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Need help identifying 1980s space/ambient song

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Topic: Need help identifying 1980s space/ambient song
Posted By: progaardvark
Subject: Need help identifying 1980s space/ambient song
Date Posted: February 13 2021 at 11:18
While converting some cassettes I recorded on back in the 1980s, I found this unmarked cassette in which I recorded this almost 30-minute long, four part suite of keyboard music which I presume is in the space/ambient area of electronic music. The song was recorded off the radio from a program called Stars End and broadcasted on WPXN in Philadelphia. I believe I recorded this between 1985 and 1987. 

Shazam, Musixmatch, and Audio Tag were unable to identify the song. I tried parts of all four sections. Stars End still exists, but only has playlists going back to 1996 on their website. I may try contacting them next, but it doesn't sound like any of their DJs from that period are still with the program.

The recording quality is subpar, given that it's a cheap cassette and recorded off the radio and subject to the whims of the atmosphere.

Any help with identifying this is much appreciated. Otherwise, enjoy if this is a style you appreciate." rel="nofollow -

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Posted By: TheH
Date Posted: February 13 2021 at 12:49

Sounds a bit like Ian Tescee. I think his first album IO was a four piece album.

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: February 15 2021 at 07:24
^Thanks. I'll look for that album and see if anything matches. Thanks for taking the time to listen.

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
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Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: February 17 2021 at 11:52
Just as a follow up to this post. Chuck van Zyl, who is the current host of Star's End, contacted me via Facebook and informed me that the mystery track posted above is called "The Keeper" and it was released by Mark Shreeve on his debut album Embryo released in 1980 on cassette and later reissued on CD in 1998.

Mark Shreeve is in the PA database here:" rel="nofollow -

It looks like his discography needs an update, so later this week I'll try and remedy this by adding the missing releases.

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that's a happy bag of lettuce
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