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The Doors into the Velvet Underground + Nico

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Topic: The Doors into the Velvet Underground + Nico
Posted By: Icarium
Subject: The Doors into the Velvet Underground + Nico
Date Posted: September 14 2022 at 12:40
Ive been spinning /streaming Tongue these two bands revolutionary debute albums too and back from work. Both makes me think. I have for some reason avoided the Doors becouse i like to discover bands in my own pace spessialy if i feel a peer pressure to listen to certan music (or movies). So ive been stalling my introduction to really bite my teeth into The Doors (1967) which is both a pitty, but also a luxuary problem, imm not over stimulated with it, i have not made a the Doors shrine, but i have a healthy respect for their place in music history. Their place inside popular music is solid. I have been more exposed to the music of the Velvet Underground, i have been slightly more qurious about Lou Reeds musical life first and formoast. But also had an interest in digging into the Velvet Underground + Nico (1967).

But in my ears and thoughts both albums are equal, i cant desid which i like the most. Both albums share equal value as albums one must know and atleast listen to. Both are good enough to devote oneself, to write bloggs, to write esseys, to base an entire bachelor theses on them. I love how patient and dry, albums of the 60s sound, there is an air of mystique to both albums. one feel a slight feel pitty that the flame that is Jim Morrison was shoked to soon, at least the poetic soul of Lou Reed impacted the musical landscape for 4 decades. Only fantasy can know where Jim might have done later. Hes mystery is stil alive though. 

as you might understand, this is a thread where your fanboy can ramble freely, about the Doors and Velvet Underground and assosiated acts, ramble, be as unstructured as a reel fanboy brain can be. 

Ramble on

Lets celebrate the awesome debutes of the Doors and Velvet Underground (+ Nico) 


Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: September 14 2022 at 13:01
the biggest different from the bands is, the Doors is organ based band, while the guitar plays a larger role in Velvet Underground, while guitar is featured in the Doors, but acts more complementary. Both albums have a "dirty" nature, but excells in being fresh and ahaed of their time. Both shows and displays a dark and brooding, but also  complex in the various explored themes. both are self  written bands to have on a playlist where mystic music of the 60s is explored, the dreamy nature of imagination. 


Posted By: Cosmiclawnmower
Date Posted: September 14 2022 at 14:04
In the past i never connected with the Velvet Underground or Lou Reed at all.. I think for a long time i felt that name checking them was something bands did to show how cool or punk or alternative they were and so i avoided them. Ive come to realise that was an ignorant and prejudiced view and i have dipped my ears into some of their material in more recent years. As a band i realise there is a wealth of diversity of sounds and musical skills which have a much wider range of influence in post 1960's music than i had previously accepted. However, i just cant get used to the voice of or personally see much attraction in the music and lyrics of Lou Reed as a solo artist. 

The Doors were always, musically, something much more appealing and immediate to me. But again ive always felt divided about Jim Morrison as an artist, singer and poet.. there are moments where i'm genuinely moved and excited but plenty of others where i'm not convinced. As a musical unit though, the Doors were momentous, much more so that the VU in my opinion.

I think Arthur Lee and Love (particularly Forever Changes) should be mentioned in this thread; in my view  stronger and highly influential on what came later..


Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: September 14 2022 at 22:14
I will put Arthur Lee on my list


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