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TOP 20 RUSH Songs. Results!

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Topic: TOP 20 RUSH Songs. Results!
Posted By: thief
Subject: TOP 20 RUSH Songs. Results!
Date Posted: April 09 2021 at 02:34
~~~THE LIST~~~
1." rel="nofollow - Xanadu
2." rel="nofollow - La Villa Strangiato
3." rel="nofollow - 2112
4." rel="nofollow - The Camera Eye
5." rel="nofollow - Natural Science
6." rel="nofollow - YYZ
7." rel="nofollow - Freewill
8." rel="nofollow - Tom Sawyer
9." rel="nofollow - Cygnus X-1 Book I: The Voyage
10." rel="nofollow - Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres
11." rel="nofollow - A Farewell to Kings
12." rel="nofollow - Red Barchetta
13." rel="nofollow - Jacob's Ladder
14." rel="nofollow - The Analog Kid
15." rel="nofollow - The Spirit of Radio
16. tied:" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow - Subdivisions
18." rel="nofollow - By-Tor and the Snow Dog
19." rel="nofollow - Limelight
20." rel="nofollow - The Trees

We reached the end of this huge project - and it took almost 6 months this time (Genesis project dragged for ~8 months so we have some improvement) LOL
Big thanks to all of you for participation and your input. Especially the regular participants who took the effort to keep on voting no matter what: Argo2112, Catcher10, Earl of Mar, geekfreak, Gentle and Giant, Hiram, mathman0806, Necrotica, Progmind, richardh, Sacro_Porgo, someone_else, tempest_77 and Umeda Clap If I missed someone - please let me know so I fix it ASAP!

Now for some trivia:
  • following albums landed a spot(s) in this project: Moving Pictures (5), Permanent Waves (4), A Farewell to Kings (3), Hemispheres (3), Signals (2), Rush (1), Fly by Night (1), 2112 (1)
  • the most dominant win? La Villa Strangiato, hands down: 48 points against 20 (title suite of 2112)
  • the most narrow win? By-Tor and the Snow Dog edged out Limelight with 0.5 point margin (20.5 vs 20). Of course we also had a tie, but this one is obvious!
  • additional Stalwart Award goes to someone_else for championing Witch Hunt since October! First time he voted for the song as his first choice was way back in #3 poll (Oct 26) and he never quit. Impressive feat!
  • 256 ballots (or votes) in 19 threads = 13.5 ballots per thread. A wee bit less than Genesis project, but then again, Genesis is probably even BIGGER NAME around here so I'm satisfied with the turnout! Cool
I couldn't provide more specific stats because my *.xls files got lost somehow; I did the summary above manually. In any case, I'm extremely happy we managed to distill a playlist with this much quality - thank you once more!!!

TOP20 Songs" rel="nofollow - Genesis" rel="nofollow - Rush

Posted By: Umeda
Date Posted: April 09 2021 at 06:23
Nice playlist, thank you for the time and effort. Waiting for the next band!

Also, really nice to see Freewill at the top 10.

Not for rent. To any God or government.

Posted By: Argo2112
Date Posted: April 09 2021 at 07:17
Great job on this Thief!  It was a lot of fun seeing it unfold.  Thank you for putting it together.

Posted By: Gentle and Giant
Date Posted: April 09 2021 at 08:38
Well done, and a great outcome.

Oh, for the wings of any bird, other than a battery hen

Posted By: tempest_77
Date Posted: April 09 2021 at 09:23
Was very happy to be a part of this! It also got me listening to Rush a lot more recently, and I've been going through all their studio albums as a result. Can't wait to see what you have in store!

I use they/them pronouns (feel free to ask me about this!)

Check out my music on" rel="nofollow - my bandcamp !

Posted By: Hiram
Date Posted: April 09 2021 at 12:01
Cheers!! This was fun. Big thanks to thief!! I almost didn't vote on the last round but I'm glad I did so The Trees made it to the list. Big smile

edit: typo

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: April 09 2021 at 13:06
Well done Jozef!!!! Clap That was a lot fun and appreciate your efforts........Will add this as my PA~Rush Playlist.

Cheers!! Thumbs Up


Posted By: Progmind
Date Posted: April 09 2021 at 14:05
Great job Thief!!!!



Posted By: Sacro_Porgo
Date Posted: April 09 2021 at 22:14
Oh dude I feel like I don't deserve to be in that list of users in the OP cuz I kinda stopped keeping up with this project after the top ten or so. Still, I'm very happy to see the list complete and, while it's not my list, it's a good list for sure. What a fun idea!  Thanks for putting it together thief! :)

Porg for short. My love of music doesn't end with prog! Feel free to discuss all sorts of music with me. Odds are I'll give it a chance if I haven't already! :)

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: April 10 2021 at 01:56
Thank you Thief , and it was fun to participate!

I think the list more or less seems to cement the idea that Rush were on a role up to and including Signals but then lost their mojo. However I only really became a fan with the 90's albums and their musings on modern life that seemed to echo (pun intended) my own feelings. I also think Power Windows is vastly underrated but hey ho. Rush have a legacy that goes well beyond their 'classic years' so I would have liked to see that reflected in the lower rankings.

Posted By: thief
Date Posted: April 13 2021 at 00:12
I also had much fun during this project, although the height of my "Rush fever" or "cycle" was last fall, September-November roughly, and then I've had enough for some time Smile Not much of a problem because I had a very strong idea about my personal Top 20-30, even though I'm mostly familiar with 1973-85 albums (and select songs from later eras, plus Clockwork Angels).

On one hand I'm a bit bummed that not a single song from 90s-00s made the list; on the other, it was to be expected when the list is limited to 20 entries. Rush discography is so robust that we could probably go to #50 and still have many albums with no votes (maybe Hold Your Fire, Presto, Counterparts, that sort of thing). Their prime years are stellar so there's nothing strange about casual fans (like myself) revisiting 2112 B-side or Signals, rather than reaching deeper to Roll the Bones era.

But there are songs that came up so often in your votes that I'll be sure to check them thoroughly during my next Rush binge Wink

I'm not sure if I have the patience to do another project this soon, especially that there is just one band in prog "realm" that I listen to obsessively for months now (Opeth) and idk if we have fanbase large enough to cover Swedes' TOP20 without cutting the corners. Other stuff I listen to lately doesn't really fit (extreme metal, ambient, synthwave, dungeon synth etc.).

TOP20 Songs" rel="nofollow - Genesis" rel="nofollow - Rush

Posted By: tempest_77
Date Posted: April 13 2021 at 09:53
Originally posted by thief thief wrote:

I also had much fun during this project, although the height of my "Rush fever" or "cycle" was last fall, September-November roughly, and then I've had enough for some time Smile Not much of a problem because I had a very strong idea about my personal Top 20-30, even though I'm mostly familiar with 1973-85 albums (and select songs from later eras, plus Clockwork Angels).

On one hand I'm a bit bummed that not a single song from 90s-00s made the list; on the other, it was to be expected when the list is limited to 20 entries. Rush discography is so robust that we could probably go to #50 and still have many albums with no votes (maybe Hold Your Fire, Presto, Counterparts, that sort of thing). Their prime years are stellar so there's nothing strange about casual fans (like myself) revisiting 2112 B-side or Signals, rather than reaching deeper to Roll the Bones era.

But there are songs that came up so often in your votes that I'll be sure to check them thoroughly during my next Rush binge Wink

I'm not sure if I have the patience to do another project this soon, especially that there is just one band in prog "realm" that I listen to obsessively for months now (Opeth) and idk if we have fanbase large enough to cover Swedes' TOP20 without cutting the corners. Other stuff I listen to lately doesn't really fit (extreme metal, ambient, synthwave, dungeon synth etc.).

I've mentioned it before but I'd always be happy to take up the reins on a Top 20 Songs project as well; I a have a few bands that I've been thinking would be fun to explore in such a format.

I use they/them pronouns (feel free to ask me about this!)

Check out my music on" rel="nofollow - my bandcamp !

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: April 13 2021 at 10:34
Good list. I'm a little disppointed that the necromancer didn't make the list but other than that it's a very good list. Do you have a list of maybe five to ten honorable mentions? It would be interesting to see which songs were bubbling under. 

Posted By: thief
Date Posted: April 13 2021 at 10:56
Do as you wish Sir ;) If you feel like doing another project for this series, I say go for it!

When it comes to honorable mentions, I'd single out 5-7 songs that got regular backing towards the end (I didn't do maths this time, but it should be close enough):

Losing It
The Necromancer
Red Sector A
Witch Hunt
Distant Early Warning
Bastille Day

Losing It and Necromancer got votes as early as #11-13 threads. Bastille Day only showed up in #19-20 threads, but got very close so deserves a mention. I remember we had repeated votes for Animatr, Anthem and Manhattan Project, but not as numerous iirc.

TOP20 Songs" rel="nofollow - Genesis" rel="nofollow - Rush

Posted By: tempest_77
Date Posted: April 13 2021 at 12:10
Originally posted by thief thief wrote:

Do as you wish Sir ;) If you feel like doing another project for this series, I say go for it!

When it comes to honorable mentions, I'd single out 5-7 songs that got regular backing towards the end (I didn't do maths this time, but it should be close enough):

Losing It
The Necromancer
Red Sector A
Witch Hunt
Distant Early Warning
Bastille Day

Losing It and Necromancer got votes as early as #11-13 threads. Bastille Day only showed up in #19-20 threads, but got very close so deserves a mention. I remember we had repeated votes for Animatr, Anthem and Manhattan Project, but not as numerous iirc.

I actually think this that adding honorable mentions list to the playlist rounds it even better tbh—though that may be because I voted for four of these six songs ;).

I use they/them pronouns (feel free to ask me about this!)

Check out my music on" rel="nofollow - my bandcamp !

Posted By: Umeda
Date Posted: April 13 2021 at 17:38
"Losing It" is a song that doesn't fail to get some tears from me.

Not for rent. To any God or government.

Posted By: Jeffro
Date Posted: April 14 2021 at 08:03
Originally posted by Umeda Umeda wrote:

"Losing It" is a song that doesn't fail to get some tears from me.

Such a great song. Starts out very synthy and new wave and then gradually morphs into a real rocker. one of their best

We all dwell in an amber subdomain, amber subdomain, amber subdomain.

My face IS a maserati

Posted By: Earl of Mar
Date Posted: April 15 2021 at 07:47
Good list but still no Passage to Bangkok, it's almost like a running joke with the band.

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