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Midge Ure - A Sonorous Voice

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Printed Date: March 06 2025 at 03:14
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Topic: Midge Ure - A Sonorous Voice
Posted By: Icarium
Subject: Midge Ure - A Sonorous Voice
Date Posted: June 04 2023 at 11:14
In 2018-19 Ultravox became my favoutite band, of that year, and are now in my top 10 of bands. Wierdly my interest in them was peaked when i binge-watched 20 reasons why, series on Netflix, which soundtrack is quite strong, final chapter of season 1, is dominated by the majestic beat and synth of Vienna. When i hear a good band, I dont just hear good chemistry, merging of sounds, cool instrumentation nor good song output. I also observecan inaudiable quality but a quality non-the less, one sense a of confidence and swagger, this is one of the elements that destiguish an anonymus act, with an act that creates followers and causes change in their time-periode.

On top of that one have the confident and layerd voice of Midge, who both ads layers and texture. I find the first thre with Foxx and 4 later with Ure to be a guiding force of confidence in commanding the sounfs
And flovoues that existed from past and mixes with the present inventions. And also electric violin.


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