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Post rock playlist for morning and focus at work

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Topic: Post rock playlist for morning and focus at work
Posted By: Foliant
Subject: Post rock playlist for morning and focus at work
Date Posted: December 22 2020 at 13:18
Hello everybody!

Please help me put together a selection / playlist of music in the genres Post rock / Post metal / Experimental / Math rock, which would be good for listening in the morning.
I understand that the morning is different :) and that everyone has their own. But maybe there are admirers of this genre among you.

Lately I've gotten tired of having to make constant choices and answer the question "what would I like to listen to?" I would like to facilitate this choice, to collect a large playlist that would not get boring to listen to in the morning.

In the morning I most often want to recharge with energy, wake up, I want something energetic, but it doesn't have to be Thrash metal or Speed ​​/ Power metal 😃
In this topic, we are talking about progressive music, which invigorates, inspires, from which you want to create something.

One hour of music is enough for this. And then it's time to work. Now I work as a freelancer, my office is my home.

I want to put together a playlist that combines morning progressive music and music for focus, learning, work.
Below is an example of my playlist, which I sometimes launch when I wake up. True, there is mixed with tracks, under which it is good to focus. These are my favorite songs.

Intervals - Touch And Go
Intervals -The Waterfront
Distant Dream - Sleeping Waves
Distant Dream - Waiting For Silence
Atoma - Cloud Nine
God Is An Astronaut - All Is Violent, All Is Bright
Halocraft - Chains For The Sea
Halocraft - In Orbit
Human Factor - A.L.F
Human Factor - Longyear
Siberia - Lost In Wars
Toundra - Pleamar
Sparrow - Can't Be Back
Sparrow - South

P.S. The playlist is mostly instrumental music, as vocals are distracting when you need to focus. But if you have music in others
progressive genres that helps you focus on work, school, you can write about it too.
Thank you.

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