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Sting, the bass player

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Topic: Sting, the bass player
Posted By: Icarium
Subject: Sting, the bass player
Date Posted: February 08 2022 at 16:53
This song just hits me hard, the first song on Ghost in the Machine, "Spirits in the Material World". I LOVE that bass line in that song. I in general LOVES Stings bass sound, it's so unique. I play bass myself, and Sting is so very infulentual to me and my development of sound and approach. The sound of "Spirits in the Material World" makes me go giddy and hyper. The song itself is very cool.

Lets just cherrish the bass lines Sting madee in the Police. Positivity and freedom is the key word and pocket.


Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: February 08 2022 at 17:15
The ideas and how the bass line sledom repeats yet stil is in the pocket is what makes Sting one of my top 10 bass players. Hes feel of time and placement, as a bass player is rare. One if the most original bass players i would say.


Posted By: JD
Date Posted: February 08 2022 at 17:15
A great album, I'm partial to Synchronicity myself as well. I met the photographer who shot the cover in one of my art classes back in the day.
Yes, Sting is a talented bassist, singer, songwriter, lover (or so I've heard Wink)

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Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: February 08 2022 at 17:21
I sometimes likes to make spontanious on the mark reponses on how certain aspects of songs just makes me feel feels. Spessialy when it is popular music that is also quite frankly wierd or odd sounding, like "Spirit in the Material World" is spessialy in 2022.


Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: February 09 2022 at 12:17
The Police were simply gigantic, those albums are almost all perfect. I have the whole catalog on cassette, LP, CD Dead and the LP Studio Recordings Box Set which are all half-speed mastered.

I have several of Sting's solo material as well, and agree he's a remarkable musician and a better song writer. But makes sense since he is a jazz player at heart.

This interview of Sting and Dominic Miller is excellent, done so well by Rick Beato.....a must watch.


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