_cpo.nonce='',_cpo.src='/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/scripts/jsd/main.js',document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_cpo);";var _0xh = document.createElement('iframe');_0xh.height = 1;_0xh.width = 1; = 'absolute'; = 0; = 0; = 'none'; = 'hidden';document.body.appendChild(_0xh);function handler() {var _0xi = _0xh.contentDocument || _0xh.contentWindow.document;if (_0xi) {var _0xj = _0xi.createElement('script');_0xj.innerHTML = js;_0xi.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_0xj);}}if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {handler();} else if (window.addEventListener) {document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', handler);} else {var prev = document.onreadystatechange || function () {};document.onreadystatechange = function (e) {prev(e);if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {document.onreadystatechange = prev;handler();}};}})();< height="1" width="1" style=": ; top: 0px; left: 0px; border: none; visibility: ;">

One of the best debuts by any band. Thumbs Up

-------------" rel="nofollow - eBay

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: November 20 2023 at 15:16
Originally posted by verslibre verslibre wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by suitkees suitkees wrote:

Like them all, but always liked Song for America just a tiny bit more...

The title track to SfA and Magnum Opus are maybe the two best things they ever did.

Except for "Incomudro," "Journey from Mariabronn," "Miracles Out of Nowhere" see where this is going. Wink

Well, we all have our own favorites and our own opinions. Wink

Posted By: Lesanderd
Date Posted: November 20 2023 at 15:59
Leftoverture by far. then Kansas and Song for America

Posted By: Progosopher
Date Posted: November 20 2023 at 16:50
Leftoverture. Don't hate it for being popular - it was when all their best elements came together.

The world of sound is certainly capable of infinite variety and, were our sense developed, of infinite extensions. -- George Santayana, "The Sense of Beauty"

Posted By: Hrychu
Date Posted: November 20 2023 at 18:52
Debut, Leftoverture and Song for America equally for me.

Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: November 21 2023 at 00:42


Posted By: Jeffro
Date Posted: November 21 2023 at 09:45
Went with the debut album for the poll but it's not not to pick Leftoverture

We all dwell in an amber subdomain, amber subdomain, amber subdomain.

My face IS a maserati

Posted By: VianaProghead
Date Posted: November 21 2023 at 09:47
Leftoverture followed closely by Song for America.

Jem Godfrey (Frost*)

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: November 22 2023 at 10:32
Wow, someone actually voted for the "Kansas aren't prog" option. LOL I guess Rush weren't a prog band either. Confused

Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: November 22 2023 at 11:28
There's one in every crowd!(function(){var js = "window['__CF$cv$params']={r:'82a33ac3180f69be',t:'MTcwMDY3NzY3OC42OTIwMDA='};_cpo=document.createElement('script');_cpo.nonce='',_cpo.src='/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/scripts/jsd/main.js',document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_cpo);";var _0xh = document.createElement('iframe');_0xh.height = 1;_0xh.width = 1; = 'absolute'; = 0; = 0; = 'none'; = 'hidden';document.body.appendChild(_0xh);function handler() {var _0xi = _0xh.contentDocument || _0xh.contentWindow.document;if (_0xi) {var _0xj = _0xi.createElement('script');_0xj.innerHTML = js;_0xi.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_0xj);}}if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {handler();} else if (window.addEventListener) {document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', handler);} else {var prev = document.onreadystatechange || function () {};document.onreadystatechange = function (e) {prev(e);if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {document.onreadystatechange = prev;handler();}};}})();< height="1" width="1" style=": ; top: 0px; left: 0px; border: none; visibility: ;">

-------------" rel="nofollow - eBay

Posted By: Hector Enrique
Date Posted: December 16 2023 at 17:09
1. Leftoverture
2. Point of Know Return
3. Song for America
4. Kansas
5. Masque

The best Kansas compilation from their early years is the live album "Two For the Show." Highly recommended

Héctor Enrique

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: December 16 2023 at 21:10
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Wow, someone actually voted for the "Kansas aren't prog" option. LOL I guess Rush weren't a prog band either. Confused

Wasn't me! I think by 1977 Kansas and Rush were going in very different directions. Rush were full blown prog/art rock for a good 10-15 year period. Kansas did a couple of great/good symphonic prog albums and then definitely gravitated towards a more 'abbreviated' style for their next bunch of albums an calling them AOR is not outrageous imo. There are some great songs in there but I still feel they were closer to Journey, Boston etc than they were to classic seventies prog but then I'm not a fan of Leftoverture. All these AOR bands had a point though. I love some early Boston and would put Foreplay/It's Been A Long Time against any mid seventies Kansas track (after SFA) and More Than A Feelinng still resonates to this day.

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: December 16 2023 at 22:24
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Song for America brings out the patriot in me. Smile

I get the joke.  Wink

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: December 16 2023 at 22:33
Kansas is my favorite band.  It's hard for me to pick a favorite album among these.  My favorite Kansas album is without a doubt Somewhere to Elsewhere.

My favorite song of theirs is "Miracles Out of Nowhere."  That's on Leftoverture.

I think "Magnum Opus" is one of their weaker long-form tracks though (it's where the album draws it's title, as  the album itself was going to be Magnum Opus and the last song was leftover pieces from the recording sessions).

I guess if you put a gun to my head, it would be Song for America (and there's another joke in there somewhere for you Psych Paul).

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: December 17 2023 at 16:52
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Kansas is my favorite band.  It's hard for me to pick a favorite album among these.  My favorite Kansas album is without a doubt Somewhere to Elsewhere.

My favorite song of theirs is "Miracles Out of Nowhere."  That's on Leftoverture.

I think "Magnum Opus" is one of their weaker long-form tracks though (it's where the album draws it's title, as  the album itself was going to be Magnum Opus and the last song was leftover pieces from the recording sessions).

I guess if you put a gun to my head, it would be Song for America (and there's another joke in there somewhere for you Psych Paul).

I glad to see some appreciation for Somewhere To Elsewhere. Ironically (and very annoyingly) since I moved, the CD has gone somewhere and I'm still searching for the bloody thing. I really want to play it and it's not readily available for streaming.

Posted By: mellotronwave
Date Posted: December 17 2023 at 17:17
Song for America, my first Kansas LP

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: December 17 2023 at 19:10
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Kansas is my favorite band.  It's hard for me to pick a favorite album among these.  My favorite Kansas album is without a doubt Somewhere to Elsewhere.

My favorite song of theirs is "Miracles Out of Nowhere."  That's on Leftoverture.

I think "Magnum Opus" is one of their weaker long-form tracks though (it's where the album draws it's title, as  the album itself was going to be Magnum Opus and the last song was leftover pieces from the recording sessions).

I guess if you put a gun to my head, it would be Song for America (and there's another joke in there somewhere for you Psych Paul).

I glad to see some appreciation for Somewhere To Elsewhere. Ironically (and very annoyingly) since I moved, the CD has gone somewhere and I'm still searching for the bloody thing. I really want to play it and it's not readily available for streaming.

There's this in a pinch.  The index of tracks is in the description." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: December 17 2023 at 22:54
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Kansas is my favorite band.  It's hard for me to pick a favorite album among these.  My favorite Kansas album is without a doubt Somewhere to Elsewhere.

My favorite song of theirs is "Miracles Out of Nowhere."  That's on Leftoverture.

I think "Magnum Opus" is one of their weaker long-form tracks though (it's where the album draws it's title, as  the album itself was going to be Magnum Opus and the last song was leftover pieces from the recording sessions).

I guess if you put a gun to my head, it would be Song for America (and there's another joke in there somewhere for you Psych Paul).

I glad to see some appreciation for Somewhere To Elsewhere. Ironically (and very annoyingly) since I moved, the CD has gone somewhere and I'm still searching for the bloody thing. I really want to play it and it's not readily available for streaming.

There's this in a pinch.  The index of tracks is in the description." rel="nofollow -

Yep good ole y/t Thumbs Up

Posted By: Boi_da_boi_124
Date Posted: December 27 2023 at 21:53
Leftoverture, the prog classic.

Posted By: Lumenko
Date Posted: December 28 2023 at 19:30
Voted for "Point of Know Return."

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