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1996: 12 tracks from 12 albums

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Topic: 1996: 12 tracks from 12 albums
Posted By: Logan
Subject: 1996: 12 tracks from 12 albums
Date Posted: February 14 2023 at 20:59
1996 is one of my favourite times in music and it was a particularly special year in my life.

I don't know if any will want to check out the music, but I enjoy making playlists. I generally tried to cover my not most usual suspects from the albums of those on the list that I have mentioned music from various times at PA.

Here's the youtube playlist:" rel="nofollow -

Feel free to vote for one or more depending on how many you enjoy (hopefully at least one appeals)

Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: February 15 2023 at 00:43
Sorry Greg, I've never knowingly heard any of them and from the bits of music I recall from some of the bands, it's unlikely I ever will...

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: February 15 2023 at 07:06
Originally posted by Jared Jared wrote:

Sorry Greg, I've never knowingly heard any of them and from the bits of music I recall from some of the bands, it's unlikely I ever will...

No worries, Jared, I'm aware that our tastes/ interests in music commonly vary considerably. To each his own (I feel we've kind of had this discussion before). I expect that your general sentiments would be shared by others here. Yours is the only comment and there are no votes in about 12 hours and I don't expect much participation, if any, when it comes to voting for and commenting on my choices.

I had intended to include an "other" for people who wish to list other tracks from 1996, or to at least ask people to submit their own choices. I could have done it as a top 12 list for ones in and out of PA, Prog and not Prog, but I appreciate the aesthetics of a poll such as this even if it is more of an accessory to the general topic. There are others I would like to mention (not surprisingly but I decided to keep my list fairly short and just to my my particular interests, which would limit interest from the general forum community.

Not as a question whether you would like it, but I wonder if you have heard "Beautiful Freak" before. That song from a California outfit was popular where I live (in Canada), but I was working in Japan when it came out and think I heard it there first, and I know it has been featured on BBC radio in the UK. It was one of the music playlist songs for the sketch comedy and music show Blue Jam (Chris Morris). It's through that radio music and quite twisted, dark comedy show (not for the squeamish or prudish) that I got into Stereolab and a lot of other music from the period.

I do hope that you and others will mention other tracks/songs from the time -- I am especially interested in the non Prog ones but would like to hear about any songs/ tracks. I would like to expand my pallet more as it has been getting a bit stale and narrow focused of late methinks, and I commonly do repeat the same artist and band names across multiple polls more than I would like. If into metal (especially progressive forms), then 1996 is a very strong time, I think.

Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: February 15 2023 at 08:02
Thanks for the post, the extent of your post to my one-liner was most generous under the circumstances! I'll be honest, the mid-90's for me were a decidedly thin period for me. At the time, I was listening to:

Yes (Keys To Ascension/ Keystudio); Rush (Test For Echo); Alan Parsons (On Air.... very commercial; you wouldn't like it) Marillion (This Strange Engine) and eventually, Arena (Pride), Anathema (Eternity), Landberk (Indian Summer), Spock's (Beware Of Darkness), Porcupine Tree Tree (Signify), Pendragon (Masquerade Overture... still his best); Therion (Theli... still one of my fave Prog Metal albums; try it and see what you think).  

You mentioned Prog Metal.. I know you don't like the Dream Theater stuff much, but try Arcturus: Masquerade Infernale or The Sham Mirrors some time if you aren't familiar; it's superb. In 1996, they released Aspera, which probably isn't the place to start...

Of course, I will give a couple of the above a try in due course, but I'm spending my day off with Spock's Beard at present... Approve

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: February 15 2023 at 08:55
Some very good music here with some of my favourite bands - Art Zoyd, Cardiacs, Swans, Tortoise, Boards of Canada. I also love the Nick Cave and PJ Harvey video. I will however vote for Fishmans, as I had never heard of them and I like this a lot.

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: February 15 2023 at 09:25
I know you're not a big fan of Neo Prog generally, but this is one of my favourite albums of 1996 - the debut by Greek band, La Tulipe Noire.

4 stars 1996: La Tulipe Noire - In the Gates of Dream -" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: February 15 2023 at 09:55
Sorry Greg, have randomly played Eels, Stereolab and Aphex Twin... none of it is my kettle of fish at all I'm afraid... I will graciously depart as there are forum members here far more deserving of your attention.. Embarrassed

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: February 15 2023 at 13:13
Originally posted by Jared Jared wrote:

Thanks for the post, the extent of your post to my one-liner was most generous under the circumstances! I'll be honest, the mid-90's for me were a decidedly thin period for me. At the time, I was listening to:

Yes (Keys To Ascension/ Keystudio); Rush (Test For Echo); Alan Parsons (On Air.... very commercial; you wouldn't like it) Marillion (This Strange Engine) and eventually, Arena (Pride), Anathema (Eternity), Landberk (Indian Summer), Spock's (Beware Of Darkness), Porcupine Tree Tree (Signify), Pendragon (Masquerade Overture... still his best); Therion (Theli... still one of my fave Prog Metal albums; try it and see what you think).  

You mentioned Prog Metal.. I know you don't like the Dream Theater stuff much, but try Arcturus: Masquerade Infernale or The Sham Mirrors some time if you aren't familiar; it's superb. In 1996, they released Aspera, which probably isn't the place to start...

Of course, I will give a couple of the above a try in due course, but I'm spending my day off with Spock's Beard at present... Approve

Ah yes, I'm acquainted with music from most of those.  With Alan Parsons, I really like the early APP albums, and I think of I Robot especially as being one of the foundational albums for my tastes (that and Gary Numan with Tubeway Army's Replicas that had such a  huge effect on my young mind).  I own seven APP albums and have enjoyed all of those so I'll be interested to try the Alan Parsons album.  I wouldn't dismiss it before I give it a proper go or goes -- often a particular track or moment will click when in the right mood with music and then the album will fall into place. I like a lot of commercially successful music but I mostly am into what I'd describe as forms of art rock and art pop, but maybe that's to associate my music tastes with my love of so-called art house cinema.  I tend to favour kinds of atmospheric music; different atmospheres for different moods.   A lot of what I like most I expect would find tedious and dull, but I do  have fairly broad tastes and like to think that I keep an an open ear (not quickly judgmental).  My tastes have been called both noisy and experimental as well as loungey muzak, because I like different forms of expression.  I do tend to shy away from certain rambunctious kinds of arena rock generally because as a generally reserved introvert that character can seem quite alien to me.  Generally I wouldn't call myself a fan of either hard rock or soft rock as genres but there are so many exceptions.  After all that, I checked out music from that Alan Parsons album and I really do dislike it.  I heartily dislike most of the vocals .  It has singing that reminds me of American Pentecostal Christian soft rock, which I tend to despise (I married a Pentecostal Christian).  I think I know someone who worked on the album.  It's such vocals that make me dislike Spock's Beard/ Neal Morse.  As for Arcturas' Sham Mirrors, I do know and like that.  I also have enjoyed Therion's Theli and Vovin (I recommended a Vovin track to Paul before in the Symph Metal thread that I think you and certianly Cristi were also involved in as I recall).  My favourite metal tends to be post-metal, classic forms of heavy metal, and various doom metal and stoner metal (atmospheric).  I have appreciated Neurosis From Silver and Blood from 1996.

Originally posted by Jared Jared wrote:

Sorry Greg, have randomly played Eels, Stereolab and Aphex Twin... none of it is my kettle of fish at all I'm afraid... I will graciously depart as there are forum members here far more deserving of your attention.. Embarrassed

Just because you don't like the music you have heard from the poll doesn't mean that I won't appreciate or be interested in trying the music you mention nor that I will not appreciate your presence in the discussion.  There's a lot of music that I don't like that I can still appreciate and I am still glad to know.  I go through music phases anyway and I'm sure that my tastes will continue to shift in different directions as I get ex[posed to more and more diverse music.  It's always  a learning and growth process and I find nothing offensive about someone not enjoying the music that I enjoy and prefer sincerity to platitudes like "No, I'm not just saying it, that record sleeve really doesn't make your ass look big." Wink

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: February 15 2023 at 13:33
Originally posted by Lewian Lewian wrote:

Some very good music here with some of my favourite bands - Art Zoyd, Cardiacs, Swans, Tortoise, Boards of Canada. I also love the Nick Cave and PJ Harvey video. I will however vote for Fishmans, as I had never heard of them and I like this a lot.

I love that Fishmans' track -- a band from Tokyo released when I was teaching English in Japan and I have an affinity for things Japanese. I have known the album for quite some time and enjoyed it, but in preparing this poll my appreciation has deepened significantly, especially for that track. If I were to vote for just one today, that would be it for me. I hadn't listened to it as much before now as with most of the others.

Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

I know you're not a big fan of Neo Prog generally, but this is one of my favourite albums of 1996 - the debut by Greek band, La Tulipe Noire.

4 stars 1996: La Tulipe Noire - In the Gates of Dream -

Thanks Paul, I checked this out earlier after your mention (not a full listen but listening to music from each track). It's a bit of a mixed bag for me right now -- that said I like eclecticism and that's no bad thing. It can be un peu vert autour du fromage, but some of it clicked immediately like the track Orange Flames -- aka Oh non, mon orange est en feu! I happen to like burnt oranges.

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: February 15 2023 at 13:58
I'm glad you like burnt oranges, but maybe not so much black tulips from Greece. Wink Here's a few more prog favourites of mine from the surprisingly good year of 1996:-

5 stars 1996: Arena - Pride -" rel="nofollow -
4 stars 1996: Ars Nova - The Goddess of Darkness -" rel="nofollow -
4 stars 1996: Camel - Harbour of Tears
4 stars 1996: Cast - Beyond Reality -" rel="nofollow -
4 stars 1996: Dead Can Dance - Spiritchaser -" rel="nofollow -
4 stars 1996: Devil Doll - Dies Irae -" rel="nofollow -
5 stars 1996: The Enid - Healing Hearts -" rel="nofollow -
4 stars 1996: The Flower Kings - Retropolis -" rel="nofollow -
5 stars 1996: Steve Hackett - Genesis Revisited -" rel="nofollow - -
4 stars 1996: Hands - Hands -" rel="nofollow -
4 stars 1996: Iona - Journey into the Morn -" rel="nofollow -
4 stars 1996: Mike Oldfield - Voyager -" rel="nofollow -
5 stars 1996: Sally Oldfield - Secret Songs -" rel="nofollow -
5 stars 1996: Pendragon - The Masquerade Overture -" rel="nofollow -
4 stars 1996: Anthony Phillips - Private Parts & Pieces IX: Dragonfly Dreams -" rel="nofollow -
4 stars 1996: Porcupine Tree - Signify -" rel="nofollow -
5 stars 1996: Vangelis - Oceanic -" rel="nofollow -
4 stars 1996: Visible Wind - Narcissus Goes to the Moon -" rel="nofollow -
5 stars 1996: Rick Wakeman - Fields of Green -" rel="nofollow -
4 stars 1996: Richard Wright - Broken China -" rel="nofollow -
4 stars 1996: YES - Keys to Ascension -" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: February 15 2023 at 14:18
^ I like black and green olives from Greece, and am eating Greek yoghurt as we speak, that I'd like to say was delivered to my door straight from Mount Olympus by the Uber Eats courier, Hermes. Ambrosia it is (the yoghurt brand name is The Greek Gods).

I know that Devil Doll album well, and as I think you know, I am a fan of Dead can Dance, but I haven't heard that album yet. Be great if you highlight some of your favourite tracks from the albums as I sometimes like to do these track based polls which makes it easier to listen to each other's music I find. the downside is, you may be exposed to the wrong music and form a worse impression. Listening to and absorbing full albums is my preferred way generally, but sometimes I like to start with a track that is highly regarded based on reviews. I mostly use rateyourmusic -- traitorous, I'm sorry, but there is more music variety as I'm interested in far more than Prog, and actually in the 90s (and other decades) most of what I like is not in PA, and it has pithier reviews commonly.

Posted By: mellotronwave
Date Posted: February 15 2023 at 16:10
Eels of course

Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: February 16 2023 at 02:56
I took advantage of multiple votess and voted Eels, Fishmans, and Swans.

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: February 16 2023 at 03:17
4 stars 1996: Dead Can Dance - Spiritchaser -" rel="nofollow -

Favourite song from Spiritchaser...

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: February 16 2023 at 14:05
Thanks very much all. Thanks very much for posting that Paul, I love that track.

Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: February 17 2023 at 23:11
I meant to add that where I was at the time (S.F. Bay Area), Novacaine for the Soul got some decent airplay on the alternative rock stations. Don't recall hearing Beautiful Freak, but I think I did hear Susan's House a couple times late at night.

Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: February 18 2023 at 05:19
Another interesting playlist. Good for a Sunday morning, but it works on a Saturday too. Sometimes a bit too lounge-y for my tastes, but not unpleasant overall. One stand-out track for me: Fishmans' Long Season Part 5 - a nice discovery.


The razamataz is a pain in the bum

Posted By: Mirakaze
Date Posted: February 18 2023 at 05:46
I voted for the F trio consisting of Foundling, Fingerbib and Beautiful Freak, but if pressed for just a single vote I would probably go with the Aphex Twin song; it's just such a lovable melody. I haven't heard Sing To God in a while though so it was nice to be reminded of how good the song you picked from it is.

1996 might be one of my favourite years in music. I hope you don't mind if I share some other favourite songs of mine from that year Embarrassed

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Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: February 19 2023 at 11:13
^ Thanks, I added your embeds plus Paul's Dead can Dance on to the playlist for me to listen to more times. Very nice list, Mira. I enjoyed listening through all of those. We do share many of the same tastes. That Tipographica is off the only album in your list that I own. It's was an early "modern" avant-prog find and fave of mine. Been a while since I've listened to Tipographica, was nice to hear it again. Cocteau Twins relatively recently became one of my very favourite bands. The only albums I own so far are Heaven or Las Vegas, Treasure, and Blue Bell Knoll. It was really getting into the wonderful "Teardrop" by Massive Attack song with Elizabath Fraser's vocals that got me to explore the wonderful Cocteau Twins, but obviously I have more exploring to do as I had not yet heard that (I have heard the album Victorialand as well). I love that. That Changeling is so cool, and the Underworld I really like. Failure's is the most out of my comfort blanket zone of those for it's alt rock qualities, but I do like plenty of grunge from the time and did enjoy it. I really appreciate the list and hope that more people will mention tracks (even regardless of whether people think that I will appreciate them based on what they know of my tastes).

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