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Topic: In memory of Luis SepulvedaPosted By: jamesbaldwin
Subject: In memory of Luis Sepulveda
Date Posted: April 17 2020 at 08:06
Y la lucha seguirà hasta cerrar las venas abiertas de America Latina
In memory of Luis Sepulved, here's to you FUORI CAMPO (Off-Field) an Italian song
written and performed
by Modena City Ramblers & Luis Sepulveda (Recited voice in Spanish)
Fuori campo Fuori schermo Fuori giro Fuori governo Niente titoli né clamore Oltre il cerchio del riflettore Niente voce Niente stato Niente borsa Niente mercato Fuori dall'attualità Da progresso e modernità
Fuori gara Fuori tempo Fuori strada Fuori centro Dai giornali e dalla storia Uno scherzo della memoria
Niente affari E investimenti Niente soldi Né giacimenti Privilegi da godere Niente luci, niente potere
Las venas abiertas de America Latina tienen muchos nombres se llaman huasipungo en Ecuador latifundio y explotaciòn en Colombia estaño y soledad en Bolivia en Costa Rica se llaman United Fruit y explotaciòn en Cuba, el burdel de America y explotaciòn en Chile mineros masacrados y explotaciòn en Argentina la primera dictatura militar pero un ioven empezaba un largo camino en motocicleta para conocer el corazòn de un continente su nombre era Ernesto Guevara y màs tarde serìa conocido como el Che.. En Centro America en Guatemala siempre hay una de las ideas de Arbenz en Mexico se cobija bajo una revoluciòn traicionada y alli germina el sueño de una nueva revoluciòn a los dos anhos en Cuba se esucha la segunda deliberaciòn de La Habana y ahora la historia tendrà que contar con los pobres de America.
En Bolivia el general Torres encabeza un gobierno popular y en Perù Velasco encabeza un goberno popular en Brasil Joao Goulart encabeza un goberno popular y en Chile se impone el Venceremos y comienza el sueño de los mil dias de Allende que termina con la larga noche tràgica de la dictatura. Pero la lucha sigue.. Dijo el Che: si caigo que otras manos recojan mi fucil y continuen el combate. y lo prosiguen en Nicaragua eò Frente Sandinista de Liberaciòn Nacional en El Salvador el Frente Farabundo Marti de Liberaciòn. La esperanza sigue.. En Chile el Frente Patriòtico Manuel Rodriguez y en Chiapas el Ejèrcito Zapatista de Liberaciòn Nacional. Y la lucha seguirà hasta cerrar las venas abiertas de America Latina
Hasta siempre, Luis Sepulveda
------------- Amos Goldberg (professor of Genocide Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem): Yes, it's genocide. It's so difficult and painful to admit it, but we can no longer avoid this conclusion.
Replies: Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: April 17 2020 at 14:06
Y la lucha seguirà hasta cerrar las venas abiertas de America Latina
Loosely translated on Google, but if I am interpreting this right, this is the same sentiment with all of Latin America since the 1400's and probably before!
(And the fight will continue until the open veins of Latin America are closed .)
The only sad thing, for me, about all this, is that too much of "progressive music" these days is so meaningless that it tends to hide and hurt a lot of music at its start, which was quite political and was very socially aware and concerned. I've been criticized and threatened by a couple of folks because I said that 20th Century Schizoid Megalomaniac is about a lot of folks that have greed, hate and destruction in their veins ... and Latin America has been raped for 600 years and it needs to be stopped!
I'll put "Carcara" by Maria Betania (Brazil) next to this any day ... it was, in many ways, the first preview of what we would eventually see in "Apocalypse Now" ...
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: Barbu
Date Posted: April 17 2020 at 15:06
Very sad news indeed.
A great man and a fantastic author.
Posted By: jamesbaldwin
Date Posted: April 17 2020 at 18:26
moshkito wrote:
Y la lucha seguirà hasta cerrar las venas abiertas de America Latina
Loosely translated on Google, but if I am interpreting this right, this is the same sentiment with all of Latin America since the 1400's and probably before!
(And the fight will continue until the open veins of Latin America are closed .)
The only sad thing, for me, about all this, is that too much of "progressive music" these days is so meaningless that it tends to hide and hurt a lot of music at its start, which was quite political and was very socially aware and concerned. I've been criticized and threatened by a couple of folks because I said that 20th Century Schizoid Megalomaniac is about a lot of folks that have greed, hate and destruction in their veins ... and Latin America has been raped for 600 years and it needs to be stopped!
I'll put "Carcara" by Maria Betania (Brazil) next to this any day ... it was, in many ways, the first preview of what we would eventually see in "Apocalypse Now" ...
You are right.
I was born in 1970 and so I could not enjoy the Youth Movement of the Seventies that in Italy was very politicized and connected to prog groups like Area, Banco and PFM. At that time prog and politics went hand in hand, in Italy.
------------- Amos Goldberg (professor of Genocide Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem): Yes, it's genocide. It's so difficult and painful to admit it, but we can no longer avoid this conclusion.
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: April 18 2020 at 02:37
jamesbaldwin wrote:
You are right.
I was born in 1970 and so I could not enjoy the Youth Movement of the Seventies that in Italy was very politicized and connected to prog groups like Area, Banco and PFM. At that time prog and politics went hand in hand, in Italy.
The same sentiment goes for a lot of Africa that even caused a sensation when one quote from a play ("Marat/Sade") was so on it, as to implicate the control of the industrial European folks and their "greed', since there was no more gold to mine in Europe, unless you went after the Vatican! A little different gold, but what the heck!
The fact was that what was happening in Africa was very loud and clear in Europe (England? ... nahhh ... they were too busy with Beatles and Rolling Stones!) ... but in places like America, where you do not have a contrary publishing company with different political opinions, you are not going to find a lot of knowledge and understanding for what happened ... it was very tough for me who had been looking at PARIS MATCH and LONDON TIMES, to all of a sudden see something else being written (complete polar opposite, too!) about the same event in all American newspapers!
The comment by the Marquis de Sade in that play is that only a revolution would get a result ... because "the rich will not let go of their goods without a fight!" ... and it went on and on, for many centuries.
I wish that there was more of this around here, but "fans" don't like politics ... usually they only like their top ten and continuously vote for it!
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!