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Windows 2000: A Geddy Lee Broadcast

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Topic: Windows 2000: A Geddy Lee Broadcast
Posted By: Logan
Subject: Windows 2000: A Geddy Lee Broadcast
Date Posted: October 08 2021 at 15:05
A potentially misleading poll title. One in PA and one not. It's Broadcast featuring Geddy Lee on bass and vocals with the hit song "Unchanging Window to the World". Or actually it's two songs from 2000 albums featuring the word "Window".

Another poll with songs from albums released in the year 2000 featuring a song from a big name in Prog and a band I like that is not in Prog Archives and with quite short songs that share some thematic element in the title. It's "Window". I have done a number of window polls over the years as my brothers and I had a running in-joke about windows (not the Microsoft OS). Question: What colour is the sky? Answer: Window. You really had to be there.

Broadcast - Unchanging Window

Geddy Lee - Window to the World

Posted By: JD
Date Posted: October 08 2021 at 17:09
Of these two, Geddy Lee - Windows to the World is my preferred track. But it not the best track from that album by far. So While the option might be Windows 95 I'll upgrade to Windows XP and then defrag the whole poll.

Thank you for supporting independently produced music

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: October 08 2021 at 17:35

I like it, but it's not my favourite track from the Broadcast album either.

I like this:

What is a favourite track of yours from that Geddy Lee album? I wouldn't mind doing one more poll with four 2000 choices, one from Geddy Lee, one from Ian Anderson, one from Broadcast, and one from Pram (since I did a Pram + Anderson poll before and would quite like to highlight some different choices all around not based on words in the titles).

EDIT: having listened to whole album now, poppy but I appreciate Slipping the most (some of the tracks sound too derivative of Rush at the time to me). Impatient me went ahead and made it without your input on the Geddy Lee song choice.

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