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Fast tempo (170-220) instru songs

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Topic: Fast tempo (170-220) instru songs
Posted By: Joukahainen 72
Subject: Fast tempo (170-220) instru songs
Date Posted: March 24 2021 at 02:24

 I'm seeking some good fast paced prog instrumentals for a certain media project.
 But it's a bit hard to go through every album in every country from every year, though I'm sure there are a few!

 The specs: 1969-1983 (too garagey before, eighties sounds come ruining after '84)
 Not too dissonant and dark, more like melodic and harmonically rich.
 Like an adventurous chase in a film/story, a roller coaster ride.

 Mind you: I saw some threads in other forums concerning fast prog songs...but the results were not what I'm after. They were like intense, and fast instrument parts, but the overall beat/tempo wasn't above, say 130. Someone shredding fast doesn't make the song fast. Actually, the less fast solos, the better. So the tempos: like double feel, really.

 Couple a references comes to mind: Mafred Mann Earth Band: Countdown...or maybe Rainbow: A light in the black...or Allman Bros: Jessica. I know, not so prog genre bands...but just to show you the beat. Like hear what the drummer is doing!

 Thanks for your interest! Let's see what we might find out!

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: March 24 2021 at 03:25
I don't have anything to measure the tempo but I'm currently listening to Enigmatic Ocean pt II by Jean-Luc Ponty and it's a pretty crazy speed, certainly faster than the ones you've mentioned (although Light in the Black is not an instrumental).

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: March 24 2021 at 04:10
Quadrant 4 by Billy Cobham from the album Spectrum. No problem hearing the drummer with him!

Posted By: Crane
Date Posted: March 24 2021 at 04:28
Maybe too heavy for you but Don Caballero springs to mind. They have some faster songs, especially in their earlier material.

“Art is the recognition of the universal presence of God.” —Ernest Hello

Posted By: Spaciousmind
Date Posted: March 24 2021 at 04:38
Try Uriah Heep they have a few upbeat songs Bird of Prey or Easy Living spring to mind.  Since you mentioned Rainbow then look at Deep Purple they have few like Highway Star or Burn.  Thin Lizzy The Rocker.  Or ZZ Top not prog but they made their life around upbeat.

Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: March 24 2021 at 05:38
Arubaluba by Camel is very fun and fast paced, the Spider by Kansas,


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