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Can't Register a Profile

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Category: Site News, Newbies, Help and Improvements
Forum Name: Report bugs here
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Topic: Can't Register a Profile
Posted By: Quirky Turkey
Subject: Can't Register a Profile
Date Posted: May 10 2020 at 02:59
My friend is attempting to make a profile on progarchives but keeps getting this error after filling the fields in correctly:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e21'

Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.

/forum/register.asp, line 1210 

I tested myself and the same thing. Anyone else finding this? How do we go about fixing it?

Posted By: Quirky Turkey
Date Posted: May 10 2020 at 03:07
Also, the site is not secure at the moment...

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: May 10 2020 at 04:51
Just tried it and successfully registered. While the message is problematic and not that immediately helpful to regular users, I can't reproduce it at the moment. Also, our webmaster is not present very often so I don't know if it will be fixed if it's systematic.

Since it cleared for me, if it was a time issue maybe he can try again. Also, I'd be careful if he's using any non standard characters in the values he might be using when entering any of the form fields. We had trouble in the past with those when they were cyrillic or maybe some other symbols.

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: May 10 2020 at 06:43
Hmm, what name was he trying to use? That error code means trying to insert too much data in to a field, there must be a limit on the length of a user name, assuming it was that causing the issue.

Posted By: Quirky Turkey
Date Posted: May 10 2020 at 06:57
Tried again without linking to an external picture as an avatar, and instead using one of the default ones. It worked, so that may have been the problem. Thanks for your responses

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