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If you like Camel, Tell me why

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: If you like Camel, Tell me why
Posted By: camelisawesome
Subject: If you like Camel, Tell me why
Date Posted: October 01 2021 at 10:03
So this is kind of a follow up to my last thread, but anyways I like them because they're so melodic. Theres no one else like them.

Posted By: Boojieboy
Date Posted: October 01 2021 at 13:27
It's appreciation for the music that came from the early chemistry of the band (especially Latimer, Bardens, and Ward) Being mostly instrumental helped too, even though they could sing well. They knew the instrumentation was where it was at, and only added vocals where necessary. Nothing about those years was forced or inauthentic, just natural. They also did well with volume and intensity; stronger energetic parts, beautiful quieter parts, and everything in between. There's an art to making all of that flow.

Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: October 01 2021 at 16:33
very emotional music and based mostly on simple melodies, not to say they didn't tackle complex stuff as well, but that didn't seem to be their focus.  While the vocals were rarely their strong suit, having several of them, and several songwriters, definitely helped.  At least in the early going, the guy singing was sometimes not the guy who wrote the song, so the chemistry was there for sure.  Finally, throughout their initial run, they evolved.  The first few albums might have been "classic prog" but Rain Dances and Breathless were quite daring while Stationary Traveller showed how new wave and prog could co-exist.

Just thought of something else - they weren't shy about finding a great riff and playing it to death.  Some regard that as a weakness but I like it

Posted By: Rottenprogger
Date Posted: October 01 2021 at 21:35
The thing with Camel is either you like them or you don't. They're one of those bands where there's no middle ground. 

I think they're musically amazing. 

Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: October 01 2021 at 21:50
Because I like their music.

Posted By: BrufordFreak
Date Posted: October 01 2021 at 21:56
I always found their music . . . incomplete--as if something is/was missing. Even now, in my post-parenting period of prog rebirth, I find Camel music to be little more than interesting, even tolerable; definitely what I'd call "second tier" or even early "Prog Lite." To my ears, even syrupy albums like Focus' Mother Focus or Kalaban's Resistance Is Useless seem more complex and adept than Camel music. I can't explain why--and I've owned most everything they released--on vinyl--since the 70s. Nude and "Lunar Sea" are about the only things I'll listen to for enjoyment.

Not that I don't like Camel, I do, I just don't love them.

Drew Fisher

Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: October 01 2021 at 23:14


Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 02 2021 at 02:23
'Like' is definitely about it and only the first four albums (of ones that I've heard) and mainly The Snow Goose which is unique. If they hadn't done that then I wouldn't care very much tbh. Obviously very high professional standards and useful they were all on the same page at the same time (many seventies prog bands weren't!)

Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: October 02 2021 at 02:37
One word: Moonmadness.


"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 02 2021 at 03:06
I have a very personal connection to Camel, many of their melodies, that is really hard to explain. It's like that in music, to some things there is some direct emotional connection that goes beyond what can be described in "objective" terms. Latimer and Ward of course are great instrumentalists and the line-up with Bardens, Sinclair and Collins could play circles around pretty much everyone. They have their fair share of sophistication (where they wanted to - Camel never did complexity for complexity's sake and have many things that indeed are very straight) but for sure were never the most original innovators. Still they did/do something very special. 

Posted By: ProfPanglos
Date Posted: October 04 2021 at 12:11
I agree with several here re: their melodic abilities, especially minor-key compositions, but I particularly like them because they have some of the best examples of that warm, sweet fretless bass sound (the first track of the Pressure Points live recording comes immediately to mind) - which is my favorite musical instrument.

Posted By: dr prog
Date Posted: October 04 2021 at 14:47
Great band. Probably the best guitarist I’ve heard. They’re in my top 5

All I like is prog related bands beginning late 60's/early 70's. Their music from 1968 - 83 has the composition and sound which will never be beaten. Perfect blend of jazz, classical, folk and rock.

Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: October 05 2021 at 07:34
I am the one in the middle ground on Camel. I really like the first four but just cannot connect with anything after those...

The Prog Corner

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: October 05 2021 at 07:38
Originally posted by Rottenprogger Rottenprogger wrote:

The thing with Camel is either you like them or you don't. They're one of those bands where there's no middle ground. 

I think they're musically amazing. 
I disagree. I like the first three albums, particularly The Snow Goose but nothing after Moonmadness has really grabbed me. I mean I don't dislike it, I just don't feel a need to listen to it.

Posted By: Hercules
Date Posted: October 05 2021 at 12:44
Because they have the best discography of any band and they have the best guitarist I've ever heard.
Is that a good enough reason?

A TVR is not a car. It's a way of life.

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: October 05 2021 at 12:50
Originally posted by Hercules Hercules wrote:

Because they have the best discography of any band and they have the best guitarist I've ever heard.
Is that a good enough reason?

there is no such thing as "best discography of any band". It's all subjective. 
You can say they have a lot of great albums, that would make sense. 

You also sound a bit aggressive. Geek

Posted By: Rottenprogger
Date Posted: October 05 2021 at 22:19
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

Originally posted by Rottenprogger Rottenprogger wrote:

The thing with Camel is either you like them or you don't. They're one of those bands where there's no middle ground. 

I think they're musically amazing. 
I disagree. I like the first three albums, particularly The Snow Goose but nothing after Moonmadness has really grabbed me. I mean I don't dislike it, I just don't feel a need to listen to it.

That's fair and you're more than entitled to what you enjoy.

Posted By: yogev
Date Posted: October 06 2021 at 01:12
thats it? Camel gonna Replace pink floyd popularity? I see a lot of Camel post here lately. few months ago the forum was louded with pink floyd posts.

Posted By: Chaser
Date Posted: October 06 2021 at 02:32
Andy Latimer's guitar playing is reason enough for me

Songs cast a light on you

Posted By: Rottenprogger
Date Posted: October 06 2021 at 04:12
After being blown away by Andy and Co's excellent performance on the recent LIVE FROM ROYAL ALBERT HALL DVD I completely agree with you. 

Posted By: Progishness
Date Posted: October 06 2021 at 05:19
Originally posted by yogev yogev wrote:

thats it? Camel gonna Replace pink floyd popularity?


"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: October 06 2021 at 08:10

I'm not sure that there should be a "reason" for anything, since (at times) these could be illusory and slightly subconscious and not something that any of us could successfully word for someone else.

I got into it, because the cover of the import was far out ... and I bought it, and was seriously surprised by it, and it became one of the great pieces of music that Guy Guden used in many of his shows, including Space Pirate Radio. The music was very intelligent and neat and well done, and later Guy even shared the space with Pete Bardens, who said "mighty glad to be here". I will state, just like Guy would ... that we were also MIGHTY GLAD THAT CAMEL WAS HERE!

The more important part of this is that we are not considering the time that this happened. We're talking 1974, at a time when FM radio (in Southern California) was still FREE and OPEN to a lot of music because none of the stations were owned by a vicious top ten conglomerate ... and the wide open choices of music were far out and allowed a lot of music to be heard, that otherwise would be COMPLETELY IGNORED, which was what happened 10 years later or so, when by that time all the FM stations had been bought by the Corporate Raiders, and turned them all into "classic" stations that we still listen to in the background when we are in the loo!

As such, the band getting some appreciation today would amount to a thread on PA, and 5 responses, most of them not sure what to say about it, because no one was really saying anything valuable and with it. 

Then, it was not about your comment or mine. It was about the beauty of the music, and how it was presented, and I have never forgotten that ... and enjoyed the band for many years, while folks that had never heard anything else spent their time trashing NUDE and other albums they did not understand ...

PS: (Famous Quote) "... people have stood and cheered, something they did not understand!" (Syd Barrett and it was featured in many bootlegs and PF shows in the early days!) ... 

PS2: Now do you really think that there is a reason for everything, or is it just a stoned mind that did not give cahoots about anything? Answer ... not for me!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: October 06 2021 at 11:41
I like symph prog and much of Camel's stuff falls into that category. I remember reading old prog catalogs that said such and such album was "symph prog in the Camel/Genesis vein" and so that made me curious to explore further. 

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: October 06 2021 at 11:45
Originally posted by yogev yogev wrote:

thats it? Camel gonna Replace pink floyd popularity? I see a lot of Camel post here lately. few months ago the forum was louded with pink floyd posts.

In prog circles King Crimson are probably top dog followed closely by PG era Genesis and Yes. After that there's a lot of bands up there near the top with Camel being one of them. Until recently I wouldn't say they were more popular than GG but I think at some point in the recent past they have surpassed them. PF are the most popular band that is considered prog but not necessarily the biggest in prog circles. 

Posted By: TheLionOfPrague
Date Posted: October 06 2021 at 20:24
They create some of the most beautiful atmospheres and instrumental passages. Very Floydian in that regard.
Moonmadness and Mirage are two of the greatest examples of symphonic prog around. I think they weren't super consistent, but with those two albums they had a very high peak. 

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by yogev yogev wrote:

thats it? Camel gonna Replace pink floyd popularity? I see a lot of Camel post here lately. few months ago the forum was louded with pink floyd posts.

In prog circles King Crimson are probably top dog followed closely by PG era Genesis and Yes. After that there's a lot of bands up there near the top with Camel being one of them. Until recently I wouldn't say they were more popular than GG but I think at some point in the recent past they have surpassed them. PF are the most popular band that is considered prog but not necessarily the biggest in prog circles. 

They're not the biggest but they're in the top tier with the others you mentioned.

I shook my head and smiled a whisper knowing all about the place

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: October 08 2021 at 09:23
Originally posted by TheLionOfPrague TheLionOfPrague wrote:

They create some of the most beautiful atmospheres and instrumental passages. Very Floydian in that regard.
They're not the biggest but they're in the top tier with the others you mentioned.


And THAT IS, perhaps, the best and worst issue in this whole forum ... that too many players look for "the best" or "the biggest", and they do not learn, or pick up the ability to enjoy music on their own ... it always has to be based on someone else's thoughts or ideas, or worse ... lousy comments!

Again, the main difference between now and almost 50 years ago? No lousy comments about the music and you figured out on your own, if you liked it or not, and the fact that there was so much of it around, helped you find material that was better than the pop oriented charts.

I doubt that today's audience and fans, can get their ears and noses around this thought ... certainly not visible in these posts when all someone is asking for is best or biggest.


Not sure why so many folks that come here can not get their ears around that ... the sheer number of bands mentioned should be a great example of how much great music is out there, and (these days) the "big" and the "better" are not beyond second tier quality of music in its repetition and lack of artistic abs!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Rednight
Date Posted: October 08 2021 at 10:36
The original outfit (Latimer, Bardens, Fergusan, and Ward) were a very tight foursome with an amazing rhythm section. Ward was a great drummer, to put it lightly, and Fergusan really laid down a groove. The first album showed the versatility right from the start.

"It just has none of the qualities of your work that I find interesting. Abandon [?] it." - Eno

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: October 09 2021 at 08:37
Sorry going off topic, but....

^^ Pedro, I know you have your own film review site, but, and this is not coming as a forum mod, maybe you would consider creating a topic in General Discussions as a place for you to discuss your general ideas on things. Maybe even a compendium of your posts with a little context. I even think something of that might be quite publishable as a kind of "The World According to a Moshkito" type thing. A sort of free-wheeling collection of essays and thoughts on this-and-that. I find your thinking and expression unique.

A few people here have put out books. I keep thinking that I should do something more useful with what creative talents I have than just posting at this forum (like the podcast idea and while I used to have a little comedy thing, I've long wanted to make my own proper website).

As for Camel, I like the act especially for The Snow Goose. I can't really say why it resonates with me so much, and I guess that illustrates why I never made it as a writer.

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