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Why Music Used To Be Better ♬

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Category: Other music related lounges
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Topic: Why Music Used To Be Better ♬
Posted By: glrecs
Subject: Why Music Used To Be Better ♬
Date Posted: July 04 2020 at 01:11

Why music used to be better ? 

Is music indeed getting worse ?

I would like to hear your thoughts on this subject.

Posted By: Hrychu
Date Posted: July 04 2020 at 09:57
It's not. It's just more diverse and therefore it's easier to stumble upon garbage during one's musical journey than let's say in the 70s. :) There were no PCs back then, no DAWs. Not everybody could just sit down and make music. Now, it's way easier to get into this whole music making. Hip hop, Dubstep, Disco Polo. There are more genres, and many of these do have a very "good results with low effort" kinda thing to them.


Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: July 04 2020 at 10:15
The whole process of recording as a GROUP in the studio has been lost. Today young bands don't know what that means as they have never been exposed to it. Everything they have done has been in their bedrooms and then emailing files to each other, then mixed together. Computers allow you to "correct" any faults and dissect a music file and easily rearrange it. Working to make a song right does not exist anymore, not that "right" is a good description. A lot of music today is very bland in emotion...

There is a lot of soul and heart missing in music can hear it.


Posted By: TCat
Date Posted: July 04 2020 at 10:25
Music is not getting worse.  People are just getting lazier and not putting time into listening to it or not searching hard enough.  There is more great music out there than ever before, it's just that you have to search through a lot more of it to find that which appeals to you and also not expect everything to sound like your old favorites.  Not all of it is done in bedrooms or garages either, there are still plenty of entire bands out there with their hearts in the right place.  Open your mind and take some time.

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Posted By: Grumpyprogfan
Date Posted: July 04 2020 at 12:23
Originally posted by TCat TCat wrote:

Music is not getting worse.  People are just getting lazier and not putting time into listening to it or not searching hard enough.  There is more great music out there than ever before, it's just that you have to search through a lot more of it to find that which appeals to you and also not expect everything to sound like your old favorites.  Not all of it is done in bedrooms or garages either, there are still plenty of entire bands out there with their hearts in the right place.  Open your mind and take some time.
This is so accurate. I am always amazed at the amount of talent and great music that is being played now. Last year was one of the best ever for new releases. Also, there are plenty of bands that record live in the studio with minimal overdubs.

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