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Did 5hit just get real ?

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Topic: Did 5hit just get real ?
Posted By: JD
Subject: Did 5hit just get real ?
Date Posted: August 08 2022 at 17:24" rel="nofollow -

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Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: August 08 2022 at 17:37
It's progress but we have to assume the most incriminating things will have been destroyed.   On the other hand Trump is not very bright and I'm sure missed a few tidbits.   Interesting times when libs are rooting for the FBI.  

“What is the difference between this and Watergate, where operatives broke into the Democratic National Committee?  Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States.”   -- Donald J. Trump

You got that right, Bubba !!

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: August 08 2022 at 18:02
They didn't break in, they served a warrant.


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: August 08 2022 at 19:08
^ And Watergate were a gang of suit-wearing ex-CIA/FBI thugs looking to smear, blackmail, or possibly even kidnap political opponents.  This is duly sworn Federal agents doing a job.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: August 08 2022 at 19:44
Maybe I'm wrong but I think he's going to be too busy dealing with lawyers and going to court to run for president. We'll see.

Posted By: JD
Date Posted: August 08 2022 at 19:53
This was the equivalent of former president PeeWee Squirmin' having his pants pulled down on the playground.
He must be blowing a gasket right about now. Thumbs UpLOLLOLLOLThumbs Up

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Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: August 09 2022 at 07:17
It's about bloody time!

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: Argo2112
Date Posted: August 09 2022 at 07:28
Let's hope this amounts to something. He seems to weasel his way out of everything else. Maybe this will be different. 

BTW, Remember all the Republicans whining Hilary's e-mail server? I wonder what they are going to say about this? Nothing I suspect. 

Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: August 09 2022 at 08:15
Originally posted by Argo2112 Argo2112 wrote:

Let's hope this amounts to something. He seems to weasel his way out of everything else. Maybe this will be different. 

BTW, Remember all the Republicans whining Hilary's e-mail server? I wonder what they are going to say about this? Nothing I suspect. 

They are outraged, of course, by this highly unusual raid, which they have criticized as politicized act that must be looked in to. The outraged Republicans will look into this to see what the DOJ and FBI have done wrong. Bring in Garland to be questioned. They do not care whether it was justified or not. They just want to appear outraged enough for Trump and his supporters.

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: August 09 2022 at 12:19
Big smile  I have no words. Wink

This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.

Posted By: BrufordFreak
Date Posted: August 09 2022 at 14:56
I hope they had to confiscate all his red ties. I'm so tired of this divisive red and blue 5hit. With the current collapse of our health care system well under way, I'm just hoping for a quick euthanasia of our species.

Drew Fisher

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: August 10 2022 at 10:18
^ Putin might well oblige on that point

Posted By: JD
Date Posted: August 10 2022 at 10:33
^Something tells me Putin won't be lifting a finger* to help him.

*an inside joke for anyone who's been following that story. Wink

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Posted By: MortSahlFan
Date Posted: August 10 2022 at 11:15
I wonder if Trump runs as a result of this, or in spite of this... I wonder what happens in the mid-terms, and who runs in 2024, which seems uncertain. I'm happy as long as the truth comes out, but all the celebration is adding gasoline to the fire. I know the DOJ is supposed to be apolitical, but they say the same thing about the Supreme Court.... Overturning of Roe was supposed to get Democrats out, and now this event will get Republicans out, and this seems to be the strategy -- little on policy, and more about the existential danger of the other side. It's very, very likely the Republicans take back at least the House, and possibly the Senate. Don't you think they're going to do the impeachment thing (no conviction), Hunter, etc etc? This is becoming The National Enquirer, but this isn't a joke. People are dying -- war, homicides, suicides -- more American soldiers die from suicide than in combat. I read a lot of disheartening stories of "deaths of despair" for people under 50... And to hear adults I've known for years online (but in real life, too) who celebrate our own country's downfalls, because it might help "their" side, as if viruses, poverty, etc., only effects one side. And people complain that it's the other side's fault for everything.

This can't go on... It's more than just tit-for-tat, because I see the hatred people have, and the amount of people who will go above and beyond a simple protest. Add that with inflation and violence, people on edge, being shot in schools (obviously not now in summer).

Maybe we don't have much power, but try to put yourself in other people's shoes... just for a second. Try to get along with people.. In the last few weeks, there's been "race issues" on my street (between the neighbors across the street vs. the neighbors next door), police have been here at least four times, including today. Multiple gun shots on two occasions. No deaths, fortunately. Lots of flags and signs on many lawns (not mine), and all I can do right now (after a long pause) is shake my head. I actually posted that story on other message boards - handfuls of them - and it's sad to see other people say the same stories, or how someone they knew was shot and killed.

Gallup. On December 17, 2020, Gallup polling found that 41% as Independent, 31% of Americans identified as Democrats, 25% identified as Republican. A majority of both parties (61-64%) want a third party, and they also don't want Biden/Trump.


Posted By: CosmicVibration
Date Posted: August 10 2022 at 12:36

Divide and conquer seems to be the prevailing model. Trump is an, in your face agitator.  He picked, exposed, and made worse the scabs that were already there. Biden is a stab you in the back despot.  With the right combination of fear and desperation you can make people do just about anything.

A great leader unites, a damaging one divides.  A Trump / Biden ticket would be devastating.  

People need to come together and treat each other with respect. Conflicts should be resolved through dialogue.  Freedoms are of utmost importance and ought to be upheld.

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: August 11 2022 at 19:28
Washington Post reports that the FBI was searching for classified nuclear weapon documents.  Sounds like the kind of thing that Trump might get $2 billion from the Saudis for?


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: August 11 2022 at 20:53
^ And life in prison ?

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: August 11 2022 at 21:15
Probably not.  He is the Teflon Don.  It is ironic though, that he signed a law to make it a felony for a government employee to take secure documents outside of government offices.  His goal was to lock Hillary up, but it would be ironic if he were to be the one to be locked up under this rule.


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: August 11 2022 at 23:00
He's going to jail.   Okay he might not actually go to jail but he will have to pay one way or another.  Remember almost every key player in Watergate went to prison, and this is far worse.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: tszirmay
Date Posted: August 11 2022 at 23:05
Originally posted by BrufordFreak BrufordFreak wrote:

I hope they had to confiscate all his red ties. I'm so tired of this divisive red and blue 5hit. With the current collapse of our health care system well under way, I'm just hoping for a quick euthanasia of our species.

We certainly have all the nuclear tools to make it quick and dirty. Confused the MO has been around since Hiroshima but the finger has yet to press the trigger. Time for direct democracy , like Athens, and Switzerland, where the people vote and NOT the 'elected' representatives, who lets face it , are not our best and brightest....

I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.

Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: August 12 2022 at 00:41
Originally posted by tszirmay tszirmay wrote:

Originally posted by BrufordFreak BrufordFreak wrote:

I hope they had to confiscate all his red ties. I'm so tired of this divisive red and blue 5hit. With the current collapse of our health care system well under way, I'm just hoping for a quick euthanasia of our species.

We certainly have all the nuclear tools to make it quick and dirty. Confused the MO has been around since Hiroshima but the finger has yet to press the trigger. Time for direct democracy , like Athens, and Switzerland, where the people vote and NOT the 'elected' representatives, who lets face it , are not our best and brightest....


In spades.


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Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: August 12 2022 at 21:19
Okay this is getting interesting---  Trump has now technically committed all kinds of Espionage Act crimes.   What his intentions were is unknown but this is espionage.  

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: August 13 2022 at 00:09
Originally posted by CosmicVibration CosmicVibration wrote:

Divide and conquer seems to be the prevailing model. Trump is an, in your face agitator.  He picked, exposed, and made worse the scabs that were already there. Biden is a stab you in the back despot.  With the right combination of fear and desperation you can make people do just about anything.

A great leader unites, a damaging one divides.  A Trump / Biden ticket would be devastating.  

People need to come together and treat each other with respect. Conflicts should be resolved through dialogue.  Freedoms are of utmost importance and ought to be upheld.

I'm on the ledge about this.Ouch

As much as I want to see Drump never run for Prez again, because of permanent damage he can do to human race and democracy, I can't help but think that he's only the second US Prez since WW2 (Jimmy Carter was the other one) not to have sent troops out on some battleground on the planet. Maybe the only positive point of those 4 years. But I also have no doubt that be's used his presidency to make deals with enemies (as if Saudi Arabia was a friend).

As for (Forb)Biden, he could only be a better choice than Dump both on the internal home-front and on the international planetary front. At least, that's what I thought at election time. But he's turned out to be quite the arsehole himself Dead (and he's not preparing the future class of/for the Democrats either, from what I can see from across the pond), not only reinforcing  protectionism, but also forcing US arms sales around the planet - and fomenting trouble in Taïwan and Ukraine - via the toxic NATO, at the expense of his "allies" (the Australian submarines issue). It might appear that the Dems are "safer" than Reps, but on the whole, the Dems are just as much (if not more) warmongers than their best ennemyNuke. The choice between a pachyderm and a donkey (an arse, if you wish) is like choosing the hammer or the anvil.

Originally posted by MortSahlFan MortSahlFan wrote:

Gallup. On December 17, 2020, Gallup polling found that 41% as Independent, 31% of Americans identified as Democrats, 25% identified as Republican. A majority of both parties (61-64%) want a third party, and they also don't want Biden/Trump.

Let's face, the renewal of democray will start by annilihating both the red & blue, before starting others. However, given the numbers of radicalized idiots (Qanon & religious zealots), things will probably be worse A Third Way was Blair's moto, but that turned out to be a spoof.

Maybe having a real left-wing party in the US could appear to be a solution, but that sounds so much anti- "The American Way", that it's bound to be an aborted or deadborn baby. And should it actually see life, religious zealot will euthanize it. 

Originally posted by BrufordFreak BrufordFreak wrote:

I hope they had to confiscate all his red ties. I'm so tired of this divisive red and blue 5hit. With the current collapse of our health care system well under way, I'm just hoping for a quick euthanasia of our species.

Difficult to argue... until 2016, I still had hopes for the planet and species (not just humans), but nowadays I'm wondering if we should not blow up the planet before arseholes like Bezos, Musk or Branson carry the human disease on other planets (like Putin or Chinese will also). Humankind has become a real pandemic threat for the solar system and galaxy... We're somewhere between the plague or cholera.

I'm not sure I want to witness the next few decades.

When did "future" stop being synonym of hopes and promisesSmile to become fear and gloomOuch??


let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: August 13 2022 at 00:30
You people need to get a grip.  Stop whining, be men, and stand up for what you believe in instead of rolling over with grief.

Jesus, if all of you were in charge during WW ll we'd all be kissing jackboots right now.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

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