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Topic: Probably the most evil badass metal-part ever!Posted By: Mind_Drive
Subject: Probably the most evil badass metal-part ever!
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 03:35
Sorry you guys but I need to share this with someone, because almost nobody I know would be able to bear such utter force of destruction.
While this might not be everyones cup of tea, regardless of taste, the singers voice is something worth to experience at least once.
Keep in mind that the rest of the song besides the amazing chorus part which starts at 2:01 and again at 3:45, is definately borderline insane and gross, so proceed with caution (or skip ahead)!
Also I feel one might accidentally summon demonlords from the depths of the abyss while listening to this song, so idk maybe put on some beautiful music afterwards to balance it out xD
------------- It's just a ride... <3
Replies: Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 04:04
I've heard bad-asser than this. Way bad-asser.
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 04:09
not my kind of metal
But I guess I can admire the vocalist's skill, but this kind of singing is not my thing.
Posted By: Mind_Drive
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 04:38
Atavachron wrote:
I've heard bad-asser than this. Way bad-asser.
Ok I believe that, maybe I phrased it wrong: "the most badass moment, thats at the same time extremely melodic and epic so it strikes me as a very wholesome moment. I bet there are more "badass or evil" ones out there but i most likely wont find them as good as this one.
Still i'd be interested in one of your examples if you dont mind sharing one.
------------- It's just a ride... <3
Posted By: Manuel
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 05:44
Another reason why I don’t like metal. Not really my cup of tea, and repetitive is you ask me. Not really badass, though I know what you tried to say.
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 05:52
Manuel wrote:
Another reason why I don’t like metal. Not really my cup of tea, and repetitive is you ask me. Not really badass, though I know what you tried to say.
This is called deathcore. It's just a subgenre, a little slice of metal.
Metal is so diverse though, I for one think there's something for everyone (TBH).
Posted By: Necrotica
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 06:02
Haven't listened to a ton of Lorna Shore, but I've enjoyed what I've heard of them so far.
Have you checked out Carnifex by any chance? Their last 3 albums are quite fantastic... some of the best deathcore around today in my opinion
------------- Take me down, to the underground Won't you take me down, to the underground Why oh why, there is no light And if I can't sleep, can you hold my life
Posted By: Necrotica
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 06:03
Cristi wrote:
Metal is so diverse though, I for one think there's something for everyone (TBH).
Excellent way to put it
------------- Take me down, to the underground Won't you take me down, to the underground Why oh why, there is no light And if I can't sleep, can you hold my life
Posted By: Manuel
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 07:51
Cristi wrote:
Manuel wrote:
Another reason why I don’t like metal. Not really my cup of tea, and repetitive is you ask me. Not really badass, though I know what you tried to say.
This is called deathcore. It's just a subgenre, a little slice of metal.
Metal is so diverse though, I for one think there's something for everyone (TBH).
I understand that. Nowadays, many bands that previously were not labeled "Metal" are included in that category, like Deep Purple or Led Zeppelin (they in fact were considered hard rock, but not metal). In any case, these days I don't like to listen to something I don't like, trying to find the good in it and somehow attempting to like it. Since my days seem to be numbered, I just enjoy the music I like, no matter the label or where it comes from.
Posted By: Cylli Kat (0fficial)
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 08:14
I can understand your enthusiasm for this song. But, as other members have previously posted, this isn't quite in my wheelhouse.
The production was pretty decent, at least the drums didn't sound like someone bashing cardboard boxes and trash can lids! (There was an artist recently on the right hand panel on the main site who I checked out [I won't name the band] and that was exactly what their decent drummer who was recorded so very poorly sounded like)!
Both the drummer and the guitarist were capable enough, but the bass was kind of buried a bit.
Kind of a "wall of sound" production approach; similar (sort of) to some of Devin Townsend's material. At least, to my ears.
Okay, on to the vocals:
I'm sorry, but I just cannot seem to get into the whole "Cookie Monster in a bad mood on Acid" style of vocals. This is why I wish Opeth (and others) would release versions of their stuff as instrumental mixes. Their music is so exceptional, but I cannot get past Mikael Åkerfeldt's (or danged near anyone else's) growl style voice.
So, with this band (Lorna Shore), I'm not getting the same buzz that you're experiencing with this, but again, I can understand your enthusiasm for it! Thanks for sharing your find with us! It was certainly worth a listen!
------------- (Insert Clever Words Here) I'm actually this guy:" rel="nofollow - Cylli Kat
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 08:23
I guess i'm one of the few appreciators of deathcore on PA! This is actually an interesting mix of atmospheric black metal and technical deathcore.
There are so many deathcore bands out there these days that it's impossible to keep up with it all but i have to say that this IS bad ass indeed! Only fans of the subgenre will really get it though.
Reminds me a bit of a more technical and atmospheric version of Absu and yes the vocals are extremely versatile in dynamics.
Thanks for sharing but don't expect too many here to appreciate it!
Oh, and i LOOOOOOVE growly cookie monster vocals! Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!
Posted By: Necrotica
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 08:26
siLLy puPPy wrote:
I guess i'm one of the few appreciators of deathcore on PA!
You and me both
I'd also suggest listening to Antagony. Not only did they pioneer deathcore back in the early 2000s, but they also included elements of tech-death and avant-garde metal as well
------------- Take me down, to the underground Won't you take me down, to the underground Why oh why, there is no light And if I can't sleep, can you hold my life
Posted By: Shadowyzard
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 08:28
Konstantin, I know that feeling and the urge to share it with others. I do that too!!! I'll check it out later. When I'm in the mood. Good to see you back!
Posted By: Necrotica
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 08:28
There's also Fit for an Autopsy, who combines deathcore with Gojira-esque progressive groove metal. Great stuff
------------- Take me down, to the underground Won't you take me down, to the underground Why oh why, there is no light And if I can't sleep, can you hold my life
Posted By: Cylli Kat (0fficial)
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 09:00
siLLy puPPy wrote:
Oh, and i LOOOOOOVE growly cookie monster vocals! Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!
Okay, this has gotten me intrigued enough to start a new thread: Help me appreciate Growl Style Vocals.
I super respect your reviews and your contributions in the forums here Mike (siLLy puPPy), and I hope you (and others) throw some ideas my way!
BTW, Rings of Saturn is smokin'! - That level of playing is awesome!
------------- (Insert Clever Words Here) I'm actually this guy:" rel="nofollow - Cylli Kat
Posted By: Necrotica
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 09:03
siLLy puPPy wrote:
Tapfret recently suggested Infant Annihilator in the top drumming performances in the 2010s.
Yeah, Infant Annihilator's drumming is f**king ridiculous. Granted, I think the drummer uses a lot of triggers and what not, but the speed is still something to be admired. The intro of Soil the Stillborn is absolute mayhem
------------- Take me down, to the underground Won't you take me down, to the underground Why oh why, there is no light And if I can't sleep, can you hold my life
Posted By: Shadowyzard
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 09:11
My favourite "evil" part in a metal song is this. Though the Skeletor's Theme is still more evil.
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 09:12
Cylli Kat (0fficial) wrote:
siLLy puPPy wrote:
Oh, and i LOOOOOOVE growly cookie monster vocals! Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!
Okay, this has gotten me intrigued enough to start a new thread: Help me appreciate Growl Style Vocals.
I super respect your reviews and your contributions in the forums here Mike (siLLy puPPy), and I hope you (and others) throw some ideas my way!
BTW, Rings of Saturn is smokin'! - That level of playing is awesome!
A great start would be to tell me which part of the forum I should post it in!
Thanks for the kind words!
I didn't start out loving growly vocals. I just started listening to lots of more extreme metal bands and then i began to appreciate the style that is integral for creating a bleaker soundscape.
I don't have any particular suggestions other than just acclimate yourself to them.
Just start listening to the classic death and black metal albums and go from there.
It's like learning a new language really. At first it's totally foreign and uncomfortable but as you become more familiar with the idiosyncrasies of the nuances, it starts making more senses.
Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 09:26
Mind_Drive wrote:
...Also I feel one might accidentally summon demonlords from the depths of the abyss...
How prophetic your words! You have summoned the infernal demon of moved threads, whose ghastly teleportation to the unholy "general music discussion" plane of the abyss cannot be resisted without first performing the diabolic incantation of" rel="nofollow - "suggesting new artists" .
Artist is not without merit for tech/extreme prog metal. But will need to go through the Prog metal team.
Posted By: Mind_Drive
Date Posted: November 19 2021 at 09:56
siLLy puPPy wrote:
I guess i'm one of the few appreciators of deathcore on PA! This is actually an interesting mix of atmospheric black metal and technical deathcore.
There are so many deathcore bands out there these days that it's impossible to keep up with it all but i have to say that this IS bad ass indeed! Only fans of the subgenre will really get it though.
Reminds me a bit of a more technical and atmospheric version of Absu and yes the vocals are extremely versatile in dynamics.
Thanks for sharing but don't expect too many here to appreciate it!
Oh, and i LOOOOOOVE growly cookie monster vocals! Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!
haha cool, thanks for confirming its badassness! :D
I am not an avid fan of the genre but this song truly impressed me and i cant get enough of this chorus!