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Jamel AKA Jamal Reaction

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Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 14:31
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Topic: Jamel AKA Jamal Reaction
Posted By: Catcher10
Subject: Jamel AKA Jamal Reaction
Date Posted: March 10 2021 at 14:57
I watch his reactions several times a week, he has a good selection of genres and seems to be always on point with his reactions. He also seems to pick up on why people like a song, meanings behind a song and enjoys them quite a lot. 
I also find him pretty genuine guy, nothing really over the top normally, unlike some of the other reaction videos I have seen, he also is a trend setter. After a popular reaction you will see the others doing the same one. Plus he is a huge Rush fan now Thumbs Up

Last night he posted he just heard the greatest song ever, it was not till much later the reaction video was posted, he thought it might get blocked, it has not.

Enjoy.......Yes~Close to the Edge Clap


Posted By: zwordser
Date Posted: March 22 2021 at 15:44
Cool, I was about to post this on an old "Reaction Videos" thread, but I found this.

His "Bold statement" is that Close To The Edge was "...The BEST song I ever heard! I didn't want it to end..."

And you can tell he's really into it.


Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: March 23 2021 at 04:35
Great! Thanks for putting this up (for as long as it stays, indeed). I've watched a couple of his reaction videos (especially the one on Hocus Pocus by Focus is great too!) and generally he has a great take on the music - he knows what he is talking about and how to talk about it.
But here... He's just flabbergasted! Wonderful to see his looks, gestures, facial expressions throughout the track: he's going from surprise to surprise and from amazement to amazement! Wonderful to see.


The razamataz is a pain in the bum

Posted By: JD
Date Posted: March 23 2021 at 05:28
I've watched a few of these types of videos over the years. A classical pianist listening to ELP's America/Rondo or Jamal hearing Lucky Man for the first time. (see below)

So is this the new 'Living Vicariously Through Others' for many of us who grew up with this music but have not been able to recapture those feeling of wonderment? I know I haven't had that feeling since first hearing Spock's Beard back in 1995. While I've certainly listened to music that I really enjoy since then, I can't recall being as pleasantly surprised as I was with them at the time.

Thank you for supporting independently produced music

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: March 23 2021 at 18:18
Jamal's point is to "keep great music alive..." I think that is great, and yes there are multiple genres he reacts to on his channel. It is very heavy to classic rock and prog, but growing up listening to hip-hop/rap as he says, this new music to him is helping him understand where a lot of today's music comes from.

I think it is very cool......the Lost In Vegas guys also do great work.


Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: March 24 2021 at 16:03
Jamal is cool and we should invite him to this site. We need profiled fans of music on here.

I watche him often but mostly i watch JustJP, he listens while not interrupting songs (he ranks Jamal as top 1 reaction people though so hes also influenced by mr Trendsetter Jamal). Justin and Jamal eclipses imo Andy and Alex, they are nice but their cluelessness is somtimes too anoying ang gnarling.

So to me my favourite Youtubers/reactors of music aka saviours during covid is

JustJP, Jamal and Rick Beato


Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: March 24 2021 at 16:21
^I second JustJP. Very honest and nice person. I've been watching his channel going back to when he was with another gentleman on the JPMP channel (I think the other guy's name was Manny?). Another channel that I recently started watching off and on is Welp Here We Are On YouTube.

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: March 25 2021 at 09:40
Originally posted by Icarium Icarium wrote:

Jamal is cool and we should invite him to this site. We need profiled fans of music on here.

I watche him often but mostly i watch JustJP, he listens while not interrupting songs (he ranks Jamal as top 1 reaction people though so hes also influenced by mr Trendsetter Jamal). Justin and Jamal eclipses imo Andy and Alex, they are nice but their cluelessness is somtimes too anoying ang gnarling.

So to me my favourite Youtubers/reactors of music aka saviours during covid is

JustJP, Jamal and Rick Beato
Great idea!! Would love to see Jamal and JustJP here. Clap

I also am liking the analysis reactors like The Daily Doug and The Charismatic Voice, although she can be a bit too much with her reaction in general and too much talking, but I do like some of her vocal analysis. Daily Doug he is cool as he discusses musical technicality very similar to Rick Beato, I like him a lot too.


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