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Forum Name: General Music Discussions
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Topic: Give the drummer some! The next interactive poll!Posted By: Lewian
Subject: Give the drummer some! The next interactive poll!
Date Posted: September 27 2022 at 16:43
Hi there, here's the next interactive poll! The theme is tracks with drums and percussion parts that you like. It doesn't have to be solos, it can be just a drummer who does their stuff well.
INTERACTIVE POLLS: Everyone can participate, by nominating (i.e., linking from youtube or elsewhere if it's not on yt) a track, and then vote for other people's tracks.
Let's do this old school, meaning that everybody ultimately nominates one track, although there's a suggestion phase in which you can suggest more. People may or may not comment on the suggestions, but ultimately you choose your nomination as you want. The suggestion phase will run at least one week from now, quite possibly for longer (I'll decide this short term), and then I'll ask for nominations and the voting can begin.
No tracks from progarchives please (although out of competition you can play some).
In the voting phase, everybody has three votes, and don't vote for your own.
I think that's all the rules. Suggestions from now, everyone is welcome!
To show where this can be going (but it can also go in a completely different direction) here is good old legendary Popcorn, which I think has great drumming. It is probably too well known for being nominated, let's see, but I don't think people know it for the drumming.
Replies: Posted By: jamesbaldwin
Date Posted: September 27 2022 at 17:37
NOISEWORKS: Australian group that PUBLISHED two excellent hard-pop-rock discs in the second half of the eighties, and then disbanded after the third album in 1991. Very gifted singer, with good songwriting, perhaps they lacked only a strong personality in the composition. They were a great loss, in my opinion. In the first two discs there are many pop-rock pearls, such as Chained.
Suzanne Vega, on the other hand, needs no introduction. Her first two discs are also great, and this Wooden Horse is taken from the second, which had Luka as a hit. It's a shadowy, nocturnal song based on a drumming. On later records, Vega will often use arrangements with strong percussion, often too strong. Here he has found a good and simple balance.
1) Noiseworks: Chained
2) Suzanne Vega: Wooden Horse
I love the Eighties!
------------- Amos Goldberg (professor of Genocide Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem): Yes, it's genocide. It's so difficult and painful to admit it, but we can no longer avoid this conclusion.
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: September 27 2022 at 17:40
Wooden Horse is such a marvellous track, one of my favourites! (Which implies that I only don't know the Noiseworks track yet.)
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: September 27 2022 at 18:13
It can be very drums-oriented though, as this suggestion by Christoph Haberer (Circle Move) shows.
Christoph Haberer is at it since 1980 by the way, and I saw an absolutely great gig of his then project Drümmele Maa in the late eighties. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything of them, neither live nor studio, anywhere on the internet. But Christoph is still great these days, particularly for me as a lover of both drumming and electronic music.
Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: September 27 2022 at 19:33
I posted this on Greg's one YouTube video thread about a week and half ago. Fun track to listen to in part due to the drums and percussion.
Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp - So Many Things (To Feel Guilty About)
Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: September 27 2022 at 19:45
From 1993. this is by alternative rock band Course of The Empire. They featured two drummers.
Course of the Empire - Infested
Edit to add another version of the song, which incorporates Benny Goodmsn's Sing Sing Sing.
Infested (Darwin Goodman Mix)
Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: September 27 2022 at 21:50
Out of competition. One of my favorite drum battles.
Posted By: jamesbaldwin
Date Posted: September 28 2022 at 10:09
3) Bruce Springsteen: when I propose one of his songs I try to choose them among those that highlight a particularity of his music often unknown to those who are not his fans, because Springsteen has many facets, a complex personality. For example, many of you do not know that Springsteen is one of the most profiled artists ever existed but until the 2000s he selected his publications so much that many of his best songs remained unpublished, often only present in the bootlegs of his concerts (some of these unpublished songs were gifts for other artists: the career of Patti Smith owes a lot to a certain Because the Night). One of these songs is Roulette, which had to be put on The River album, which was always unpublished and only put on the collection discs of the tracks never released. It is one of the most explosive Springsteen's rock and roll, both in the studio and in concert, with great work by Max Weinberg on the Drums. It talks about fear of nuclear power (in that year, 1979, Bruce had participated in Jackson Browne's No Nukes)
4) Surgery: AK.
Wild rock and roll group, Surgery published two great albums, only to disband after the third (like Noiseworks). Their music is partly punk and partly original rock and roll, with a really coarse singer. Nothing calculated here, just wild energy.
3) Bruce Springsteen: ROULETTE
4) Surgery: A.K.
------------- Amos Goldberg (professor of Genocide Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem): Yes, it's genocide. It's so difficult and painful to admit it, but we can no longer avoid this conclusion.
Posted By: Argo2112
Date Posted: September 28 2022 at 11:14
Burn for you - Live - Sting
Omar Hakin absolutely kills it near the end of this song.
If you don't want to hear the whole thing pick it up around the 3:15 mark
Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: September 28 2022 at 12:50
Nice theme! Not much time now to look for things and listen, but more will follow this weekend, I think.
When I think of drummers and drumming I immediately think of this band. In a kind of extension of the previous poll I want to suggest a live track by this band whose name will be censored by the PA censor machine (which doesn't understand Dutch). The name just means "Butchery Van Kampen", a kind of a brand name for this band consisting of (most of the times) four drummers (sometimes more). I saw them live some 20 years ago and it was quite impressive, and I think it is more interesting to see them play then to just hear them. Not many good live tracks to be found on youtube, but here is a nice one:
sl*g.rij van Kampen - De trein (The Train):
The razamataz is a pain in the bum
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: September 28 2022 at 14:52
@ Christian, a great theme! I have had something similar in mind for I while now. I'm very much into rhythmic music. Thus it won't be easy for me to make a choice. What do you think, could we perhaps consider 2 songs per person, depending on the number of participants? We have been less than ten people in the last couple of editions.
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: September 28 2022 at 14:53
Nice job there by Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp, but the camera operator apparently isn't a big fan of drums & percussion...
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: September 28 2022 at 15:00
Mila-13 wrote:
@ Christian, a great theme! I have had something similar in mind for I while now. I'm very much into rhythmic music. Thus it won't be easy for me to make a choice. What do you think, could we perhaps consider 2 songs per person, depending on the number of participants? We have been less than ten people in the last couple of editions.
I really wanted to do this old school so that participation is a piece of cake, I had the feeling that numbers went down partly because things became too complicated and people had to do more to participate. Of course that doesn't mean numbers will necessarily go up again and I may be wrong, but let's keep the rule at one per person for the moment, and if numbers are really low after the weekend we can talk about it. Making a choice is part of the game.
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: September 28 2022 at 15:21
^That's what I suggested, things should remain flexible, depending on the number of participants. I mean, in case we end up with ten or even less people in total it would make sense to allow one more track per person. Otherwise the poll won't be interesting for the people who want to participate imo.
Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: September 28 2022 at 17:12
Lewian wrote:
Nice job there by Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp, but the camera operator apparently isn't a big fan of drums & percussion...
No doubt! The percussionists just got a quick pan through at the beginning. A shame too. Some great rhythms throughout.
Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: September 28 2022 at 17:19
I saw these guys perform a few times in Vegas about 20 years ago. Fun stuff. An audio-visual experience. This is a good clip.
Blue Man Group - Drumbone
Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: September 28 2022 at 17:37
Great theme by the way! I definitely enjoy percussive sounds. The tracks I posted so far were ones I had saved in YouTube that I thought about for some past polls, so I was able to pull these out. I really could go on and on with this one. I will try to show some restraint.
Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: September 28 2022 at 19:20
I cant get enough Suzanne Vega, astonishing, her voice is sensational
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: September 28 2022 at 22:08
mathman0806 wrote:
I posted this on Greg's one YouTube video thread about a week and half ago. Fun track to listen to in part due to the drums and percussion.
Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp - So Many Things (To Feel Guilty About)
These guys are from Switzerland. How come you know them?
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: September 29 2022 at 00:33
One of the first artists that came to mind was the iconic Algerian percussionist Guem aka Abdelmajid Guemguem. I tend to bring more recent stuff, but I will make an exception this time because he sadly passed away last year. So this is a tribute to the grand master.
Guem & Zaka Percussion: Le Serpent (1978)
Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: September 29 2022 at 00:39
Mila-13 wrote:
mathman0806 wrote:
I posted this on Greg's one YouTube video thread about a week and half ago. Fun track to listen to in part due to the drums and percussion.
Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp - So Many Things (To Feel Guilty About)
These guys are from Switzerland. How come you know them?
I could say, "Through the magic of technology and the Internet" and that would not be far from the truth.
The truth being my streaming subscription to Amazon Music Unlimited and its weekly "My Discovery Mix" playlist. It's an playlist generated every Monday of 25 tracks that is based on some algorithm analyzing my listening habits.
One week, it had a track by Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp (a different one than what I posted) and it stood out, which lead to adding the entire album to my Amazon Music cloud, a Google search, and a trip to Bandcamp to purchase, though only a digital purchase was availble.
The generates playlist does seem to follow what I listen to, which could go from heavier psyche/stoner rock one week to more adventurous instrumental and ethnic music. It usually is made up of artists/tracks i had not heard of and does range back to tracks from the 60's and 70's, though the majority is from the past 10 years.
I also listen to music from the Interactive Polls on Amazon if available, so there are suggestions that seem to come from that. For instance, since Lorenzo's lesser known 70s prog poll, I get a few recommendations from the 60s or 70s that are prog or prog-related. This week's mix includes Irish Coffee (70s Belgian), Picchio del Pozzo (70s Italian), the Velvet Illusions (60s West Coast psychedelic), and Frabjoy & Runcible Spoon (60s pre-10cc Godley and Creme). Also this week, I got Mantra Machine, who I suggested in Greg's last poll but don't listen to on Amazon because I purchased on Bandcamp, and Returned to the Earth, one of the artists Nickie had in Nick's last poll.
So, I am stalked by Amazon apparently. and I rambled on off topic in answering Mila's question.
Short answer: The magic of the Internet.
Posted By: JD
Date Posted: September 29 2022 at 05:10
Not in the competition, but thought we should get it out of the way now.
Steve Moore
And here's a live version of one I've always liked.
Carl Palmer - Bullfrog
------------- Thank you for supporting independently produced music
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: September 29 2022 at 07:52
I'm not a great fan of drumming and have not been for about 40 years. In general, it has become too mechanical and boring to my ears, especially for someone that was reared in classical music, and not beat driven material. You don't listen to Mozart and count the beats. You don't listen to Stravinsky and count the beats, and in my book the drumming these days is all about elementary music, so the folks playing can stick together. were they listening to each other a drumbeat would not be necessary, but when you are playing and all you can "hear" is the beat, then you are not adding to the music and making it livelier and stronger all around.
I'm not sure I would vote for a lot of these things here, and I remember some nice moments ... 1) I don't do rhythm. I'm with the guitar! (Many!) 2) Drumming is for folks that don't know, or like music! (Pierre!) 3) If I worried about the drumming, I would throw everything off the stage at the start! (Moonie!) 4) I miss the freedom to add/subtract bits here and there! (Bruford) 5) Got to make it different every time! (Wyatt) ... and many other thoughts and ideas!
The whole mechanical thing is so commercial as to be sick and pathetic. I like music, and the beat is not enough, and in most cases, it is the worst part of it all, given by folks over infatuated with their ego, thinking that because they can count, it is drumming, or he/she can add that extra tick with their stick, makes it even better drumming!
Sorry ... this thread is not for me, and I do have, yes, I do, a few names that I love to listen to in drumming, but sadly, almost all of the ones mentioned were not that great. AND, to much of it was just pop music, and not the real thing, though some pop music had great drumming.
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: September 29 2022 at 12:11
@George, indeed, over time we inevitably become part of each others "musical dna", that is each other's internet al-go-rithm's, esp. in this drum rhythm themed edition.
I find my youtube recommendations rather poor, though. I think there is a way of improving their recommendations by resetting them, but I haven't dealt with it yet. I get most of my information from music magazines and certain record labels. Sometimes I find the internet rather confusing than helpful. But of course it is also an opportunity for artists to become known, even beyond national borders. The Swiss orchestra tours Europe and now even Canada.
Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: September 30 2022 at 13:28
Here's something I think Greg (Logan) might post. I am digging the Ghost Power album. Some cool sounds.
I was between this one "Asteroid Witch" and "Panic in the Isles of Splendor".
Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: October 01 2022 at 03:56
A next one from me: a drummer you probably all know, in a band that you might not know. Pat Mastelotto with his band Mastica.
Mastica - Muñecos De Palo:
The razamataz is a pain in the bum
Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: October 01 2022 at 08:08
And as a kind of follow-up of the previous poll, I saw Anthony Joseph live last Thursday and it was a wonderfully great concert (recommended to everyone who likes jazz-fusion; go see him). Awesome musicianship from all of them present: Jason Yarde on Saxophone, Rod Youngs on Drums, Andrew Johns on Bass, Thibaut Remy on Guitar and Denys Baptiste on Saxophone, and of course the voice and poetry of Anthony Joseph.
Rod Youngs, who also has played with Gil Scott Heron in the past, was particularly impressive all along, but especially on a piece of which I don't have the title and couldn't trace back yet on what is available on the internet. But, a track that somehow is a homage to the drums is "Language", talking about the origin of the world, residing in language and language "rooted deep in the resonance of the drum"...
"It is language which calls all things to creation
And language is the origin of the world
The word
Was the great mass of a black star exploding
It was the beat of a drum
The vibration of the body."
So, out of competition but I wanted to share this with you: Anthony Joseph - Language (Poem for Anthony McNeill):
The razamataz is a pain in the bum
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: October 01 2022 at 22:33
^ Kees, thanks a lot for sharing your impressions! Even though many people speak English nowadays, poetry takes it to the next level. It is the music that allows to reach a wider audience and overcome language barriers. It is remarkable how Joseph uses both of his talents as a writer and a musician to create something completely new. I hope I will have the opportunity to see him live sometime soon.
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: October 01 2022 at 23:36
Ok ... here's a fun list from me ... abbreviated!
Steve Gadd with Rickie Lee Jones in her first albums ... outstanding breaks helping accentuate her delivery, which she lost once he was no longer there!
The Magazine
Steve Gadd with Kate Bush in a couple of things that are so well done and seem like just a flight through free form nothing without a beat ... just lovely!
Director's Cut
Fifty Words for Snow
Peter Leopold and Danny Fichelscher with Amon Duul 2/ In too many albums, and their ability to help accentuate so much different, strange, weird and off the wall material, and still ... it shines!
Pierre Moerlin with Gong and Solo. Lovely to watch, and his touring with Gong in'96 (I think it was!) made the band rock'ier than the Pip version (Jazzy) or the other version (trippy/dancey).
Simon Phillips with Duncan Browne - In the albums Wild Places and the following album ... some nifty material and balance really made Duncan's voice work sound better.
Joachim Ehrig (Eroc) with Grobschnitt. The man that starts the drum transitions yesterday, and never misses anything is also the one that has given you the various remasters and the incredible amount of material that showed even better how good a drummer he is.
Many Neumeier with Guru Guru (early stuff up to TF). I fell out after Tango Fango, but his stuff in the early days and with the guitarist that played like John McLaughlin, and still, Many stayed with him the whole time ... who cares about rhythm or a bass player!
Bill Bruford with King Crimson. I think he really helped the band define itself a lot better than we thought. Originally, it was hard to believe that all that was by one or two people. All of a sudden you had a monster band with really far out material that we still love today!
Terry Williams with the Man Band. Deke Leonard used to say that this guy was impossible, and he was never wrong, when it came to timing, and went on and off it all the time, but never lost a step. The good side? It helped Deke and Mickey rampage their stuff together. The bad side? What are you doing? And Terry would say, just worry about your guitar!
Rob Townsend - Family. Lovely touch in so many different songs. And that blast right from the start is a perfect example!
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 02 2022 at 05:42
Hey mosh, what about suggesting a non-prog track with yt video, so that we all have some listening fun? (I know we can also do research based on your list if we don't know the artistst already, but "regular participation" in the poll is very welcome, and I'm sure you have some good stuff to share!)
I do appreciate the list though, many of those I love, too.
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 02 2022 at 05:50
Unfortunately I have some issue with my music computer... anyway here are some more suggestions... these are artists I had suggested earlier but despite being very keen on this topic, lots of stuff that comes to mind is either prog or has already featured in the now very rich history of interactive polls.
Joe Jackson's tour with Sue Hadjopoulos (perc) has lots of great drums/percussion work. Here's Target/TV Age.
Mik Glaisher of the Comsat Angels is such an inventive drummer. Waiting for a Miracle.
Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: October 02 2022 at 06:06
Some comments on what I've heard so far...
Christian: Gosh, it took me at least 10 years to get rid of this Popcorn melody in my head, and it hasn't popped up for at least another five years... Thank you! ;) The drumming is indeed quite good, though; never paid much attention to it actually. I love this kind of endeavours by Christoph Haberer, a great showcase of talent, with a nice underlying soundtrack. This could be much longer if it was up to me.
Lorenzo: Nice, it is the rocking you that is privileged here. I like all four of your suggestions - yes, I too, I love the 80s (Nena!... Indianer would have fit in this poll too...). The rather straight rock by Noiseworks becomes great through those roaring guitars and synths, and the solid drumming. Didn't know the Springsteen track (or don't remember); great opening, but then the drumming gets more conventional, to my ears. The drumming on the Surgery track sounds a bit more adventurous, and very energetic, but the stand-out track is Susanne Vega's Wooden Horse: musically, vocally and drummingly the most interesting to me.
George: Only heard of the name of Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp, don't think I ever heard music made by them. This is an extraordinary piece, captivating and a concentration of talent. Wonderful, and very tight playing! Course of Empire is also infested with a super tight drum combo - a very enjoyable rocking track (contagious!). I prefer the original to the mix. And thanks for the Muppets! It shows what a high quality show it was - and of course Animal wins in the end, sort of... The Blue Man Group is great fun to see and to hear. Inventive rain pipe use! And I very much like the Asteroid Witch track: again a very tight drumming and I love those sounds and fizzles. This one and especially the Tout Puissant are my favourites of yours.
Mila: Nice, an oldy! And I very much enjoy this one by Guem & Zaka Percussion. Quite soothing, in a way. It makes me think a bit of Terry Bozzio and his melodic drumming. Great pick.
JD: Hehe, although Steeve Moore's drumming as such may not sound that spectacular, his wide-ranging gestures are! Carl Palmer is as always wonderful and impressively convincing. Didn't know this live track, it's a great one, thanks!
The razamataz is a pain in the bum
Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: October 02 2022 at 06:08
And I thought you might like some more from the Butchery. Beats and Brass, this time.
sl*g.rij van Kampen - Otra Gacela (live):
The razamataz is a pain in the bum
Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: October 02 2022 at 06:23
@Christian: Joe Jackson's Night and Day album is the only one I have, but I listen to it rather regularly. This live rendition of two tracks show what a masterpieces these are and what a talented composer he is and how talented the musicians are. A great pleasure to hear and see this. I also like the Comsat Angels track, the drumming particularly, the song as such maybe a bit less...
The razamataz is a pain in the bum
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: October 02 2022 at 11:10
Lewian wrote:
Mila-13 wrote:
@ Christian, a great theme! I have had something similar in mind for I while now. I'm very much into rhythmic music. Thus it won't be easy for me to make a choice. What do you think, could we perhaps consider 2 songs per person, depending on the number of participants? We have been less than ten people in the last couple of editions.
I really wanted to do this old school so that participation is a piece of cake, I had the feeling that numbers went down partly because things became too complicated and people had to do more to participate. Of course that doesn't mean numbers will necessarily go up again and I may be wrong, but let's keep the rule at one per person for the moment, and if numbers are really low after the weekend we can talk about it. Making a choice is part of the game.
We are now 7 people, including Argo 2112 (Mike) who is new to me. I don't know whether he is familiar with the rules of IA polls? So how many nominations do we have per person? I have posted just one track so far which is rather a first association with the theme than a suggestion.
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 02 2022 at 15:44
OK, whoever wants to nominate two tracks can do that. No obligation though, you can also nominate one.
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: October 02 2022 at 17:03
So after some nice African drumming, here we have something quite different, from my experimental music collection.
Simone Rubino is a young Italian percussionist who has made a name for himself in recent years as a soloist and chamber musician. Here he is performing a work by American percussionist and composer Casey Cangelosi. "Bad Touch", a piece for solo performer and audio tape.
Simone Rubino: Bad Touch
Posted By: jamesbaldwin
Date Posted: October 02 2022 at 17:11
I nominate:
1) Suzanne Vega: Wooden Horse
2) Surgery: A. K.
(Thanks to Kees)
I will nominate Noiseworks in the future
------------- Amos Goldberg (professor of Genocide Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem): Yes, it's genocide. It's so difficult and painful to admit it, but we can no longer avoid this conclusion.
Posted By: Jaketejas
Date Posted: October 02 2022 at 17:42" rel="nofollow - Walking on the Moon - The Police
Posted By: Jaketejas
Date Posted: October 02 2022 at 17:50" rel="nofollow - Spastic Ink - The Mad Data Race
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 02 2022 at 18:15
I had seen some posters of the Blue Man Group but had no idea what they were doing. This was actually a fun piece, particularly for a drum lover.
And now Walking On The Moon is there, a big favourite of mine!
And @Kees: I like the second Sl()agerij van Kampen track quite a bit more than the first. Even though I am a fan of drumming, the wind instruments add a lot there!
Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: October 03 2022 at 15:38
I nominate Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp and Ghost Power.
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: October 04 2022 at 02:19
Here's another one from me.
Anne Paceo is a French drummer, bandleader and composer. This track is off her latest album S.H.A.M.A.N.E.S, 2022.
Anne Paceo: Wide Awake
Actually, I wish I could share a dance track, because I strongly associate rhythm with dancing. We definitely need more ladies here . . :P
@Christian. I will soon do my nominations. When do you plan to start the voting?
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 04 2022 at 03:29
I aim at putting the final list of nominations together by Friday so that it's up and running for the weekend.
So please send nominations by Thursday.
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: October 04 2022 at 05:56
Thanks, I will keep that in mind.
Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: October 04 2022 at 12:31
@Mila: Nice to see Anne Paceo popping up here. I discovered her when she was touring with Jeanne Added (who was touring her first album, a couple of years ago). listened to some of her work, which was quite good. Haven't heard this track yet, that will come this weekend after I get back from Paris.
@Christian: My nominations are Sl()agerij van Kampen (nice solution!), Otra Gacela - indeed my preferred one of the two too, by far - and Mastica's Muñecos de Palo.
The razamataz is a pain in the bum
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: October 05 2022 at 13:55
[for infotainment purposes only]
And finally, here's a musical sensation that recently made headlines.
Nandi Bushell is a now 12-year-old British-South African drummer and social media celebritiy. She gained international fame for her drumming skills, performing covers of popular rock songs and later her own material (no joke, have a look at her youtube channel). Her youtube videos drew the attention of numerous musicians including Matt Bellamy, Dave Grohl and Lenny Krawitz.
She has performed on stage with Krawitz and the Foo Fighters and was a featured guest performer at the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II in London. And finally, she has been invited by the Foo Fighters to play at the Taylor Hawkins Tribute Show at Wembey this September, just amazing!
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: October 06 2022 at 02:18
My nominations:
1." rel="nofollow - Guem & Zaka Percussion: Le Serpent
2." rel="nofollow - Anne Paceo: Wide Awake
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: October 06 2022 at 05:04
Lewian wrote:
Hey mosh, what about suggesting a non-prog track with yt video, so that we all have some listening fun? (I know we can also do research based on your list if we don't know the artists already, but "regular participation" in the poll is very welcome, and I'm sure you have some good stuff to share!)
I'm not sure I can do that. I do not listen to MUSIC because it is this or that or something else ... I listen to it because it brings my heart alive. I don't really care where it fits except how it is used.
The problem with our design/choice, is that we end up thinking that a great drummer can be in one place only, and this is not true. Heck, Ginger Baker deserves some kudos here, and he showed some great chops later in his life with African musicians and beats. I guess he might not count because CREAM is progressive by having been so famous as to rival our top 5!!! Shishkabob ... I wanted to list Moonie and Bonzo, too! Heck, even Ringo deserves some credit in the later stuff by the Beeatttles.
The German group NIAGARA (70's) was just drummers. The albums were quite interesting, and although you ended up just hearing a beat to get them in tune with each other, there are bits that showed that some folks were on different planets. However, it seems to me, that the recording of the whole thing was terrible, and that the only viable result was the beat and folks being on time. It would probably have been better, or more interesting, if some of the folks went against the grain!
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 06 2022 at 15:46
OK, let's see what we have...
MIla: Guem & Zaka Percussion - Le Serpent, Anna Paceo - Wide Awake
Kees: Sl()agerij van Kampen - Otra Gacela and Mastica's Muñecos de Palo
George: Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp, Ghost Power
Jaketejas: Police - Walking on the Moon, Spastic Ink - The Mad Data Race (not explicitly confirmed as final nominations, but I guess this is how it's meant)
Lorenzo: Suzanne Vega - Wooden Horse, Surgery: A.K.
JD: Not sure whether there was any nomination there... please confirm! Carl Palmer is on PA and I'd nominate ZZ Top, but you said "not in the competition"!?
I'd nominate Christoph Haberer and the Comsat Angels.
Did I miss anything?
Further/new contributions are still welcome, but I'd like to put up the final list tomorrow. Apparently making it easy (in my view) hasn't helped the general participation... well. I'd have liked to comment more and listening to all, which I'd hopefully manage to do at some point, but I still have computer/music machine trouble that trakes some time & energy.
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 06 2022 at 15:48
moshkito wrote:
The problem with our design/choice, is that we end up thinking that a great drummer can be in one place only, and this is not true. Heck, Ginger Baker deserves some kudos here, and he showed some great chops later in his life with African musicians and beats. I guess he might not count because CREAM is progressive by having been so famous as to rival our top 5!!! Shishkabob ... I wanted to list Moonie and Bonzo, too! Heck, even Ringo deserves some credit in the later stuff by the Beeatttles.
Chances are it won't get me very far saying this, but absolutely would Ginger Baker count.
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: October 06 2022 at 20:14
@Christian, here's the" rel="nofollow - Playlist
There is also Argo2112/Mike who posted a Sting song. You will find the list of participants and their nominated artists in the description of the playlist.- Could you then please add the link to your OP so that eveyone can find it?
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 07 2022 at 14:34
Voting is open now! I included JD's suggestions even though they may not have been intended to be in there... I thought it can't hurt to have some more music in the poll. Thanks everyone for contributing!
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 07 2022 at 14:56
Hahaha, interactive polls have become so unpopular that not even trolls find them worth throwing in stray votes before voting is opened. I'm amazed!
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 07 2022 at 16:00
Here's by the way something I just came across, didn't know this existed. This is almost two hours of music, a 2018 tribute concert to Jaki Liebezeit with a number of different sets featuring among others Irmin Schmidt, Damo Suzuki, Rosko Gee, Michael Rother, Jah Wobble, Gianna Nannini, Hans Bäär and Rüdiger Elze of Hoelderlin, and LOTS of great drumming inspired by Jaki's style, by his later bandmates Drums Off Chaos.
Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: October 08 2022 at 01:45
Nice, let's hit it! Thanks for the playlist, Mila; I'll give an embedded version (avoids annoying ads between the tracks, for me at least...):
The razamataz is a pain in the bum
Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: October 09 2022 at 07:35
Very nice list and I needed a couple of listens to some tracks to decide myself on my top three. I made it myself a bit easier by not choosing the ones I was most familiar with (Suzanne Vega, especially) or choosing two suggested by the same person... These three procured me the most discovery and listening pleasure of the otherwise very interesting bunch:
- Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp - So Many Things
- Anna Paceo - Wide Awake
- Christoph Haberer - Circle Move
The razamataz is a pain in the bum
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: October 09 2022 at 08:02
Lewian wrote:
Here's by the way something I just came across, didn't know this existed. This is almost two hours of music, a 2018 tribute concert to Jaki Liebezeit with a number of different sets featuring among others Irmin Schmidt, Damo Suzuki, Rosko Gee, Michael Rother, Jah Wobble, Gianna Nannini, Hans Bäär and Rüdiger Elze of Hoelderlin, and LOTS of great drumming inspired by Jaki's style, by his later bandmates Drums Off Chaos.
AND ... make sure you appreciate Michael Rother ... it tells you a lot about what we call "krautrock"." rel="nofollow - Jaki Liebezeit - A Tribute (
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: October 09 2022 at 18:27
Lewian wrote:
Here's by the way something I just came across, didn't know this existed. This is almost two hours of music, a 2018 tribute concert to Jaki Liebezeit with a number of different sets featuring among others Irmin Schmidt, Damo Suzuki, Rosko Gee, Michael Rother, Jah Wobble, Gianna Nannini, Hans Bäär and Rüdiger Elze of Hoelderlin, and LOTS of great drumming inspired by Jaki's style, by his later bandmates Drums Off Chaos.
Thanks a lot for sharing this interesting concert footage! I'm not very familiar with that period and genre of German rock music. A good opportunity and way to learn more about it. That's one reason why I really appreciate these interactive polls.
Posted By: jamesbaldwin
Date Posted: October 10 2022 at 06:54
A lot of good music here!
------------- Amos Goldberg (professor of Genocide Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem): Yes, it's genocide. It's so difficult and painful to admit it, but we can no longer avoid this conclusion.
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 10 2022 at 14:37
@Pedro: Hey, this is a nice text!
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 10 2022 at 15:54
Very tough competition here, I'm not sure whether I ever had such a hard time to rank some of these over others. Nice also that we have some tracks in which the drums really take centre stage, some in which they are virtuous, some in which they are original, some where they are quite straight... thanks for all contributions!
I knew theree of these before, the tracks by Police, Suzanne Vega, and Sting, and I love them all, but I won't vote for them just to make the job easier.
The Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp will pick the first vote. There's just so much life in this, I love how much fun stuff is going on there.
I could easily also vote for the Asteriod Witch but sorry George I just decided nobody gets two of my votes.
Kees has two good candidates there. I'll vote for one of them but which? I'm always attracted to a good energetic live video, but ultimately I love the drumming on the Mastica track and also the atmosphere, and vote for it... how did that happen, I was pretty clearly on track for von Kampen, but...?
Mila also doesn't give me an easy job - the Anne Paceo track is great but I don't really like the sound of the drums there, I think I'd vote for that if this weren't the drummers poll. The drumming aspect is better on Le Serpent, very well done and contagious this, but there's also The Mad Data Race and A.K....
By the way I love the Steve Moore video even though of course this excels by extra-musical factors, and Carl Palmer is of course a great drummer, but this is on PA, so I have an excuse not to vote for it.
Where was I? Serpent vs. Mad Data Race vs. A.K. But the surgery would probably have to come up with a live video to convince me of this, I can better imagine this to work for me on stage, also once more the drums mix/sound is not quite to my liking.
The Spastic Ink track is really very impressive, but I think at the end I go for Guem & Zaka, that's the swing!
Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: October 10 2022 at 18:18
Very good selection/competition. Going also with 1 vote per suggestion and new to me tracks, my votes went to
1. Mastica - really enjoyed this one and purchased the digital album on Bandcamp Friday.
2. Christoph Haberer
3. Guem & Zaka Percussion
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: October 12 2022 at 03:03
I can only agree with
what has already been said. I had a really hard time choosing my favourites. So, I too will have to focus on the lesser-known artists.
I especially fell for
the live acts. Both ensembles, the Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp and Sl()agerij van Kampen won me
over with their passionate and energetic performances. However, in terms of composition
and musical versatility I found the former more convincing overall. But in any
other edition, either of the two would have got my vote.
Another of my top
favourites is the fabulous Christoph Haberer. What a versatile and talented
musician! He played with Trilok Gurtu and Moussa Cissoko among others and here
he combines drumming with electronic music. Truly remarkable!
I also appreciated the
more classic rock’n’roll drumming of e.g. Spastic Inc or Surgery but I am even more drawn to discover something new, also in terms of musical style.
Therefore, my votes
will go to (in random order):
- Orchestre Tout Puissant
Marcel Duchamp
- Christoph Haberer
- Mastica
Thank you, Christian for hosting and thank you all for this enjoyable edition! I'm pleased that some of you guys appreciated my music selection as well.
Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: October 12 2022 at 12:39
Mila-13 wrote:
Thank you, Christian for hosting and thank you all for this enjoyable edition! I'm pleased that some of you guys appreciated my music selection as well.
As long as it's not danceable, we're very open to any kind of music...
The razamataz is a pain in the bum
Posted By: Mila-13
Date Posted: October 12 2022 at 15:47
^ Hmm, in fact anything with a more or less steady beat is danceable. In this sense my African drum track is even an epitome of dance music. Dance to trance, as it were. lol Btw. I find George's Ghost Power track very danceable, too. This track could easily be part of a 60s or 70s film score, in the style of Blow-Up or similar.
Posted By: jamesbaldwin
Date Posted: October 20 2022 at 15:46
1) Mastica - Muñecos de Palo
2) Sl()agerij van Kampen - Otra Gacela
3) Christoph Haberer - Circle Move
Honorable mentions:
5) Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp - So Many Things
6) Comsat Angels
7) Police
------------- Amos Goldberg (professor of Genocide Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem): Yes, it's genocide. It's so difficult and painful to admit it, but we can no longer avoid this conclusion.