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Complete major label collections

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Topic: Complete major label collections
Posted By: LAM-SGC
Subject: Complete major label collections
Date Posted: March 22 2020 at 06:21
Occasionally, I wonder if there is any collector out there who has a complete Deutsche Grammophon collection or HMV collection or some other massive classical music label.

But also massive pop music labels too, Polydor, EMI and so on?

However, I obviously mean consumer collectors, not record company staff or music libraries etc.

I know there are people with complete collections of Vertigo, Stiff, 4AD etc.

But I wonder about this because I wonder how far and how deep seated the collecting instinct is.
I mean is there some complete 122 year DG Collection out there in private hands?

I'd love to think that somewhere in Germany, someone maintains such a collection in a house in the country. And has an open Day once a year :)    

Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: March 22 2020 at 07:15
I knew a guy in Glasgow who owned the entire Vertigo Records catalogue up until they changed the logo from the swirly spiral to one featuring a spaceship designed by Roger Dean in 1973. Why he stopped adding to his collection at that point is probably only really understood by the mental health profession.  (He was sectioned shortly thereafterConfused)


Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: March 22 2020 at 07:17
Haven´t heard about anybody. I have a friend who has 16 000 vinyls, he´s a big Beatles-fan, have to ask does he has everything from the apple-label (have some doubts even that).

Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: March 22 2020 at 08:46
If I was wealthy and ambitious enough I would probably try to do this with a couple labels. Although I doubt these would qualify as "major".

Alternative Tentacles

In your Deutsch Grammophon fantasy, does this cover all release formats? Or just 1 version of each release? Would this collector be required to have all the equipment required to play back that media?

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Posted By: LAM-SGC
Date Posted: March 22 2020 at 09:46
Originally posted by Tapfret Tapfret wrote:

If I was wealthy and ambitious enough I would probably try to do this with a couple labels. Although I doubt these would qualify as "major".

Alternative Tentacles

In your Deutsch Grammophon fantasy, does this cover all release formats? Or just 1 version of each release? Would this collector be required to have all the equipment required to play back that media?

Sufficient with 1 version of each release, preferably vinyl. Before that of course shellac was the only option.
But I would limit the date of my own DG collection to the introduction of the vinyl LP.

And absolutely the equipment has to be there to play them on.

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: March 22 2020 at 09:53
I am personally collecting all and every Columbia release I come across

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: LAM-SGC
Date Posted: March 22 2020 at 09:53
Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

I knew a guy in Glasgow who owned the entire Vertigo Records catalogue up until they changed the logo from the swirly spiral to one featuring a spaceship designed by Roger Dean in 1973. Why he stopped adding to his collection at that point is probably only really understood by the mental health profession.  (He was sectioned shortly thereafterConfused)

I understand that completely, the visual for me in collecting records is as important as the sound.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: March 22 2020 at 10:07

I don't quite do any labels, as I am too spread out ... but when I was getting into "progressive" music, the two labels that I started on were:

And NO ... it is impossible to get them "complete".


Both were extremely different in their releases and had a very wide range of tastes. ECM, in those days, if you take out Keith Jarrett, the list is one of the largest international cast you will ever find, and it put together some really far out things.

One film, won a Best Film Oscar for Foreign Film (unbelievable that it happened, but it did!) and it featured music by Terje Rypdal and Jan Garbarek (his experimental period) ... and it was beautifully used in the film, despite us all knowing that the whole thing was going to end up sad!

Harvest was fun, since things were all over the place. But I still have all of them but miss a couple that I let go ... at the time I did not care for East of Eden, and hearing some of it now? An English Quicksilver is my first thought! And I still play a lot of things from it ... Kevin, Roy, Edgar Broughton Band, Third Ear Band, Capability Brown, Flash ... the list just keeps going ... and LATER, Harvest even put out Triumvirat, Cherubin, Kayak and other bands from Europe!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: March 22 2020 at 15:03
I think it would be cool to have all the Vertigo or all the Charisma stuff..or Harvest as some one said....but I don't know anyone like that.
I did have a friend who died over 12 years ago...he had a massive collection on vinyl and cd....but he never tried to buy  all on a specific label.

btw....Not that it matters to anyone...but I really miss him..a great friend who turned me on to many great bands and music labels. He was a true fan of music...all kinds.

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: LAM-SGC
Date Posted: March 22 2020 at 17:51
Actually though, the proggiest "indie" label, as it was back in the day, was Virgin. Just have a look at the prog giants in their 70s stable.

Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: March 22 2020 at 18:13
My eldest brother collected everything from the Krautrock labels Ohr (Ear), Pilz (Mushroom) and Kosmische Kuriere (Cosmic Couriers). He bought them all when they came out (he was in his early teens then and quite the rebel). Since he only listens to jazz and classical music these days he gave his vinyl collection to us.


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

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