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Your Top 10 Favourite Prog Albums of 2017

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Topic: Your Top 10 Favourite Prog Albums of 2017
Posted By: Mirakaze
Subject: Your Top 10 Favourite Prog Albums of 2017
Date Posted: April 30 2022 at 10:16
Only lagging five years behind now!

1. Reuben Gingrich - Blue Island
2. Yowie - Synchromysticism
3. Bubblemath - Edit Peptide
4. Accordo Dei Contrari - Violato Intatto
5. Thinking Plague - Hoping Against Hope
6. Falling Into Birds - Falling Into Birds
7. Tera Melos - Trash Generator
8. Nine Inch Nails - Add Violence
9. Nodens Ictus - The Cozmic Key
10. Tricot - 3

-------------" rel="nofollow - Freelance composer, accepting commissions |" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp page

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: April 30 2022 at 13:27

12        Agusa  Agusa Swe     2017   

12        Ahmed, Yazz   La Saboteuse Eng      2017   

12        Magic Bus       Phillip the Egg            Eng      2017   

12        Adam Rudolph's Moving Pictures     Glare of the Tiger       USA     2017   

12        Washington, Kamasi  Harmony of Difference          USA     2017   

12        Waters, Roger Is This the Life We Really Want?      Eng      2017   

11        Accordo Dei Contrari  Violato Intatto            Ita        2017   

11        Aranis  Smells Like Aranis      Bel       2017   

11        Heliocentrics, The      A World of Masks       Eng      2017   

11        Kotebel           Cosmology      Spa      2017   

11        Machine Mass            Plays Hendrix Var      2017   

11        Nordmann       The Boiling Ground    Bel       2017   

11        Octurn Songbook of Changes            Bel       2017   

11        Trees Speak    Trees Speak    USA     2017

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Grumpyprogfan
Date Posted: April 30 2022 at 14:31
1. Bubblemath - Edit Peptide
2. Nova Collective - The Further Side
3. Marco Minnemann - Borrego
4. Antoine Fafard - Proto Mundi
5. Special Providence - Will
6. Icefish - Human Hardware
7. Simon Phillips - Protocol 4
8. Wobbler - From Silence to Somewhere
9. Lonely Robot - The Big Dream
10. Lifesigns - Cardington

Discipline - Captives of the Wine Dark Sea
Gong Expresso - Decadence
Big Big Train - Grimspound
Intervals - The Way Forward
Caligula's Horse - In Contact
Steve Hackett - The Night Siren

Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: April 30 2022 at 15:07
1. Big Big Train – Grimspound
2. Deluge Grander – Oceanarium
3. Wobbler - From Silence to Somewhere
4. Jordsjø – Jord
5. Cast - Power and Outcome
6. Dean Watson - Sum of Parts
7. Il Tempio delle Clessidre - Il-Lūdӗre
8. Unreal City - Frammenti Nocturni
9. Nooumena - Controlled Freaks
X. Djam Karet - Sonic Celluloid


Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: April 30 2022 at 23:13
Accordo Dei Contrari- Violato Intatto
Wobbler- From Silence To Somewhere
Thinking Plague- Hoping Against Hope
Motorpsycho- The Tower
Jordsjo- Jords
Nik Turner- Life In Space
Electric Moon- Stardust Rituals
Atavismo- Inerte
l'Albero Del Veleno- Tale Of A Dark Fate
The Tangent- The Slow Rust Of Forgotten Machinary


Merkabah- Million Miles
John Zorn- The Garden Of Earthly Delights
Miriodor- Signal 9
The Pineapple Thief- Where We Stood
Nova Collective- The Further Side
Phlox- Keri

Great year for me.

"The wind is slowly tearing her apart"


Posted By: emisan
Date Posted: May 01 2022 at 01:44
Wobbler - From Silence to Somewhere
The Tangent- The Slow Rust Of Forgotten Machinary
Big Big Train – Grimspound
Accordo Dei Contrari- Violato Intatto
Unreal City - Frammenti Nocturni
Agusa - Agusa
Big Big Train – The Second Brightest Star
Jordsjø – Jord
Il Cerchio D'Oro - Il Fuoco Sotto La Cenere
Aliante - Forme Libere

Posted By: Progmind
Date Posted: May 01 2022 at 01:51
Schnauser - Irritant 
Torben Unit - torben Unit
Accordo Dei Contrari- Violato Intatto
Motorpsycho- The Tower
Magic Bus - Phillip The Egg
Slowdive - Slowdive
Cheer Accident - Putting Off Death
Enslaved - E
Space Debris - Behind The Gate
Phlox - Keri

Posted By: BrufordFreak
Date Posted: May 01 2022 at 05:48
1. TREE TOPS Ghosts Don't Dance with Shoes
3. DEMEN Nektyr
6. BRIAN ELLIS Suspension
7. BELIEVE Seven Widows
ANATHEMA The Optimist

11. SIIILK Endless Mystery
12. BIG BAD WOLF Pond Life
13. SOUP Remedies
14. PSYCHIC EQUALIZER The Lonely Traveller
16. BUBBLEMATH Edit Peptide
18. CAMEMBERT Negative Toe
19. CHEER-ACCIDENT Putting Off Death
20. ELECTRIC MOON Stardust Rituals

21. KOTEBEL Cosmology 
22. EKOS Otra Dimensión
23. SOUL ENEMA Of Clans and Clones and Clowns
24. UNAKA PRONG Adult Contemporary
25. AQUASERGE laisse ça être
26. WOBBLER From Silence to Somewhere
28. SEAS OF MIRTH Hark! The Headland Approacheth
29WESERBERGLAND Sehr Kosmish Ganz Progisch

Honorable Mentions:
32. EYOT Innate
34. CAST Power and Outcome
35. BENT KNEE Land Animal
36. ACCORDO DEI CONTRARI Violato Intatto
37. BIG BIG TRAIN Grimspound
38. ALIO DIE They Grow Layers of Life Between
39. HIMMELLEGEME Myth of Earth
40. KETTLESPIDER Kettlespider
41. ROBERT JÜRJENDAL Simple Past/Lihtminevik

Drew Fisher

Posted By: King Crimson776
Date Posted: May 02 2022 at 00:41
Steve Hackett - The Night Siren
Threshold - Legends of the Shires
Kaipa - Children of the Sounds
Cast - Power and Outcome
Wobbler - From Silence to Somewhere
Mike Oldfield - Return to Ommadawn
Steven Wilson - To the Bone
Agusa - Agusa
Hadal Sherpa - Hadal Sherpa
Eloy - The Vision, the Sword and the Pyre: Part I

Posted By: BrufordFreak
Date Posted: May 02 2022 at 07:10
I ind it so interesting--no, amazing!--that there are so many top ten lists here that have one or less songs in common with my own list of 41! Amazing!

Drew Fisher

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: May 02 2022 at 07:19
Originally posted by BrufordFreak BrufordFreak wrote:

I ind it so interesting--no, amazing!--that there are so many top ten lists here that have one or less songs in common with my own list of 41! Amazing!

" or less"? Isn't that zero?

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Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: May 02 2022 at 07:55
1. Thinking Plague - Hoping Against Hope
2. Discipline - Captives of the Wine Dark Sea
3. Bubblemath - Edit Peptide
4. Wobbler - From Silence to Somewhere
5. The Tangent - The Slow Rust of Forgotten Machinery
6. Sky Architect - Nomad
7. Magenta - We Are Legend
8. Nexus - En el comienzo del Topos Uranos
9. Nau Aletheia - Los Misterios de Eleusis
10. The Bob Lazar Story - Baritonia

Honorable mentions:
Monarch Trail - Sand
Sonic Sight - Anthropology
Alpha Lighting System - 836
Steve Hackett - The Night Siren
Aliante - Forme libere
Big Big Train - Grimspound

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: May 02 2022 at 13:47
Thinking Plague - Hoping Against Hope
Yolk - Solar
Schnellertollermeier - Rights
Cheer-Accident - Putting Off Death
Led Bib - Umbrella Weather
Vezhlivy Otkaz - War Songs
Yowie - Synchromysticism
Miriodor - Signal 9
Bent Knee - Land Animal
Mike Oldfield - Return To Ommadawn


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: May 06 2022 at 16:18
I don't find really oustanding releases this year (except the Art Zoyd box set), but some 15 that would be worthwhile to be listed in the top 10.

Schnellertollermeier - Rights
Guerilla Toss - GT Ultra
Thinking Plague - Hoping Against Hope
Deerhoof - Mountain Moves
Squintaloo - Über Bord!
Sparks - Hippopotamus
Roger Waters - Is This The Life We Really Want?
Vezhlivy Otkaz - War Songs
Mogwai - Every Country's Sun
Bubblemath - Edit Peptide 

Out of competition (the best in fact, but all older material, if unreleased): Art Zoyd - 44 1/2 Box Set

HM: Battlestations, Nova Collective, Karda Estra, Mike Oldfield, Motorpsycho

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: May 22 2022 at 04:01
Magenta - We Are Legend
Wobbler - From Silence To Nowhere
Mike Oldfield - Return To Ommadawn
Big Big Train - Grimspound
The Tangent - The Slow Rust Of Forgotten Machinery
Gungfly - On Her Journey To The Sun
Bent Knee - Land Animal
Nad Sylvan - The Bride Said No
Lifesigns - Cardington

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