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Topic: Beneficiaries of "Cancel Culture"?Posted By: MortSahlFan
Subject: Beneficiaries of "Cancel Culture"?
Date Posted: March 06 2023 at 04:06
Shane Gillis? He was unknown (by his own words) until he was hired by
SNL. They find some Asian slurs, and the next day, they fire him, but he
gets a ton of popularity and support from the stand-up community, and
now his specials, or even appearances can get him millions. I think
he's funny, especially with a group of friends.
Posted By: Stressed Cheese
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 03:18
Cancel culture isn't a real thing. It's just a buzzword that, much like 'woke', gets used and abused by right-wingers and grifters for attention/monetary gain and to rile people up against each other.
Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 06:39
Censorship is never good. Cancelling anyone on either side is a bad thing. Free speech is a good thing. Let people decide if the agree or disagree. We don't need our eyes and ears protected from speech. We can figure it out on our own.
Posted By: Stressed Cheese
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 11:59
omphaloskepsis wrote:
Censorship is never good. Cancelling anyone on either side is a bad thing. Free speech is a good thing. Let people decide if the agree or disagree. We don't need our eyes and ears protected from speech. We can figure it out on our own.
Censorship is usually bad, but sometimes people just deserve to get 'cancelled' (again, it's not a real thing). We don't need our eyes and ears protected, but on the other hand, producers/streaming platforms/venues/directors aren't obligated to hire/provide a platform for everyone. There's a difference between being censored and facing the consequences of your own actions, and that's where a lot of believers in cancel culture start conflating things.
Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 12:28
Stressed Cheese wrote:
omphaloskepsis wrote:
Censorship is never good. Cancelling anyone on either side is a bad thing. Free speech is a good thing. Let people decide if the agree or disagree. We don't need our eyes and ears protected from speech. We can figure it out on our own.
Censorship is usually bad, but sometimes people just deserve to get 'cancelled' (again, it's not a real thing). We don't need our eyes and ears protected, but on the other hand, producers/streaming platforms/venues/directors aren't obligated to hire/provide a platform for everyone. There's a difference between being censored and facing the consequences of your own actions, and that's where a lot of believers in cancel culture start conflating things.
I agree. If you rob, rape, or murder someone, you should face the consequents of your actions. As long as you don't slander/libel/defamation/Dox someone, than ALL speech should be allowed without censorship. You should be able to advance your opinion on war, medicine, culture, sex, ect...without companies or government censoring you. (Why Company's? Because Government can put pressure on Company's behind closed closed doors)... Just because you're anti-war or you criticize a political figure...the Electric Company should not be able to turn off your electricity.
Twitter owner- Elon Musk released thousands of pages of Data ...proving that the USA government forced Twitter into censoring/canceling people. If Twitter took orders from the US government than we can be sure Google/Facebook/Youtube were ordered by government to censor/cancel. Somebody's tweet should not cancel or censor somebody. If a person is crazy/mad/evil....I don't need companies or government to protect me from their words. I can figure it out.
Is there anyone reading my words...Who cannot figure out if a person's words are evil/false/dangerous?
Posted By: Stressed Cheese
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 13:14
omphaloskepsis wrote:
As long as you don't slander/libel/defamation/Dox someone, than ALL speech should be allowed without censorship.
You shouldn't be locked up for it (although there are certain legal limits even there I suppose). But if, e.g. a person like Louis CK turns out to be an a-hole creep and venues or streaming services like netflix don't want to work together with him anymore, that's not censorship. That's facing the consequences of your own actions. I wouldn't hire him if I owned a comedy club.
"ALL speech should be allowed without censorship." is a pointless statement, because WHERE should that speech be allowed? That context is crucial.
For example, what if someone wanted to make a movie promoting nazism, and no streaming service or theatre wanted to carry it? Would that be censorship to you? Would that be a bad thing? If someone would make an account on ProgArchives and would spend all day writing posts calling Hendrix the n-word over and over should that be allowed? Banning him would be censorship, and censorship is bad, right? Clearly, there are exceptions and the topic of 'censorship' isn't so black and white.
And as for twitter. I've seen some horrible things on there. People spreading their homophobic, transphobic, nazi, pedophilia-promothing crap for all to see. I'd say get rid of people like that, and good riddance. You and I might be smart enough to see that that person is an evil person, but not everybody is, and Twitter has no obligation to host their toxic garbage and get others. Nobody is born with the innate right to tweet. Twitter is an independent platform, and if some hypothetical owner of the platform wanted to ban scum like that, that's their right. The problem is where you draw the line exactly. Of course, Musk is only busy with banning those who critisize him, and forcing his employees (the ones he didn't fire, at least) to create algorithms that boost his tweets and his tweets only. Seriously, you might want to read up on Musk if you think about using anything he's done or said as an example. He's seriously a piece of human garbage and a pathological liar.
Just last week on twitter there were tons of degenerates mocking and making fun of the death of a trans girl who got murdered, merely for the fact that she was trans. If you think Twitter should have an obligation to not permaban trash like that all because "censorship bad", you're just as bad as those who spout that kind of garbage in the first place. The problem is that some people are so afraid of "cancel culture" these days, that they'd literally defend nazis before they admit that sometimes, some people should just be shut up and be taught their lesson.
Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 13:44
Stressed Cheese wrote:
omphaloskepsis wrote:
As long as you don't slander/libel/defamation/Dox someone, than ALL speech should be allowed without censorship.
You shouldn't be locked up for it (although there are certain legal limits even there I suppose). But if, e.g. a person like Louis CK turns out to be an a-hole creep and venues or streaming services like netflix don't want to work together with him anymore, that's not censorship. That's facing the consequences of your own actions. I wouldn't hire him if I owned a comedy club.
"ALL speech should be allowed without censorship." is a pointless statement, because WHERE should that speech be allowed? That context is crucial.
For example, what if someone wanted to make a movie promoting nazism, and no streaming service or theatre wanted to carry it? Would that be censorship to you? Would that be a bad thing? If someone would make an account on ProgArchives and would spend all day writing posts calling Hendrix the n-word over and over should that be allowed? Banning him would be censorship, and censorship is bad, right? Clearly, there are exceptions and the topic of 'censorship' isn't so black and white.
And as for twitter. I've seen some horrible things on there. People spreading their homophobic, transphobic, nazi, pedophilia-promothing crap for all to see. I'd say get rid of people like that, and good riddance. You and I might be smart enough to see that that person is an evil person, but not everybody is, and Twitter has no obligation to host their toxic garbage and get others. Nobody is born with the innate right to tweet. Twitter is an independent platform, and if some hypothetical owner of the platform wanted to ban scum like that, that's their right. The problem is where you draw the line exactly. Of course, Musk is only busy with banning those who critisize him, and forcing his employees (the ones he didn't fire, at least) to create algorithms that boost his tweets and his tweets only. Seriously, you might want to read up on Musk if you think about using anything he's done or said as an example. He's seriously a piece of human garbage and a pathological liar.
Just last week on twitter there were tons of degenerates mocking and making fun of the death of a trans girl who got murdered, merely for the fact that she was trans. If you think Twitter should have an obligation to not permaban trash like that all because "censorship bad", you're just as bad as those who spout that kind of garbage in the first place. The problem is that some people are so afraid of "cancel culture" these days, that they'd literally defend nazis before they admit that sometimes, some people should just be shut up and be taught their lesson.
1. Twitter/Google/Facebook/Youtube are the public square. That's where modern communication takes place. The government/FBI threatened Twitter... if they did not censor views/tweets that they wanted blocked. Thousand of pages of evidence are available for you to read. FBI was the spear tip of thousands of orders to Twitter to censor/cancel. Free Speech protects everybody....especially the poor/meek/weak folks. The most powerful government in World History ordered media platforms to censor/cancel. That's Fascism.- Government and companies combining forced to control population.
2. Defend Nazis? American government is supplying Nazis in Ukraine. with billions of dollars and weapons One third of Ukraine military is Nazis (Tattoo's of Swatizka's, and Nazis flags displayed for anyone who wants to see.) Look up Azov battalion. When asked about the Nazis, Zellenskyy replied, "It is what it is."
I can post videos of Ukrainian Nazis soldiers saluting the same way German Nazis saluted Hitler. My point? I'm glad I saw those videos, because now I know about the Nazis soldiers America/UK/NATO government's support. I'm glad Ukraine soldiers brag about being Nazis. That way I can make up mind that they're evil. The world is safer if we know who is evil...And free speech exposes EVIL.
Posted By: Stressed Cheese
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 14:37
omphaloskepsis wrote:
1. Twitter/Google/Facebook/Youtube are the public square.
Which is exactly why they should be stricter with regards to banning scumbags and taking away platforms from those who don't deserve it.
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 15:20
I canceled my subscription to Rolling Stone and then buried my copies in the yard with my bone.
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 15:48
^ That's mostly because RS sucks
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: Negoba
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 15:59
Obviously "cancel culture" is a thing or we wouldn't be talking about it. People just don't agree on exactly what it is or isn't. Same as "woke." Yelling at someone else and saying "my definition is the correct definition" misses the fact that language is dynamic and differs among groups.
This may seem like pointless philosophizing about the nature of language but culture and language are moving so fast now that we have to ask ourselves "what does it mean for me and what does it mean for the other person when I say xxxxx?" Because otherwise, you can't even have a conversation.
I'm a Gen X dad of Gen Z kids. We have some great conversations but the disconnects sometimes blow my mind.
------------- You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 16:20
Cancel culture has become a universal term for anyone or group 'cancelling' something, it's mostly non-political. 'Woke' is a socio-racial & more serious version of political correctness. Nothing wrong with either idea, it's the people that misinterpret. Or that's my current take.
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: Stressed Cheese
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 16:31
'Woke' gets randomly applied to everything from paper towel dispensers to AI chatbots to Hershey's, as long as some culture-war pundit can get some hate-attention from it. It's literally a completely meaningless word at this point that has nothing to do with its AAVE origins anymore.
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 16:39
Atavachron wrote:
^ That's mostly because RS sucks
Not mostly. TOTALLY!!!!
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 16:42
Stressed Cheese wrote:
'Woke' gets randomly applied to everything from paper towel dispensers to AI chatbots to Hershey's, as long as some culture-war pundit can get some hate-attention from it. It's literally a completely meaningless word at this point that has nothing to do with its AAVE origins anymore.
No it's not 'completely meaningless' to African Americans and the people that like and support that community.
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: The Dark Elf
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 16:59
It seems to me the folks that scream the pejorative "woke" the loudest spend most of their time trying to cancel other people's voting rights, individual freedoms and reproductive rights, while trying to eliminate history that doesn't agree with their selective beliefs (facts be damned). They're the same folks that will say "my body is a temple" when it comes to eschewing vaccines, and yet try to govern away woman's right to decide what to do with her own body.
------------- ...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...
Posted By: Stressed Cheese
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 17:06
Atavachron wrote:
No it's not 'completely meaningless' to African Americans and the people that like and support that community.
Nobody uses it in that original definition anymore.
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 17:13
Stressed Cheese wrote:
Atavachron wrote:
No it's not 'completely meaningless' to African Americans and the people that like and support that community
Nobody uses it in that original definition anymore.
Says a guy in the Netherlands.
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: Negoba
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 17:13
The fact that we're arguing about the definitions means those words don't mean the same things to all of us.
------------- You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 17:14
The Dark Elf wrote:
It seems to me the folks that scream the pejorative "woke" the loudest spend most of their time trying to cancel other people's voting rights, individual freedoms and reproductive rights, while trying to eliminate history that doesn't agree with their selective beliefs (facts be damned). They're the same folks that will say "my body is a temple" when it comes to eschewing vaccines, and yet try to govern away woman's right to decide what to do with her own body.
In other words the Fascist Right Wing criminals.
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 17:16
Negoba wrote:
The fact that we're arguing about the definitions means those words don't mean the same things to all of us.
Doesn't matter, "we're" not African Americans, are we? If you think arguing about a phrase means everyone thinks it's meaningless you have some growing up to do.
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: Stressed Cheese
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 17:29
When's the last time you've seen that word used in its original definition? That's a serious question, btw. You see that word daily now, and never does it have anything to do with its AAVE origins. It's sad, but that's just the truth. It has succesfully been hijacked and mutated by conservatives.
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 17:36
^ Doesn't indicate it's meaningless, in fact I would wear it as a badge of honor that 'Conservatives' have hijacked and mutilated it. That's what they do-- you can give in, or you can show an idea the respect it deserves and not play the Fascist game. The question is what are eachofus going to do?
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: Negoba
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 20:10
Atavachron wrote:
Negoba wrote:
The fact that we're arguing about the definitions means those words don't mean the same things to all of us.
Doesn't matter, "we're" not African Americans, are we? If you think arguing about a phrase means everyone thinks it's meaningless you have some growing up to do.
Did I ever say everyone thinks either of those terms was meaningless? I think you're mixing me up with someone else.
The phrase we started with was "cancel culture" then "woke" was added to the discussion, but my comments are about how we're using language in general.
Person A says "Cancel Culture is bad." Person B says "Cancel Culture isn't a thing." But then the conversation goes into whether powerful entities are involved or whether the process is just natural consequence of behavior in society. Either way clearly we're talking about a phenomenon that exists at some level.
And the evolution of the word "woke" in the last even 5 years is both tragic and fascinating. It is tempting to say that the word is now meaningless because of how far it is now compared to where it started, but it clearly has a lot of power and therefore, meaning of some kind.
------------- You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: March 07 2023 at 20:49
^ that's the way language evolves. Many words used to have totally
different meanings. Once upon a time deer referred to any animal but
became Bambi. Irregardless is now a word that means the same as
regardless. It's not just political manipulation of linguistics (which
is totally real of course), it's just people misusing words which for
whatever reason goes viral and then becomes part of the greater usage.
It's very strange to see how these things play out in real time but in
reality is how language has been evolving since the beginning of the
very first utterance.
Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: March 08 2023 at 01:56
Atavachron wrote:
The Dark Elf wrote:
It seems to me the folks that scream the pejorative "woke" the loudest spend most of their time trying to cancel other people's voting rights, individual freedoms and reproductive rights, while trying to eliminate history that doesn't agree with their selective beliefs (facts be damned). They're the same folks that will say "my body is a temple" when it comes to eschewing vaccines, and yet try to govern away woman's right to decide what to do with her own body.
In other words the Fascist Right Wing criminals.
In principle, I agree with you, but there are plenty of fascists in the left wing camp as well. This includes in the woke camp, where there are extremists hating "whities".
These woke guys are refuting "universalism" and pushing "racialism" and for ex, claiming cultural appropriation (especially in music) - wanting to force "whities" to stay away from their own forms of expressions
Fascism is when you try to impose and enforce your views to everyone, evoking moral rights, "against nature practices", etc... Religious Obscurantists are pure fascist, discrediting and even slandering science because they believe science should be "moral" (theirs, of course).
------------- let's just stay above the moral melee prefer the sink to the gutter keep our sand-castle virtues content to be a doer as well as a thinker, prefer lifting our pen rather than un-sheath our sword
Posted By: Stressed Cheese
Date Posted: March 08 2023 at 04:02
Sean Trane wrote:
In principle, I agree with you, but there are plenty of fascists in the left wing camp as well. This includes in the woke camp, where there are extremists hating "whities".
These woke guys are refuting "universalism" and pushing "racialism" and for ex, claiming cultural appropriation (especially in music) - wanting to force "whities" to stay away from their own forms of expressions
I agree that there's people on both sides who take things too far (and they equally deserve to be called out on it), but 99% of the time the term 'cultural appropriation' is used is when some conservative guy sacrastically mentions it (e.g., they've eaten chinese food and then say something like "but the libs probably think that's cultural appropriation"). There's always people on the left taking things too far, but by and large this is another figment of conservatives' imaginations. Most conversations about cultural appropriation is just right-wingers saying "liberals probably think this is cultural appropriation, lol". Just like how cancel culture pretty much exclusively consists of people either A) saying "am I gonna be cancelled for this? lol", B) not being cancelled at all but claiming they are because some people online got mad at them or because they need attention or C) people rightfully being chided for something but wanting to play the victim instead of owing up to their mistakes.
Cancel culture, calling everything 'woke', bitching about (supposed) 'cultural appropriation' is all part of the same conservative strategy to paint anybody that's slightly more left, or black, or gay, or female than they'd like as some big bad that wants to shut everybody up and take away 'muh freedoms'. Yes, there are people on the left who take things too far and see some kind of regression in the most innocent things (and that deserves to be criticized/mocked), but please for the love of god stop falling for this conservative narrative.
Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: March 08 2023 at 05:01
Stressed Cheese wrote:
Sean Trane wrote:
In principle, I agree with you, but there are plenty of fascists in the left wing camp as well. This includes in the woke camp, where there are extremists hating "whities".
These woke guys are refuting "universalism" and pushing "racialism" and for ex, claiming cultural appropriation (especially in music) - wanting to force "whities" to stay away from their own forms of expressions
I agree that there's people on both sides who take things too far (and they equally deserve to be called out on it), but 99% of the time the term 'cultural appropriation' is used is when some conservative guy sacrastically mentions it (e.g., they've eaten chinese food and then say something like "but the libs probably think that's cultural appropriation"). There's always people on the left taking things too far, but by and large this is another figment of conservatives' imaginations. Most conversations about cultural appropriation is just right-wingers saying "liberals probably think this is cultural appropriation, lol". Just like how cancel culture pretty much exclusively consists of people either A) saying "am I gonna be cancelled for this? lol", B) not being cancelled at all but claiming they are because some people online got mad at them or because they need attention or C) people rightfully being chided for something but wanting to play the victim instead of owing up to their mistakes.
Cancel culture, calling everything 'woke', bitching about (supposed) 'cultural appropriation' is all part of the same conservative strategy to paint anybody that's slightly more left, or black, or gay, or female than they'd like as some big bad that wants to shut everybody up and take away 'muh freedoms'. Yes, there are people on the left who take things too far and see some kind of regression in the most innocent things (and that deserves to be criticized/mocked), but please for the love of god stop falling for this conservative narrative.
Don't het me wrong, here.
I see you're a recent member here, so you might not be aware of me.
I'm eternally tagged as a leftie on the forum, but I am always very lucid and call out flaws on my own side before attacking the other side.
In another (christian) way, I'm looking if there aren't beam in my eyes, before denouncing the straw in my opponent's eye.
------------- let's just stay above the moral melee prefer the sink to the gutter keep our sand-castle virtues content to be a doer as well as a thinker, prefer lifting our pen rather than un-sheath our sword
Posted By: Stressed Cheese
Date Posted: March 08 2023 at 05:49
Sean Trane wrote:
Don't het me wrong, here.
I see you're a recent member here, so you might not be aware of me.
I'm eternally tagged as a leftie on the forum, but I am always very lucid and call out flaws on my own side before attacking the other side.
In another (christian) way, I'm looking if there aren't beam in my eyes, before denouncing the straw in my opponent's eye.
Sure, I get it. And again, whoever acts an idiot on either side should get called out for it.
Where I get annoyed (as I'm sure you could've seen from my tone in the rest of this thread, lol) is that the whole idea that there is a massive group on the left that wants to scold and censor and lecture everyone is gaining traction so much these days simply because concervatives have repeated it over and over. For every person on the left who complains about nothing or is being oversensitive, there are 999 people on the right complaning about how they "can't say anything these days" or invent other things that not a single leftist actually has a problem with. Companies these days add fuel to the fire by doing things that they know will get a lot of hate-attention from right-wingers, who in turn conflate these actions with the beliefs of leftists (e.g., that Little Mermaid live-action remake that's upcoming).
With the current state of this whole 'culture war' bullsh*t, forgive me if it's not my first priority to call out those who actually are too oversensitive or can't take a joke if the other side is simply so much more evil. There will always be people being oversensitive, people not being sensitive enough, people not able to suck up their pride and apologize when they made a mistake, and companies acting too cautiously or creating fake outrages for free publicity. The difference now is that the conservative view of censorship and "woke-ness" being out of control is being pushed so successfully that even those on the other side of the spectrum are now taking that narrative at face value, even if they don't agree with them otherwise.
So I'm liking the bible analogy, but it's more that there's a beam in my eye, but an entire toolshed in the other's eye
Posted By: Negoba
Date Posted: March 08 2023 at 06:18
We all run in different circles so where we hear terms will differ, but "cultural appropriation" absolutely is still a real topic of discussion among left-leaning folks in my world. And it should be. There are times when using another culture's customs, dress, etc for entertainment value is in really bad taste. Is it the end of the world? No. But these things are definitely worth discussing. There are also times where culture diffuses inevitably across groups and localities and blends and is just a natural consequence of a hyperconnected world.
I also think the media we consume really biases us. I don't run in circles of conservatives just living their ordinary lives so I don't know if they even use these terms at all. I certainly see left-leaning media calling out right-leaning media but who knows what actual real humans beings think? I avoid right-leaning media as much as possible because I don't want to raise my blood pressure.
------------- You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
Posted By: Easy Money
Date Posted: March 08 2023 at 06:40
^ I know lots of culturally conservative people. They will complain about democrats, Biden and Pelosi etc, but I never hear the term 'woke', ever. I only hear it from politicians, especially if they are running for president. EDIT: I do hear the label 'snowflake' now and again, but that is a fairly malleable word with conflicting purposes.
Posted By: Easy Money
Date Posted: March 08 2023 at 06:44
To answer the op's question, I see DeSantis temporarily benefitting from his attempts to 'cancel' everything from Disneyland, to college professors and history classes, but will that give him a path to the White House?
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 09 2023 at 10:28
This is not me trying to be ironic but I genuinely don't know what 'Cancel Culture' or 'Woke' means. I've just never bothered to look these phrases or words up. Therein ends my 'contribution' to this thread!
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: March 09 2023 at 13:44
^ Lucky you -
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: March 09 2023 at 14:21
richardh wrote:
This is not me trying to be ironic but I genuinely don't know what 'Cancel Culture' or 'Woke' means. I've just never bothered to look these phrases or words up. Therein ends my 'contribution' to this thread!
you know what I did on Tuesday, Rich?
Having tried to follow this thread, I decided it was high time I actually knew what .Cancel Culture. was, and looked up the definition... then, I decided while I was at it, that I'd gen up on 'woke' too... not sure how much this has benefitted me in my every day life, but there you go..
Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: March 09 2023 at 15:17
Cancel Culture is a thing. Just this week... On the Senate floor, Sen. Chuck Schumer demanded Fox News host Tucker Carlson's be censored. On the Senate floor, Schumer demanded Fox News stop Tucker Carlson from releasing January 6th video clips.
One of the video clips Carlson showed was the Capitol police opening gates/doors to crowds in the Capitol building. The film further showed the man with the Viking helmet and American Flag. At times.... as many as 9 police officers showed Viking Dude around the inside of the Capitol building. Two police officers were always with Viking Dude. They all looked friendly. Viking Dude thanked the police and prayed out.. thanking God for the police.
I don't watch TV. I saw the referenced videos on Youtube. My opinion? Release all 44,000 hours of January 6th video to the public. Let people decide- one by one- what each believes. Do I doubt the narrative? Well, Biden and the media reported that 5 police officers were killed on Jan 6th.
If you do diligent research, you'll find that only one person was killed on Jan 6. A policeman shot an unarmed woman. How about police officer reportedly beaten to death with a fire extinguisher? According to the coroner that police officer was never hurt, but he died the next day of a stroke with no external causes.
Why did Biden/media feel it was necessary to lie about protesters murdering 5 police officers. Using common sense, one should ask questions like...
1. What are the names of the five murdered police officers?
2. Where is the film footage of the five police officers being murdered. (There is 44,000 hours of film footage.)
3. Has anyone been arrested for murder of any police officer on Jan 6? (The answer is no.)
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: March 09 2023 at 16:05
^ What the Hell are you f**king talking about you misguided traitorous sociopath?--- We watched, and we will watch and watch again, because it's amusing to see a mob of Fascists hurl fire extinguishers at cops from behind. Never hurt? Did you see the extinguisher thrown? I sure did, it was disgusting. Maybe you'd like to have a relative assaulted with a thirty pound piece of metal from the rear? It's also a blast to watch tens of Anti-American Criminals crush a man in a door as he screams for his life.
But hey, i though it was Antifa's fault ... oh wait, it was BLM... right ?
Take your bullsh*t conspiracy-loving, secessionist, Christian Nationalist, Trump Boot-licking bullsh*t and kiss every good American on the ass, okay big man ?
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: The Dark Elf
Date Posted: March 09 2023 at 17:01
"Approximately 420 federal defendants have had their cases adjudicated and received sentences for their criminal activity on Jan. 6. Approximately 220 have been sentenced to periods of incarceration."
You can make sh*t up. You can lie. But when you are found guilty it's facts that are used in court. Stupid conspiracists divorced from reality suddenly wake up when the judge's gavel drops.
------------- ...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: March 09 2023 at 17:40
Atavachron wrote:
^ What the Hell are you f**king talking about you misguided traitorous sociopath?--- We watched, and we will watch and watch again, because it's amusing to see a mob of Fascists hurl fire extinguishers at cops from behind. Never hurt? Did you see the extinguisher thrown? I sure did, it was disgusting. Maybe you'd like to have a relative assaulted with a thirty pound piece of metal from the rear? It's also a blast to watch tens of Anti-American Criminals crush a man in a door as he screams for his life.
But hey, i though it was Antifa's fault ... oh wait, it was BLM... right ?
Take your bullsh*t conspiracy-loving, secessionist, Christian Nationalist, Trump Boot-licking bullsh*t and kiss every good American on the ass, okay big man ?
I don't take sides and really don't care about these circus events but it is true that NO video can be trusted and the kangaroo courts of the USA have long been infiltrated by corporate globalists. The moral of this and every story is don't believe what you're told. And anyone asking questions is definitely on the right track because events like this are very much manufactured to craft a public perception.
Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: March 09 2023 at 17:46
Atavachron wrote:
^ What the Hell are you f**king talking about you misguided traitorous sociopath?--- We watched, and we will watch and watch again, because it's amusing to see a mob of Fascists hurl fire extinguishers at cops from behind. Never hurt? Did you see the extinguisher thrown? I sure did, it was disgusting. Maybe you'd like to have a relative assaulted with a thirty pound piece of metal from the rear? It's also a blast to watch tens of Anti-American Criminals crush a man in a door as he screams for his life.
But hey, i though it was Antifa's fault ... oh wait, it was BLM... right ?
Take your bullsh*t conspiracy-loving, secessionist, Christian Nationalist, Trump Boot-licking bullsh*t and kiss every good American on the ass, okay big man ?
Beg your pardon. I did not say a fire extinguisher was not throw. A fire extinguisher was thrown at the Jan 6th protest.
I said the media claimed that a fire extinguisher killed a police officer. If that is a fact, then tell me the name of the police officer who was murdered with a fire extinguisher. If you answer officer Brian Sicknick. That was proved a lie. As a matter of record. The District of Colombia chief medical examiner found that Sicknick had died from stroke (the next day), classifying his death as natural.
1. Please give me the names of all five police officers murdered on Jan 6th.
2. Please tell me the names of Jan 6th Protesters who were charged with murder.
Should be easy to find the information...if it really happened.
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: March 09 2023 at 17:53
^ Oh... is that "what you said", well I'm so sorry for having misunderstood. So when feces was smeared inside our Capitol and officers sneak-attacked by bear spray and the c o w a r d s on the Fascist Right and their psychotic minions tried to blame it on everyone but the Trailer Trash Militia Punks who planned and carried it out, it was misrepresented by the media ?
Sell your child's nonsense somewhere else. Coward.
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: MortSahlFan
Date Posted: March 10 2023 at 09:13
It's hard to follow this thread because many have different definitions
of political terminology. I would substitute the word "authoritative"
in a few instances, but I really think the entire thing is about
in-group vs. out-group.
Posted By: Hugh Manatee
Date Posted: March 13 2023 at 16:59
MortSahlFan wrote:
It's hard to follow this thread because many have different definitions
of political terminology. I would substitute the word "authoritative"
in a few instances, but I really think the entire thing is about
in-group vs. out-group.
Words such as "woke" and "cancel culture" and "critical race theory" have been weaponized by the outrage industry.
The outrage industry is alive and getting more profitable with every new controversy they stir up.
They prey on the innate human desire to choose sides.
------------- I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of uncertain seas
Posted By: MortSahlFan
Date Posted: March 14 2023 at 05:54
Critical Race Theory is actually critical theory from the Frankfurt School.
And yes, this "two sides" is illogical.. Guilt by association seems to work.