This is my third post on this awesome forum. He will be a little about thinking and asking a question for you.
Recently, I have become more selective in my musical preferences. But until recently, I was consuming music on a gigantic scale. Moreover, I got to know music chaotically, whenever I liked, without taking into account the mood, time of day and the place where I was. But it was not always so.
Back in the era of CDs, it was different. Yes, I still found the time when we did not have the Internet in Ukraine and we bought cassettes and CDs. It was very interesting then when you got your hands on a new album. I listened to it most often alone, this is the only way to properly appreciate the music. I retired, in the afternoon or more often in the evening in my room, turned on the disc, and listened to it from beginning to end.
Was cool. I liked a lot of things. Of course, then my taste was still forming.
But with the advent of the Internet, everything became available. The music collection was expanding, the albums began to scroll after listening for 30-40 seconds. So I was looking for something that could hook me.
Time passed and this availability left its mark.
No, I certainly didn’t fall out of love with music, but listening to such an amount led to a certain apathy. It seemed that it would never end without something new. And only now, after 20 years of passion for music (I soon turned 36), I began to think that it was time to stop.
When is it necessary? What am I running for, or what?
I am haunted by the fear of missed opportunities.
When I listen to 1-2 songs and I really like them, I immediately want to download the entire discography of the artist, which in very rare cases I listen completely.
Fear of missed opportunities is when you see how much is available around you, and you are afraid of missing out on something important. But if you think about it seriously, I will never listen to all the music :)
And also these habits - go to the site "...." add 10-20 albums to bookmarks, download them, listen. As if someone is forcing me to do it. Obsession.
And so the music collection has been collecting for years. And only now I started revising it and realized that a lot is no longer a pleasure. And that's probably okay. After all, our preferences change with age.
I used to listen to Heavy / Power / Thrash / Alternative metal music. But for 5 years now my main genres are Progressive Metal / Progressive Rock.
And what I discovered is that I began to consume less music, get rid of past preferences more, but Progressive music lives in me.
I like neo-prog, post rock more and more. And now I am bringing my text to completion: quite recently, while organizing my music collection, I asked myself: I wonder how other connoisseurs of progressive music listen to music? Do they have special listening rituals (time of day, location, with headphones or speakers)? How is their listening algorithm built?
In addition to these considerations, below I will give a list of questions to which I would be interested to get an answer from you:
Do you have special rituals for listening to new music or a long-awaited album of your favorite band?
what are the criteria for choosing new music? (does the name of the band, album, cover play an important role?) do you read reviews, and can they be a real indicator that you should definitely listen to some album?
I began to think that I should reconsider my chaotic music consumption algorithm. After all, I feel that I am doing something wrong, not rationally.
After all, you cannot judge the music, the artist by the cover or one track listened to on YouTube. Maybe you should pay attention to user reviews, ratings?
Speaking of ratings, I recently listened to the top 100 albums in various subgenres of progressive rock according to progarchives. What we liked and what not.
Probably worth uploading already :)
I apologize for such a large text and translation from google translator.
I would be glad if there are those who would like to share their thoughts on the topic I raised and answer questions.
Thanks for attention.