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Atum - Smashing Pumpkins - not to bad, excellent.

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Topic: Atum - Smashing Pumpkins - not to bad, excellent.
Posted By: Icarium
Subject: Atum - Smashing Pumpkins - not to bad, excellent.
Date Posted: November 19 2022 at 05:18
Just read some of the reviews, i have been really blown away by the new album. I hear a very concise and modern/brave album made by one of the most daring and tester of new sounds. I am also a sucker for Egyptian diety named albums, Atum is the creation god of egyptian religian, I am sold. The intro track and the 4-5 fist songs are really cool blend of eclectic flavours æ, of alt metal, of prog of new wave, of melodic fun music, its not a perfect album. But it is very good sounding, very ambicious, my mind exclaims "ffoork" multiple times during the intro - so progy.


Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: November 19 2022 at 05:46
Can you please edit somehow the thread title? Smile

Posted By: Machinemessiah
Date Posted: November 19 2022 at 06:28

I hear you friend! I'm sold also since a few days ago..

Haven't messed with reviews, but I'm listening to it right now.. (first thing in the morning).

Agree the first 5 tracks or so is the best, with a peak for me at the abs. awesome track 3.  Cool

We were catching up with the other Smashing's recent albums with a friend via whatsapp, "cyr", and "shiny and oh so bright.." but, for me, this one's far far apart.

Of course love the cover art & the proggy edge in track 1.  Big smile  Handshake

Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: November 19 2022 at 09:41
I somehow put Billy Corgan in same position as Steve Wilson, a great conossiour of music and genres. A great command of what sound he wants to produce. He might be bit strange and demanding but he also have a strong vission.

Hes voice is a bit of hit and a miss. But hes guitar playing is really strong.

Here is a link to the album on Spotify" rel="nofollow -


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