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Foreigner, Just Passing Thru

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Topic: Foreigner, Just Passing Thru
Posted By: copperhead
Subject: Foreigner, Just Passing Thru
Date Posted: October 17 2005 at 19:06


I'm interested in locating a photo of the British (later France) prog group "Bachdenkel", circa 1969-1980.

I have seen their album covers online ("Lemmings" and "Stalingrad") and like the artwork.

If anyone has a photo of this group, please post it. Thank you.


Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: October 18 2005 at 05:53

So,you only are here to find a pic?

Did you ever try Google's image search?

Welcome to the forum


Posted By: copperhead
Date Posted: October 18 2005 at 09:01


I have done a simple "Bachdenkel +photo" search and found nothing except the group's manager.

I'd like to see a promotional photo or something.

Posted By: copperhead
Date Posted: October 18 2005 at 20:53

"So,you only are here to find a pic?

Did you ever try Google's image search?"


Basically here to find a photo. I'm not a prog rocker. (Classical, Southern folk/bluegrass (old and new) Just a casual listener with no real deep interest in any music. I don't spend a lot of money on it. I buy classical cassettes and CD's from the discount bins for as littel as ten cents each. Some of it is pretty good. Others are worth just that.....ten cents.).

I did use Googles image search after you suggested it. But came up with nothing in the way of a photo.

Oh well. I'll have to try some other things.

Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: October 18 2005 at 20:57

Welcome... I don't think you'll find it. I tried. The band is a bit too obscure, maybe there's no pictures at all.

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: copperhead
Date Posted: October 18 2005 at 21:33

Thank you for looking.

Thanks for the welcome.

I have located a couple of email addies which might provide a photo. (a hunch)

Going to try that next, though I hate to bother people at their email for such a request.

Antartica?? Stay warm.

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