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Create Your Own Prefab Sprout Album

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Topic: Create Your Own Prefab Sprout Album
Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Subject: Create Your Own Prefab Sprout Album
Date Posted: February 19 2020 at 14:04
If you Swoon when you hear Prefab Sprout's superb Steve McQueen album whilst travelling along the road From Langley Park to Memphis, you might want to listen to some Protest Songs on the way while you try and figure out what their Jordan: The Comeback album is all about before you reach your Andromeda Heights destination. You might want to read a western adventure novel on the way featuring The Gunman and Other Stories while I Trawl the Megahertz listening to some more great songs on the radio, so Let's Change the World to Music together and have a listen to Crimson/Red by Prefab Sprout for a change instead of Red by King Crimson. Smile
Yes, it's make your own album time again, and this time it's the turn of Prefab Sprout, following in the wake of  the Alan Parsons Project, Kate Bush and Tears for Fears. The usual rules apply:-  Choose one favourite song from each of the ten albums listed below to create your own personalised album of ten favourite Prefab Sprout  songs. Remember, it's one song per album. Smile
Alternatively, if you want to skip Prefab Sprout's relatively weak "Swoon" debut, you can choose two songs from the double album "Jordan: The Comeback" instead to make your album up to ten songs in total. Smile
1." rel="nofollow - - Steve McQueen (1985)
3." rel="nofollow - - Protest Songs (1989)
5." rel="nofollow - - Andromeda Heights (1997)
7." rel="nofollow - - I Trawl the Megahertz  (2003)
9." rel="nofollow - - Crimson/Red   (2013)
You can link directly to the track listings on Wikipedia simply by clicking on the album titles above. Smile

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: February 20 2020 at 07:26
Side One
1. When Love Breaks Down (Steve McQueen)
2. Cars and Girls (From Langley Park to Memphis)
3. Life of Surprises (Protest Songs)
4. Looking for Atlantis (Jordan: The Comeback)
5. We Let the Stars Go (Jordan: The Comeback)

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: February 22 2020 at 11:39
Side Two
6. Electric Guitars (Andromeda Heights)
7. Cowboy Dreams (The Gunman & Other Stories)
8. I Trawl the Megahertz (I Trawl the Megahertz)
9. Earth: The Story So Far (Let's Change the World with Music)
10. The Best Jewel Thief in the World (Crimson/Red)

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: February 22 2020 at 14:10
The Prefab Sprout bootleg video album - only available from me at an exorbitant black market price. Tongue
1. The King of Rock & Roll (From Langley Park to Memphis)
2. I Remember That (From Langley Park to Memphis)
3. Hey Manhattan (From Langley Park to Memphis)
4. Carnival 2000 (Jordan: The Comeback)
5. The Sound of Crying (A Life of Surprises)
6. A Prisoner of the Past (Andromeda Heights)

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: April 01 2021 at 08:24
I was beginning to think I was the only one here who had an Appetite for Prefab Sprout, until they were highly praised in a recent thread, but I've lost the thread now - not for the first time, it has to be said. Embarrassed

Posted By: irrelevant
Date Posted: April 02 2021 at 09:53
Hey, Swoon is really good man (and borderline prog it should be mentioned)

Yet to hear their 21st century stuff, so I can't complete the game...


But I love me some Sprout!

-------------" rel="nofollow - New album!" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: April 02 2021 at 10:56
Originally posted by irrelevant irrelevant wrote:

Hey, Swoon is really good man (and borderline prog it should be mentioned)

Yet to hear their 21st century stuff, so I can't complete the game...


But I love me some Sprout!

Despite the boxy 'home demo' production, Swoon still remains the finest collection of songs in Paddy McAloon's distinguished career and seldom shifts from my own top ten albums of all time.


Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: April 02 2021 at 11:00
Originally posted by irrelevant irrelevant wrote:

Hey, Swoon is really good man (and borderline prog it should be mentioned)

Yet to hear their 21st century stuff, so I can't complete the game...


But I love me some Sprout!

I have a large helping of Prefab Sprout's music in my CD collection, although I can't stand Brussels sprouts. Tongue
Oddly, Swoon is the only Prefab Sprout album I dislike, but I was hooked from the Steve McQueen album onwards. Thumbs Up

Faron Young

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