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Problems with iTunes

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Topic: Problems with iTunes
Posted By: rushfan4
Subject: Problems with iTunes
Date Posted: September 21 2020 at 10:58
I am an iPod, iPad, and iPhone user and I have converted all of my CDs to MP3 format.  I use iTunes to store and play my music.  I am comfortable with the format and it generally has worked well for me.  For the past 6 months to a year, I have been having problems with it constantly crashing when I add new CDs to it or if I edit labels.  Does anybody else have a similar problem?  I don't know if it is because I have too much music on my system or if it is an iTunes problem.  As far as I can tell I am on the latest version.  I've tried troubleshooting on the Apple website, but have not found anyone with a similar problem, and the only "Solution" that seems to be offered is to make sure you have the most recent edition, which I have.  I'm starting to think that it is time to switch to a different music player, but it would have to be one that is compatible with Apple products.


Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: September 21 2020 at 11:47
I'm on iTunes as well, they stopped really supporting people like us who rip their collections to hard drives and synch to the iPod. They're only really interested in streaming services. I haven't experienced your problem but I've had lots of glitchy stuff going over the last couple of years. I'm getting to the point of switching too.

I have around 2,100 albums on my iTunes as a reference point.


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: September 21 2020 at 14:23
It's weird.  After I convert a new album, I hit shift-ctrl-n to create a new playlist.  This might work 2 or 3 times, but on the 3rd or 4th try, I get the spinning wheel and then iTunes shuts down.  I usually restart and go on my merry way, but it is annoying.  The same think happens when I purchase digital downloads and add them to iTunes.  Those are worse though, because I usually end up editing the descriptions (I don't like when they say (Live) or (demo) or crap like that.  I just like the song title).  If I download a live album with 20 songs that say (live) on them it might shut down 3 times while I am editing out the (lives).  As I said it is mostly just annoying.  

I have more than 2,100 albums on there.  I should probably just delete a bunch of the playlists or the music that I rarely listen to and just load it when I want to listen to it, but that would be kind of annoying too.  I suppose since I also have a Spotify account, I could always just delete things that are on Spotify and only keep things in iTunes that I can't find on Spotify....but that could be a lot of work.  The probably with switching to a new music player is that I would likely have to set up all of the playlists again.  

Or I can just do away with all the playlists and start using the album feature.  This doesn't always work that well for me though as sometimes with downloads I might have one or two songs from a compilation, so when I downloaded the album, I only bought the songs that I didn't have.  Sometimes it was cheaper that way, but then the only way to play the whole album is to create a playlist.  I suppose I could just leave those albums as playlists.  Ugh....1st world problems.  OuchLOL


Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: September 21 2020 at 14:27
Ashen Lights


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